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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements

what a stupid post. Single economic block is not possible in south Asia at the moment unless all border issues are resolved. Wallah, who has the most of them? India!

Every country has issues with bordering nations but it does not entail denying economic integration for greater good.
Prosperity of trade and commerce?

Don't make me laugh. Is it the same prosperity that Nawaz Sharif is enjoying? He invested in India, and is now hostage to India regarding Pakistan's foreign policy. The rich get richer, while the poor die in droves. To hell with your notion of prosperity. At least Zia, was never a sell-out like you. What are you trying to prove here?

I'm guessing you're another one of those foreign based Pakistanis that would like India to flood the Pakistani Agricultural market being duty free and invest in their companies?

What a joke.

Why are you so insecure??

Did Mexico fall apart because of NAFTA trade agreement? In fact it has grown to become middle income country.
As long as Pakistan is stuck with Kashmir. Nothing will happen. And IMO, it will go down the drain economy wise.
MAS, Malaysian Airline stopped service to Karachi, being brotherly country. No western airline comes into Pakistan.
Pakistan is the key for India to connect with afghan and Central Asia through land route. I don't see how Pakistan will agree with India proposal of 3 prong connectivity. India is the largest economy base on population and not base on GDP per capita in SA. Pakistan still can connect to Sri Lanka or Bangladesh through the sea. Pakistan need India market through bilateral agreement but India desperately need Pakistan transit route to connect Afghanistan and Central Asia market. I believe Pakistan not agree with this agreement was a wise decision.
Every country has issues with bordering nations but it does not entail denying economic integration for greater good.

It doesn't work very well. Business is still happening between India and Pakistan, but allowing vehicles registered in one country to go in another is asking too much.
It doesn't work very well. Business is still happening between India and Pakistan, but allowing vehicles registered in one country to go in another is asking too much.

what are you worried about?? Drugs and weapons smuggling??

Doesn't your trucks travel all the way to central asian countries traversing through Afghanistan?? Unloading and loading at the border is very inefficient way to do business. Wastage of resources because empty trucks have to go back without load.
Damn you and those inconvenient statistics ... why couldn't you just let us all argue in circles over lofty ideas with fancy names like "Free Trade" and "Most Favored Nation Status" and "integrated economies" ... all that stuff sells so well, especially for the Indians, and allows them to get away scot-free while painting Pakistan as the only one being intransigent.

If what you are saying is true then why worry about semantics and grant us the MFN. That will enhance your reputation in the world that you mean business and not pain in the ..tt as most of your neighbors perceives you.
what are you worried about?? Drugs and weapons smuggling??

Doesn't your trucks travel all the way to central asian countries traversing through Afghanistan?? Unloading and loading at the border is very inefficient way to do business. Wastage of resources because empty trucks have to go back without load.

Pakistan has no issues with Central Asia or even Afghanistan where so much drugs and guns come from. However, India- Pakistan boils down to usual 'hate' in every aspect.
Pakistan vs Rest of the world in cricket, no one gives a shyt. Pakistan vs India, is always special.

I am sure it is likewise for India.
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