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Did sitution after killing of Hakeem Ullah got better or worst? Imran Khan was right


Aug 15, 2009
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Reading all bashing on twitter against Imran Khan as it was he who appointed Mullah Fazullah as new TTP cheif. I have 1 question to all those moron did killing of Hakeem Ullah made situation better or worst and out of control? There were some few positive coming out from both sides but after Mullah Fazullah becoming new TTP head it looks dark. Think were it started from ? Killing 1 bad guy and 50+/- civilians and today we are in real mess which we trying hard to come out. And ppl saying we can by killing more??? When ever we try to come out we are hit in face by our enemies be it american or terrorist who dont want to se peace in Pakistan. What ever Imran Khan has been saying from day 1 is proofed correct.

To all screaming for WAR WAR WAR plz go and join army to fight. Many of u hiding some safe place either in Pakistan or abroad.
Pakistani Taliban elect Mullah Fazlullah as new chief

Undated photo taken from video by the Pakistani Taliban's Umar Media propaganda wing shows the hardline Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah.
Published 2013-11-07 18:50:34
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MIRAMSHAH: The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have elected hardline Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah as their new chief, a week after former supremo Hakimullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike in North Waziristan.

“Fazlullah is the new TTP chief,” TTP caretaker leader Asmatullah Shaheen said at a press conference at an undisclosed location in northwest Pakistan.

“The decision was taken at a shura (council) meeting today,” foreign news agency AFP quoted Shaheen as saying. “The supreme shura has also elected Sheikh Khalid Haqqani as the deputy chief of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan.”

TTP spokesman Shahidullah Shahid also confirmed the announcement. “Following proper consultations ... we chose our senior commander Mullah Fazlullah as our new ameer (leader),” he told news agency Reuters by telephone from an undisclosed location in neighbouring Afghanistan.

The election of hardline commander Fazlullah further dampens expectations of any peace deal between the insurgents and the Pakistani government.

“There will be no more talks as Mullah Fazlullah is already against negotiations with the Pakistan government,” said the spokesman, rejecting the idea of any further peace talks.

Heavy gunfire was reported in celebration in Miramshah, the main town in North Waziristan tribal area, following the announcement of the new chief.

Fazlullah, whose men shot teenage schoolgirl Malala Yousufzai last year, led the Pakistani Taliban’s brutal two-year rule in northwestern Swat valley in 2007-2009 before a military operation retook the area. He fled across the border to Afghanistan and is now believed to operate from Nuristan province.

Nicknamed Mullah Radio for his fiery radio broadcasts in Swat valley, Fazlullah is considered hardline even within the Pakistani Taliban movement itself.

The killing of former chief Hakimullah Mehsud on Friday came as the Pakistani government said representatives were prepared to meet the TTP with a view to opening peace talks.

The drone strike triggered an angry response from Islamabad, with Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar accusing Washington of sabotaging peace efforts.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was more measured, but said his government was committed to seeking peace through dialogue and stressing that an end to bloodshed could not be achieved “by unleashing senseless force”.

Sharif came to power in May partly on a pledge to hold talks to try to end the TTP’s bloody insurgency that has fuelled instability in the nation.

In September he won the backing of major political parties in an APC to begin peace negotiations with Taliban insurgents.

The TTP, an umbrella organisation grouping numerous militant factions, has killed thousands of soldiers, police and civilians since 2007 in its campaign against the Pakistani state.

one may ask, who would be the frist to kiss the dirty feets of AMEER e TALIBAN e PAKISTAN?
Its the Taliban who are refusing talks, not Pakistan government. To be honest, the TTP they were never sincere in doing talks. They had repeatedly said that they do not recognize the constitution of Pakistan, will not lay down arms and will continue their local and global Jihad. They openly admitted killing of Major General Sanaullah and also passively endorsed the recent Peshawar bombings.

The real question that needs answering is that why does Imran Khan blame America for sabotaging peace talks when Hakimullah is killed, but remains silent when Taliban openly kill Major General Sanaullah. ?
He wants us to believe that it is Taliban who are the grieving party and we have somehow wronged them and ought to make peace with them. The reality cannot be further from truth. It is the Taliban who are refusing peace, not us. It is they who kill innocent civilians and proudly claim responsibility, not us.
once mullah radio will open their offices in Pakistan will once again become a bed of roses
PTI activists shall be held guilty of all the terrorism, and shall be trailed in military courts.
Afriad of losing in Karachi ?
sure if they are hell bent to, join & even support any activities moraly of the TTp , terrorists?
sure they should be hanged tied down, with TTp terrorists?
karachi is still under control, but when ever there would be a PTI+JI led govt or even a local govt, the chances of TTp opening offices in TARIQ ROAD are vry bright?
PTI activists shall be held guilty of all the terrorism, and shall be trailed in military courts.

Yea, PTI activists shall also be held guilty of Afghan War, Iraq War, War in Kashmir and every freaking bad thing out there.. Idiots like you can't think past PTI, do you?
Yea, PTI activists shall also be held guilty of Afghan War, Iraq War, War in Kashmir and every freaking bad thing out there.. Idiots like you can't think past PTI, do you?
sorry, JZ
but if idiots keep supporting, terrorists & advocating free offices, while sitting with those who calls PAKARMY SHAHEEDS not shaheeds, sory then its PTI guilty of even holucast, world war 2nd too?
its simple, are you with pakistan or with its enemies?
sorry, JZ
but if idiots keep supporting, terrorists & advocating free offices, while sitting with those who calls PAKARMY SHAHEEDS not shaheeds, sory then its PTI guilty of even holucast, world war 2nd too?
its simple, are you with pakistan or with its enemies?

Tell you what, there is a strong anger among PTI ranks, high to low, about these things. Everyone is angry because IK is not taking firm stance against JI and their anti pak statements. Its not like we are just keeping a blind eye on it.

That TTP office chapter is now closed, it was just a suggestion from IK alone as it was his personal opinion, and since PTI's official clearance came about this matter, so this chapter should now be closed. PTI never supported terrorism, its your own cooked up stuff.

Yes, PTI is reluctant towards dealing with JI maybe because KP govt. but at least they can issue a statement condemning these JI clowns or clarify PTI's position. This is where I accept, PTI is going wrong..
Yes they should give a statement condemning Jamat-e-Islami's stance for once i don't even understand what made them give such a retarded response in the first place but what i would want to know is why don't they drone Fazlullah in Afghanistan because the man has already issued threats to the government and the Army and they target those whom they fear might agree for peace talks? Why doesn't our government or our Army for that matter demand any such action?
Tell you what, there is a strong anger among PTI ranks, high to low, about these things. Everyone is angry because IK is not taking firm stance against JI and their anti pak statements. Its not like we are just keeping a blind eye on it.

That TTP office chapter is now closed, it was just a suggestion from IK alone as it was his personal opinion, and since PTI's official clearance came about this matter, so this chapter should now be closed. PTI never supported terrorism, its your own cooked up stuff.

Yes, PTI is reluctant towards dealing with JI maybe because KP govt. but at least they can issue a statement condemning these JI clowns or clarify PTI's position. This is where I accept, PTI is going wrong..
thats the JI dog, who made him say those words, even i know that, fool anti-pakistan JI QAZI, then this MUNNAWAR using his less political knowledge, for thier political gains?
cut this crap called JI out, if not i m telling you, PTI will lose its support miserbly!
even though, it has won in KPK but its base still, in punjab & with JI standing in the IK,s shadows , its going no where?
BTW n sorry, after the genrl SANAULLHA NIAZI,s shadat noone, of NIAZI clan ever wanted to vote for, PTI & IMRAN any more!
NIAZI clan serving & retired like me, already hve put forward our plea to the concerned officials, that when ever any hit been arranged on fazal ullha the TTp ameer of pakistan, we want to be the full part of that team?
as NIAZI phustoons we will seek, our revenge from the, whole family of FAZALLUHA the dog! inshaalha!
Yes they should give a statement condemning Jamat-e-Islami's stance for once i don't even understand what made them give such a retarded response in the first place but what i would want to know is why don't they drone Fazlullah in Afghanistan because the man has already issued threats to the government and the Army and they target those whom they fear might agree for peace talks? Why doesn't our government or our Army for that matter demand any such action?
thats thier bargaining chip!
if you want that, they also want some thing?
what is that, the new ALQAEDA LEADER from egypt?
cause mullha OMAR is ready to be thier dog, against a well planned revolution in IRAN?
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