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Did India really 've OFFENSIVE doctrines??

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suprizingly indian tune seems like they are running world and evantually every one listen to them..
Raju if it was easy you would have done it...
so stop living on sky and come to india where you still have 600 million people to feed.. still 70% of indian kids have stunt growth.
you have alot to do before you investing money on weapon and think small country is easy to deal with.. thats where everyone knows size doesnt matter.
lol typical Pakistan response, when confronted you guys get flustered and start singing a different tune. Stay on topic if that you can manage.
I gave you all of the material or alternative but you don't seem to pay any attention.
So did I but you refused to read any of them and also those posted by others.The materials posted by you were mostly irrelevant to the subject.

Horus said:
My time stands wasted indeed.
Good bye
You could've avoided this debate.

Wait,wait. Stick to a single point,

Tell me one thing first, what was actually ABV govt. doing. The deployment was to stop cross border terrorism or signaling Pak about India intentions or to invade Pak.

Because if they just want to signal Pak, diplomatically, then the cost of this diplomatic round was huge, and even it didnt serve the purpose.

It had more than one aim...Op-Parakram had aims of mobilising the army to the border — defeating cross border terrorism without conflict,containing the national mood to “teach Pak a lesson” and in the case of war,degrading the neighbouring nation’s war fighting capabilities. Still in doubt?
So did I but you refused to read any of them and also those posted by others.The materials posted by you were mostly irrelevant to the subject.

You could've avoided this debate.

It had more than one aim...Op-Parakram had aims of mobilising the army to the border — defeating cross border terrorism without conflict,containing the national mood to “teach Pak a lesson” and in the case of war,degrading the neighbouring nation’s war fighting capabilities. Still in doubt?

Lol, wait wait. You saying 700000 soldiers deployed on western border, with Anti tanks mine were deployed, heavy artillery come into play, Air Force was ready for strikes, Navy was ready for blockade.

This was all signalling and stop cross border terrorism, but not Invasion. Really, even what the point you making.
Lol, wait wait. You saying 700000 soldiers deployed on western border, with Anti tanks mine were deployed, heavy artillery come into play, Air Force was ready for strikes, Navy was ready for blockade.

This was all signalling and stop cross border terrorism, but not Invasion. Really, even what the point you making.
This is not something new to India, India had tried similar tactic to deter Pakistan in the past. Remember Op-Brasstacks?
You still refuse to see the point isn't it?
This is not something new to India, India had tried similar tactic to deter Pakistan in the past. Remember Op-Brasstacks?
You still refuse to see the point isn't it?
Sorry, but Op Brasstacks was also to invade Pak, designed by Krishnaswamy Sunderji. And keeping the Prime Minister in dark.
Sorry, but Op Brasstacks was also to invade Pak, designed by Krishnaswamy Sunderji. And keeping the Prime Minister in dark.
I beg to differ ...
Op-Brasstacks consisted of 4 parts.
Brasstack 1 : was an exercise on the map, held in Delhi which Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi attended.
Brasstack 2 : was for the military commanders in Chandigarh. This was on a sand model.

Brasstack 3 : the nitty gritty of the exercises were put into writing.
Brasstack 4 : was actually with troops in the desert.
And I've already atealst twice stated on this thread that to prove its innocence India invited diplomats and journalists which included diplomat from Pakistani side too.
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So, @levina
Theory of Simultaneity, Cold Start, Pro Active Operations all are 'defensive' concepts?

So are cutting Pakistan into two halves, Dissecting GT road, Surgical Strikes and finding Space for war under a Nuclear Overhang, right?

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Let me remind you that we have a "no first use policy" when it comes to nuclear arsenal.

India's repeated mention of No-First use policy is BS. What happens if India strikes first? What consequence do they face? Nothing. Its just a piece of paper that means nothing and results in no repercussions if India were not to follow it.
India have offensive strategy against PAK and have defensive strategy again China , but soon india will be making 2 Strike corp against china as part of defensive strategy to strike deep inside china .

India's repeated mention of No-First use policy is BS. What happens if India strikes first? What consequence do they face? Nothing. Its just a piece of paper that means nothing and results in no repercussions if India were not to follow it.
whatever , PAK can't say that in paper to. No-First use means weapons will not be armed in case of war , but in case of attack response will be laughing 60-70% nuclear bombs in one go again one bomb or many.

Why is that picture shaped like a Penis? Because missiles do not look like that.

whatever , PAK can't say that in paper to. No-First use means weapons will not be armed in case of war , but in case of attack response will be laughing 60-70% nuclear bombs in one go again one bomb or many.

You obviously did not understand what i said. My question is what happens if India does not follow the NFUP? There is no system ensuring India follows it. For all we know, india might see a strategic opening and use it, and later claim pre-emptive strike.
Why is that picture shaped like a Penis? Because missiles do not look like that.

You obviously did not understand what i said. My question is what happens if India does not follow the NFUP? There is no system ensuring India follows it. For all we know, india might see a strategic opening and use it, and later claim pre-emptive strike.
well ... . Every country knows for its comments in world stage..... see the importance of India's status and PAK status in international stage. If PAK say anything and India say anything , World listen to India and not PAK.
well ... . Every country knows for its comments in world stage..... see the importance of India's status and PAK status in international stage. If PAK say anything and India say anything , World listen to India and not PAK.

Sure, sure. care to give an example?
Look who is talking!!

Prove that India had used offensive doctrines against Pakistan.
Show me the article by Behramnam.

Is there really a guy cald Brahmanan in Rajiv Gandhi administration??
Pakistan at this moment doesn't have any Strike Corps.

No i only see an Indian ranting needlessly to prove his innocence.
Pakistan doesn't have a strike corps? :woot: Which world are you living in, friend?

Pakistan has two strike corps - I Corps, also known as I Strike Corps or Army Reserve North, headquartered in Mangla and II Corps, also known as II Strike Corps or Army Reserve South which is stationed in Multan.

Elements of II Strike Corps are presently engaged in Op Zarb-e-azb in NW.

Like you just mentioned, I only see a Pakistani ranting needlessly to prove his innocence. :P But it's never too late to catch up with PA's ORBAT (Order of Battle). Just needs a little effort on your part.
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