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Dispatch of 10K Troops to KSA "under discussion": Sartaj Aziz

It started off with Hindu Extremist suicide bombers, infamously called the "Tamil Tigers" by Indians in the 1980s and 1990s who terrorising the Sri Lanka's budhist people. It then spread to Palestine, then Iraq and Afghanistan, then the world. But homemade bombs in South Asia is no new phenomenon, neither any government has ever really cared.

I am aware of that but it doesn't make it a South Asian culture nonetheless. And if we are the ones fighting off such lunatics who are blowing themselves up why should we be leaving our own backyard exposed and vulnerable to assault in order to protect a foreign land when ours is clearly under consistent attacks and should be our first priority to protect.
We have our unique history and civilisation that can't be matched by some sand dwellers.

No love for Arabs good or bad they are all traitors and backs stabbers, dishonourable people, it is safer to trust a cobra then an Arab.

Like their cousins they are the cursed people, Pakistan should stay away from them but if it doesn't it will pay the price it's already paying it.

Go on Iran just start it, we want another march to Baghdad in the foot steps of the great khan.
When @IND_PAK mentioned this earlier, most Pak posters were at his throat. Maybe, because India is an eternal enemy, Indians cannot speak logic or Indians only troll. I don't blame Pakistanis because we Indians are also similar. Not all Indians & not all Pakistanis troll, so I request everyone should first read with a cool mind what is written before passing the judgement.
Is it not quite expected. I mean Saudi pays handsome money...so what is wrong in taking that one...It is same like military outsourcing ....:yahoo:
I am aware of that but it doesn't make it a South Asian culture nonetheless. And if we are the ones fighting off such lunatics who are blowing themselves up why should we be leaving our own backyard exposed and vulnerable to assault in order to protect a foreign land when ours is clearly under consistent attacks and should be our first priority to protect.
It is very simple,maybe you wont like it but its only business,economics,money.
You have enough soldiers at home,the 10k will not be missed.
And its not about the holy sites,Iran would never attack them.
It is very simple,maybe you wont like it but its only business,economics,money.
You have enough soldiers at home,the 10k will not be missed.
And its not about the holy sites,Iran would never attack them.
Would you be ok with Turkish soldiers being deployed abroad just for money?
It is very simple,maybe you wont like it but its only business,economics,money.
You have enough soldiers at home,the 10k will not be missed.
And its not about the holy sites,Iran would never attack them.

I understand that part but we need them at home nonetheless and KSA is under no genuine threat. Sorry to say but the moment they start having suicide attacks in all major urban centers of their country is when they would be considered under threat. At the moment thats not happening in KSA ( and i wish it doesn't) but in Pakistan.
I understand that part but we need them at home nonetheless and KSA is under no genuine threat. Sorry to say but the moment they start having suicide attacks in all major urban centers of their country is when they would be considered under threat. At the moment thats not happening in KSA ( and i wish it doesn't) but in Pakistan.
And i understand your concerns,but its your government who decides.
I believe it isnt decided yet or is it?
And i understand your concerns,but its your government who decides.
I believe it isnt decided yet or is it?

It isn't decided yet. Its being taken into consideration but knowing how much of a stooge Nawaz Shariff is, it won't surprise me if it gets finalised sooner rather than later.
It is the topic. I am giving an alternate perspective of the issue to help you better understand why it is not "only business,economics,money".
Why are you talking about perspectives when i was just giving the most probable reason for the dispatch of the Pakistani troops to KSA?
Do you think i need help to see alternate perspectives.
Pakistan and KSA are old allies,plus there is the issue of the holy sites(could be used as a reason for the dispatch,but only to the people) being in KSA.
Money in this case would be military equipment needed by the Pakistani Armed forces(alternate perspective).
So,how can you ask me if i would be happy with Turkish soldiers being deployed for money?
What has this got to do with my country or our soldiers?
Btw,the korean war where we fought for others was the start of the modernisation of the Turkish Armed Forces by the US.
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