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Do India's Space Program and Mars Mission Make Sense?

First, you are making claims without citing any data or evidence.

Second, even if all your claims regarding Pakistan are accurate, does it mean that India's social indicators are better than Sub-Saharan Africa's?

Third, if after checking you find that India is no better than sub-Saharan Africa in social indicators, would you still argue that the money is better spent on space program rather than nutrition, education and health care of ordinary Indians?

Here's an excerpt of a UNICEF report:

In the public imagination, the home of the malnourished child is sub-Saharan Africa. But the league tables clearly show that the worst-affected region is not Africa but South Asia. Just over 30% of Africa's children are underweight, but the corresponding figure for South Asia is over 50%. And in Bangladesh and India, the proportion of children malnourished is very significantly higher than in even the poorest countries of the sub-Sahara.

Commentary: The Asian enigma


Personal views are backed by substantial credible data showing India is worse off than sub_saharan Africa. Its first priority should be to feed its people and provide them with basic sanitation.

UN, Indian Officials Agree India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene

No of hungry people in India falling but rising in Pakistan: Report - Economic Times

The Failed States Index 2013 | The Fund for Peace

Rising poverty in Pakistan

Below the line: Increasing poverty affecting 40% population, says report – The Express Tribune

“Urban poverty is on a persistent rise in Pakistan” | Your Commonwealth

The Fund for Peace

Read this and weep.

And, your favourite subject: Toilets.

Toilet facilities — a luxury for most Pakistanis – The Express Tribune
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@RiazHaq - where are your replies to legitamte questions here? or are you just "post and run" kind of troll?

the questions:

why should there be a SUPARCO when people in Pakistan are hungry?
why should Pakistan have any funding for any pure science research at all?
why should pakistan spend on lavish religious/political buildings when the people are hungry?
The constant reference to Indian poverty is quite unfair. It is human instinct to search for food, clothing and shelter first but that does not mean we should abandon our future.

Poor families will often eat less so they can buy pen and paper for the children. People recognise that alongside basic needs, every person needs hope too, otherwise what's the point of the struggle?

I am sure any Indian would spare that 5 rupees for the pride and the progress of their nation. I am sure every single Bangladeshi and Pakistani here would too - anyone who denies this is just being vindictive.

:yahoo: Well Done Indians - once again you have set a benchmark for the rest of us to beat. :yahoo:
Dont add Bangladesh in your post.
Bangladesh and Bangladeshis are completely unlike Pakistanis. Generally a far more forward looking people. Mark my words, in 20 years Bangladesh will surpass Pakistan in all economic parameters despite being a smaller country in size and resources and a quadruple population density.
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@RiazHaq - where are your replies to legitamte questions here? or are you just "post and run" kind of troll?

the questions:

why should there be a SUPARCO when people in Pakistan are hungry?
why should Pakistan have any funding for any pure science research at all?
why should pakistan spend on lavish religious/political buildings when the people are hungry?

First, Pakistan has a lot fewer hungry people as percentage of its population than India. Just look up World Hunger Index compiled by IFPRI each year.

India still far behind in the Global Hunger Index - The Hindu

Second, I have posted significant amount of data with comments to make my points here in this thread. So there's no "post and run". Nor do I personally attack or abuse anyone who disagrees with me.

Third, it's obvious you don't understand the difference between having a basic space program to do useful research vs a multi-billion dollar prestige program building and launching vehicles. There's a lot of low-cost research you can do by using data from satellites already launched by others like NASA and ESA and orbiting in space.

Pakistan has an active space program with many space scientists and engineers with advanced imaging and remote sensing, data collection and analysis for a variety of applications ranging from weather forecasting to resource management and others as follows:

crop estimation
Water resource management
Mitigation of natural disasters
Land use

Desertification studies
Vehicle tracking & fleet management Vehicle management
Environmental monitoring
Climate change

Pakistan's Space Program - PakAlumni Worldwide: The Global Social Network

Where is the comparative data? Where does it say that the situation is better or worse in India than in Pakistan?

If you want comparative data, read the following:

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates
First, you are making claims without citing any data or evidence.

Second, even if all your claims regarding Pakistan are accurate, does it mean that India's social indicators are better than Sub-Saharan Africa's?

Third, if after checking you find that India is no better than sub-Saharan Africa in social indicators, would you still argue that the money is better spent on space program rather than nutrition, education and health care of ordinary Indians?

Here's an excerpt of a UNICEF report:

In the public imagination, the home of the malnourished child is sub-Saharan Africa. But the league tables clearly show that the worst-affected region is not Africa but South Asia. Just over 30% of Africa's children are underweight, but the corresponding figure for South Asia is over 50%. And in Bangladesh and India, the proportion of children malnourished is very significantly higher than in even the poorest countries of the sub-Sahara.

Commentary: The Asian enigma


Personal views are backed by substantial credible data showing India is worse off than sub_saharan Africa. Its first priority should be to feed its people and provide them with basic sanitation.

UN, Indian Officials Agree India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene
riaz bhai why are you such a name dropper and why always see the world thru a black and white picture of data and international reports

well first thing first i know your pride is realli hurt cause those who used to think as low lifes are way way ahead of your nation in every expect of a modern nation state

secodlli until or unless you yourself do something to correct your mistakes nothing good is going to happen either on emotional nor on materialistik aspects

thing is pakistanies from day one went to USA for assitence (monitarry & millitarry) while india concentrated on education for masses and infra (dams, power houses and steel mills ect) and kept its self non aligned and look where is pakistan now and where is india

but im sure still your ego wont aknowledge it dont wirry just wait for afew years then im sure we will increase the gap so much that.... khair jane do u know what i mean dont ya ;)
First, Pakistan has a lot fewer hungry people as percentage of its population than India. Just look up World Hunger Index compiled by IFPRI each year.

India still far behind in the Global Hunger Index - The Hindu

Second, I have posted significant amount of data with comments to make my points here in this thread. So there's no "post and run". Nor do I personally attack or abuse anyone who disagrees with me.

Third, it's obvious you don't understand the difference between having a basic space program to do useful research vs a multi-billion dollar prestige program building and launching vehicles. There's a lot of low-cost research you can do by using data from satellites already launched by others like NASA and ESA and orbiting in space.

Pakistan has an active space program with many space scientists and engineers with advanced imaging and remote sensing, data collection and analysis for a variety of applications ranging from weather forecasting to resource management and others as follows:

crop estimation
Water resource management
Mitigation of natural disasters
Land use

Desertification studies
Vehicle tracking & fleet management Vehicle management
Environmental monitoring
Climate change

Pakistan's Space Program - PakAlumni Worldwide: The Global Social Network

Where is the comparative data? Where does it say that the situation is better or worse in India than in Pakistan?

If you want comparative data, read the following:

Haq's Musings: 63 Years After Independence, India Remains Home to World's Largest Population of Poor, Hungry and Illiterates

Re read the links that I posted and not your crappie blog.
Dont add Bangladesh in your post.
Bangladesh and Bangladeshis are completely unlike Pakistanis. Generally a far more forward looking people. Mark my words, in 20 years Bangladesh will surpass Pakistan in all economic parameters despite being a smaller country in size and resources.
forget 20 years if things remain like what they are bangladesh will be much much ahead in couple of years
First, Pakistan has a lot fewer hungry people as percentage of its population than India. Just look up World Hunger Index compiled by IFPRI each year.

India still far behind in the Global Hunger Index - The Hindu

so pakistan still having hunger no matter what % it is wasting in some non-functional org. supar(i).co ............that is how you justifying :cheesy:...................ha ab line mein aao ............Sliver see this

Second, I have posted significant amount of data with comments to make my points here in this thread. So there's no "post and run". Nor do I personally attack or abuse anyone who disagrees with me.

no you did ..........i asked you......... why pakistan is still p!ss poor no matter what % it is comapare to india even though it does not spend like india?.......

Third, it's obvious you don't understand the difference between having a basic space program to do useful research vs a multi-billion dollar prestige program building and launching vehicles. There's a lot of low-cost research you can do by using data from satellites already launched by others like NASA and ESA and orbiting in space.

seriously you need lot of knowledge on space program of india .........we make world class satellite and SLV cheaper than those NASA......ESA unlike some sh!ty non-functional org. supar(i).co

Pakistan has an active space program with many space scientists :rofl:and engineers with advanced imaging and remote sensing:rofl::rofl::rofl: , data collection and analysis for a variety of applications ranging from weather forecasting to resource management and others as follows:

pakistan does not have capability to make satellite forget about advancedimaging or remote sensing satellite ............and no pakistan doesnot have a active functional space program with many space scientists and engineers...btw what is space scientists?

crop estimation
Water resource management
Mitigation of natural disasters
Land use

Desertification studies
Vehicle tracking & fleet management Vehicle management
Environmental monitoring
Climate change

Again learn about space and satellite "half knowledge is dangerous".................. for those above you need remote sensing and SAR capabilities pakistan have neither of those

you are still bragging about indian illiteracy ......seriously
pakistan illiteracy.....>>>> more than 50%

indian illiteracy >>>>>>>>less than 25%
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Mission To Mars

The Mars Orbiter Mission’s (MOM) entry into Mars’ orbit is an amazing feat, with a price tag of only $75 million. The Indian Space Research Organisation (IRSO):hitwall: has now done something that only NASA, the European Space Agency and Russia have managed to accomplish, and that too in their first attempt. Those in Pakistan that are drawing comparisons to India’s achievement, or are finding ways to dismiss this as frivolous expenditure should remember that there is no longer a comparison to be drawn. While not fully developed, India is well on its way to become a global powerhouse, and this latest milestone is meeting China’s challenge of a 21st century space race head on. Pakistan’s own scientific input to the global community has been negligible at best.

The IRSO has become the first Asian space organisation to send a mission to Mars, and has done it relatively economically, where Russia, the US and Europe have spent billions to sustain their own space programs. And for those who dismiss scientific research and space exploration as unnecessary need to be reminded that if it weren’t for India’s weather satellites last year, the death toll of cyclone Phailin could have been much higher. India’s fishermen and farmers also have a lot to thank IRSO for, because their remote sensing technology helps both immensely. Critics from the first world argue that a developing nation cannot afford such expenses, especially when it is being funded by the state, because first-world space programs are privately funded. India should have spent this money on eliminating poverty, with over 400 million people below the poverty line, many argue.

But a per capita calculation of the budget against the total reveals that the trip to Mars only cost $.60 to each Indian citizen, which is roughly Rs. 60 in Pakistani currency. Hence, before expressing feelings of jealousy towards our neighbour, let us be happy for their magnificent accomplishment, and let them revel in what surely is the entry of humanity into uncharted territory, with the possibilities of inexpensive space travel a more realistic prospect than ever before.

Mission To Mars

I never expected this from 'The Nation' :disagree:

Personal views are backed by substantial credible data showing India is worse off than sub_saharan Africa. Its first priority should be to feed its people and provide them with basic sanitation.

UN, Indian Officials Agree India Worse Than Pakistan, Bangladesh in Food, Hygiene

What do you want me to say, that you are right and GOI should worry about food and hygiene rather than invest on space research? I am neither stupid nor that ignorant nor that much of an imbecile to make such a comparison that your thread is based on - especially when Aeronautics and space are highly desirable fields for India's scientists and researchers, including the experienced one's and the freshers.

A nation's food and hygiene issues are not areas of concern and interest for numerous scientists who graduate out and who are keen on space research and aeronautical science. Maybe, you can come up with some djinn logic of how one can convince folks who specialize in these fields to forego of their interests and concentrate on building toilets. Such logic might be an everyday fact for people like you, but I it's beyond our simple understandings.

As an esteemed member earlier pointed out, such a dilemma that you are displaying is aptly defined as crab mentality. Maybe that tale would be a good place for you start, because apart from space programs there are multiple fields that aren't connected with toilets and food and you will have such dilemma's pertaining to each and every of such fields.

Take care.
Dont add Bangladesh in your post.
Bangladesh and Bangladeshis are completely unlike Pakistanis. Generally a far more forward looking people. Mark my words, in 20 years Bangladesh will surpass Pakistan in all economic parameters despite being a smaller country in size and resources and a quadruple population density.

I've said this before; Pakistan really is the greatest waste of talent in the world.
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