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syeda bukhary


New Recruit

Jul 1, 2008
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Thosewho deny freedom to others,deserve it not 4 themeselves and under a just "GOD"
cannot long retain it.... People around the world r caught by a bizarre spiral of violance. It seems that peace is allergic 2 the present world. Human Rights r only confined2 the UN Charter.The grave violations of human rights in Kashmir, Iraq, Labenan revel how very selfcenterd and power hungry we have become.My sole purpose of writing abt the atrocities in these places is not ,because I am a Muslim and cannot bear the massacre of Muslims.If the same brutalities had been done by Muslims. I would have raused voice against them.too. The reason is that being a human being,we should cherish a light of justice,freedom and love everywhere.I also fear that if this massive abuse of human right is not stoppednow, then 2 the agony of vengeane will pose a threat 2 the state of peace tomorrow.....:pakistan:
^^True indeed, very well defined in brief words.
You definately have a kind heart but most of the people in this world are brought up with different environment and we cannot change those creatures.

I'm afraid in comming days matters will become even more complicated.

Well come to the forum.
definitely true!
most of people around us are wolf in shape of humans and if you wont act like a wolf, you will be victimized!
how do i change my country?

its not the same as it used to be:(
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