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Disappointment at Saarc as Pakistan blocks 3 key connectivity agreements

Why Pakistan talk with India?

Pakistan close to China... now Russians completely support Pakistan new co-operation and you will see new military to military engagements with Russia, on the other side Americans are now realizing after lost Afghanistan War and objectives gains in the region that without Pakistan's collorabtion, Americans are not capable to do anything in S.A or Asia.... what is next for India by the way ???

What is the importance of India left ?? just economy lol Americans making fool of Indians lol... just selling weapons and earn $$ India is just $$ earning ATM machine for West nothing else more nor India benefit powers.... running political, geopolitical and military, US, Russia, China needs Pakistan the main point of focal is "Strategic Location". What is your power in Asia by the way of India??? nothing in front of China on the other side Pakistan not even accept Indian hegemony lol, India is a state jo sirf "Apnay ghar may Shair hain" LOL no body give shit about so called SUPA POWER mentality LOLzzz....

Now Afghanistan too re-engaging with Pakistan kis kooshi may baat ki jaye ?? LOLZz agay agay dekho htoa hey kya just wait for Withdrawal ... jo kutay bilay apnay jesay palay hain Afghanistan may India nay sab assets ka juice ada nikal gaya hey ada nikalnay wala hey LOL
If some thing like European Union has to be formed for SAARC it has to take many concrete steps which neither India nor Pakistan and for that matter many other nations want.

If we look at the creation of EU it started of with coal and steal, but in reality it was the peace agreement between France and UK that started it which later was extended to Germany though not the Russian part of Germany. This was due to one reason alone that was the Iron Curtain (Cold War) and the very thing united the Europeans towards a common enemy Communism, hence it was possible to form a United Front.

It could have happened if India would have accepted the help offered by Pakistan against China way back in the 60's. At present this can not happen.
really? which other country in SAARC matters?
To India, every country in our region matters...
But i guess from ur question, u do not consider any SAARC country important..then the question is what the hell is ur country doing in nepal? wasting tax payers money?
The issue is not Pakistan specific. If we give, a particular incentive to Pakistan it needs to be applied to all other countries who have MFN status. Hence, the fear on the Indian side.

Its not just the non-tariff barriers its also the para-tariffs. For example; one of Pakistan's bigger exports to the World is Jewelry; now if Pakistan were to export Jewelry to India these para-tariffs (Countervailing duty, excise duty, special countervailing duty, education cess, Inter-state taxes etc.) take the difference between what the local producer pays and what the imported good producers pays to something as high as 11%.

Whereas in case of Pakistan that hovers at around 5%.

That defeats the very purpose of free-trade as envisioned by the MFN Status which means that the MFN Status given to us in '96 is practically worthless.

Plus Pakistan is the least trade-restrictive regime in South Asia according to WB's ORTI - So opening up trade with India when these restrictions are in place does not benefit us.

The following research report has extensively explored this, including the figures quoted above: http://pbc.org.pk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Preliminary_Analysis_of_Pakistan_India_Trade-_PBC_2.pdf
To India, every country in our region matters...
But i guess from ur question, u do not consider any SAARC country important..then the question is what the hell is ur country doing in nepal? wasting tax payers money?

not only nepal but BD also...and you know what we are doing there
U guys did not even give us that,,if u do we may remove the shackles.
Unless u guys do we may never know;)

Bhai Sahib we're the least trade restrictive regime in South Asia as per World Bank's 'Overall Trade Restrictive Index'; in fact we hover at less than half your index in that (the lesser the better in this case).

Phir MFN ka kiya hummm achar dalein ? o_O

If you want to explore the topic further; give this a read: http://pbc.org.pk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Preliminary_Analysis_of_Pakistan_India_Trade-_PBC_2.pdf
People like you don't represent real Pakistan. I think these agreements are better for Pakistans economy and trade too. I hope these agreements soon take place when we are ready.

Shame on you.

Exactly becauz of this trade is getting g hurt
Bhai Sahib we're the least trade restrictive regime in South Asia as per World Bank's 'Overall Trade Restrictive Index'; in fact we hover at less than half your index in that (the lesser the better in this case).

Phir MFN ka kiya hummm achar dalein ? o_O

If you want to explore the topic further; give this a read: http://pbc.org.pk/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Preliminary_Analysis_of_Pakistan_India_Trade-_PBC_2.pdf
Damn you and those inconvenient statistics ... why couldn't you just let us all argue in circles over lofty ideas with fancy names like "Free Trade" and "Most Favored Nation Status" and "integrated economies" ... all that stuff sells so well, especially for the Indians, and allows them to get away scot-free while painting Pakistan as the only one being intransigent.
Finally someone with a sense, it's one thing being enemy, it's other thing not doing anything about improving situation, one more thing , I would like to point out is that, I have seen a lot of pakistani posters go gaga over their relationship with china, but in politics no one is a permanent friend or enemy, who knows they may be vary of each other, but may be 15-20 years from now on, they might be economical and strategic partners, also I seriously believe that the potential of trade amongst saarc nations is huge,so it's better to do something rather than doing nothing.
finally someone who appreciates wt i say just kidding true SAARC nations have a huge trade potential wed be stupid not to exploit it my personal analysis is that our govt backed out of these projects only to send a strong message to india(for talks) although i dont see anything strong in it looks more like stupid move to me,plus u are completely wrong about how we feel about the chinese half or maybe more of PK members on PDF havent met the chinese people and dont know shit about them yet they say oh we love the chinese BLAH BLAH but where i come from we interact and basically live with the chinese and surprisingly they have positive views about us
The issue is not Pakistan specific. If we give, a particular incentive to Pakistan it needs to be applied to all other countries who have MFN status. Hence, the fear on the Indian side.


Where an agreement like this works is, vehicles for example will be allowed to enter and deliver goods till their destination. Currently, for eg between India and Bangladesh the truck can enter upto 150 kms of the other border. What this will do, is it will increase tax collection for Pakistan and reduce costs of imports which are coming through Dubai. This will increase revenue for the GoP. Also, goods going to Bangladesh from Pakistan and Afghanistan from India will drive through.

The cost of doing business through Dubai should be self evident for anybody.

I think if they sort out the trade first, motor vehicles will follow automatically.

In my view, Allowing cross border registered vehicles is a bad idea, unless you have a central authority that can track these with special registrations. Implementing something like the EU would be costly and not effective.
People wishing to use their vehicles, lorries, cars, etc should have registrations that allow them to take the vehicle across borders. Otherwise it will be big mess.
People like you don't represent real Pakistan. I think these agreements are better for Pakistans economy and trade too. I hope these agreements soon take place when we are ready.

Shame on you.
84 % Pakistanis consider India enemy no 1 these agreements are good for India and few of there pets in Pakistan
You are an uber moron - what would you know of prosperity that comes with trade and commerce? You are one of the last remnants of the old guard, who should have died two centuries ago. You don't even represent .0001 percent of Pakistani population, you are in fact one of the Arabs that were left here by Zia to torment us and your own kind.

Leave Pakistan and go back to your motherland in the West, where camel still roam the deserts and egg omelet can be cooked only under direct sunshine.
You can talk as much as crap as you want more than 84 % Pakistanis consider India main enemy trade with India will only bring trouble

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