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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements

Saarc is a waste of time as far as anything concrete happening..though it's a good platform for bilateral's. So let's keep it restricted to that and just get bilateral's done.
Its good all Nawaz false dreams about relations with India have shattered like this. This gives clear cut message to other dumb Pakistani politicians who thing any issue with India can be solved through talks.

Yeah. Only Ghazwa-e-hind can solve this problem.
Thankfully the motor vehicle pact have initiated with rest of the interesting parties including Nepal, BD, Lanka, Bhutan..

Pakistan opted out stating having issues with "internal process".....whatever that is.

Those internal processes are more like Internal Dharnas thanks to Taliban Khan and Potian Brigade
wow what negativity from Pakistan.

But its easy to understand. The elites who run Pakistan (Military, ISI, Politicians) are all well off. With big bank balances and a lavish life, they are more eager to prove their ego than to worry about Pakistan economic condition.

For any other country including China, India, Japan economic prosperity is number one priority (even if rivalry exists but trade is never hampered by that)

For Pakistan religion and ego gratification at the cost of economic prosperity is bigger priority. It is ready to live in poverty (I mean only normal people. Elites are not affected much whether the economy is bust or doing good).

I wish we had another China on our west side. Chinese though bigger rivals then Pakistanis are at least practical and keen to improve trade with India. They never mix trade and regional rivalry.

Pakistan (not Pakistan people which are good, but just coz of those who run Pakistan) is the worst neighbor any country could have, just because of its sheer negativity.

I hope they get some good positive leaders hopefully sometime in future.
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SAARC is all about India and it's influence on other states. We should ditch this project completely and just focus on Middle East and Central Asia. Its better strategically positioned and it is energy rich. Both Pakistan and China need to develop their economic corridor as planned and need to engage Afghanistan.
i don't know when India will learn that Pakistan never wants peace.

We have our own thinking and it is India to respect that. We have our own rights and we have to look each and every direction before signing the agreement and it is not like that someone dictate us to sign the agreement and every one must signed the same. We study the same and then sign after every reservation of our clear.
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There are too many unresolved issues

india is our enemy and has been so for decades

If the Indians want to discuss their surrender of kashmir then fine

until then we should treat india as the enemy they are
While Pakistan's blocking has created "disappointment" in the Indian side, which had initiated these ]

I don't understand why India is so disappointed? What cooperation they expected after shelling Pak heavily a month ago!!!!!!! .....Isn't it that favorable outcome is a fruit of positive investments and gestures, "jaisa beej bo rahain hain waisa hee phal katain"

This is equivalent to: you keep throwing rocks into your neighbors house across the wall and keep breaking windows, then after a month you ring the neighbors' bell and say "let's go out for shopping together!!"
Like I said that MFN Status that you gave us is so buried under layers of protectionist measures that it defeats the very purpose of what WTO intended it to be; which means you gave us little more than a three letter word.
But you guys are not even willing to grant one with strings attached and lets not forget it's on reciprocal basis.

Lastly,Those barriers are not Pakistan specific but what you want is a special concession for Pakistan in areas where you are strong but that defies the logic behind MFN.Instead of tailoring your products for the market,you want a market tailored to your products. :D

Under the WTO agreements, countries cannot normally discriminate between their trading partners. Grant someone a special favour (such as a lower customs duty rate for one of their products) and you have to do the same for all other WTO members.
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I see a lot of rhetorical CRAP posts here - has anyone taken the time to list in detail the TERMS of these agreeements? We aren't irrational people, obviously there were terms in there we found non-advantageous.

the news reports as always are vague
Sad that Pakistan is blocking the economic progress of South Asia.

it isn't.....what is sad is that we cant live next to each other like respectable neighbours b/c face it - we dont like eachother or we dont trust eachother or in many cases - BOTH

cooperation comes through trust and trust takes time to build
Wrong, it's Pakistan who wants peace, unlike india which wants trade, This is the reason Pakistan stresses on resolving long standing issues first, without which there cant be any peace or trade for that matter. India wants to put the cart before horses

i don't know when India will learn that Pakistan never wants peace.
Sad that Pakistan is blocking the economic progress of South Asia.

it isn't.....what is sad is that we cant live next to each other like respectable neighbours b/c face it - we dont like eachother or we dont trust eachother or in many cases - BOTH

cooperation comes through trust and trust takes time to build
It's good that Pakistan block the 3 key connectivity: For rail and road connectivities, India is just want to use its as quick way and short cut to get access to Afghanistan and Central Asia. :lol: A cheap proposal that doesn't offer Pakistan any goods but trimendiously adventages to India, they have dreammed this connectivities for so long but now become just a wet dream.:cheesy:

...even a three years old can see through this sneaky intention of MODI.
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