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Did India really 've OFFENSIVE doctrines??

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Only that India is not US nor Pakistan is Afghanistan.

I was just giving example. No one here is holy cow. All are playing its game.

Ok, lets take the example of Crimea, why the US *** is burning, when they did the same thing during the Bay of Pigs, this is other point that it failed. So, I always say its all about game, and how much card you hold in your hand.
Well what matters is that Pakistan could not prove that it had misinterpreted India's stance.

For coercive diplomacy!!
The seat of democracy in sovereign India had been attacked. What should India have done? What followed was an exercise in coercive diplomacy through full-scale force deployment along the Pakistan border to force that country to stop cross-border terrorism and abandon the use of terror as an instrument of state policy.

Let me remind you Atal Bihari Vajpayee, at his first rally in Srinagar in April 2003, made the historic announcement of a peace initiative with Pakistan.

Or you are in denial despite being provided with 5 pages of material and arguments.
Why do we need international support when we can simply annihilate the Indian IBGs in a short war?
Then it will be no holds bar, Pakistan would cease to exists and India will take a long time to recover.
Well what matters is that Pakistan could not prove that it had misinterpreted India's stance.

For coercive diplomacy!!
The seat of democracy in sovereign India had been attacked. What should India have done? What followed was an exercise in coercive diplomacy through full-scale force deployment along the Pakistan border to force that country to stop cross-border terrorism and abandon the use of terror as an instrument of state policy.

Let me remind you Atal Bihari Vajpayee, at his first rally in Srinagar in April 2003, made the historic announcement of a peace initiative with Pakistan.

You mixing the two points, ABV also attended the Lahore Summit, but he was PM of India, and if the water goes above the head, he definitely invade Pak .Ok, One spent a $2 bn just to signal other country about the intentions diplomatically, sorry but thats a idiotic move.
yeah but at the same time you cant represent yourself innocent. lets take it to world court and let the people of Kashmir decide to by refrundrum.
it really looks stupid when a size of biggest country cry to the world. India want to settle down we all know mumbai was a biggest blunder no one supported india and involving israel was fake.
if it was real india would have attacked Pak long ago. but india need support like in 71 got premission from Russia that watch our back .. sadly no one is on their back thats why only media cry...
Pakistan is not involve in any militancy...
solve Kashmir issue every one will prosprous.
atleast stand as one man army and froce govenment to solve it on table..
You mixing the two points, ABV also attended the Lahore Summit, but he was PM of India, and if the water goes above the head, he definitely invade Pak .Ok, One spent a $2 bn just to signal other country about the intentions diplomatically, sorry but thats a idiotic move.
Is $2 bn less for self defence?? With this some new red lines were defined by India and Pakistan was made to identify and recognise them. How hard is that to see?

yeah but at the same time you cant represent yourself innocent. lets take it to world court and let the people of Kashmir decide to by refrundrum.
it really looks stupid when a size of biggest country cry to the world. India want to settle down we all know mumbai was a biggest blunder no one supported india and involving israel was fake.
if it was real india would have attacked Pak long ago. but india need support like in 71 got premission from Russia that watch our back .. sadly no one is on their back thats why only media cry...
Pakistan is not involve in any militancy...
solve Kashmir issue every one will prosprous.
atleast stand as one man army and froce govenment to solve it on table..
We have lots of other threads where Kashmir is discussed. This thread is not the right place.
Is $2 bn less for self defence?? With this some new red lines were defined by India and Pakistan was made to identify and recognise them. How hard is that to see?

Wait,wait. Stick to a single point,

Tell me one thing first, what was actually ABV govt. doing. The deployment was to stop cross border terrorism or signaling Pak about India intentions or to invade Pak.

Because if they just want to signal Pak, diplomatically, then the cost of this diplomatic round was huge, and even it didnt serve the purpose.

India is far ahead in BOTH : Manpower and FIREPOWER
Conventionally you will be routed

Suffice it to say your Nukes are the only thing that are protecting you
That is why Pakistani analysts are always threatening a Nuclear war
Look who is talking!!

Prove that India had used offensive doctrines against Pakistan.
Show me the article by Behramnam.

I gave you all of the material or alternative but you don't seem to pay any attention. My time stands wasted indeed.

Good bye


India is far ahead in BOTH : Manpower and FIREPOWER
Conventionally you will be routed

Suffice it to say your Nukes are the only thing that are protecting you
That is why Pakistani analysts are always threatening a Nuclear war

Says who?
Keep those scary sounding weapons in the holster, answer to your point is there in the page you uploaded."...it runs the risk of provoking or escalating a clash to break the nuclear threshold" doesn't necessarily means it that it would. This is where diplomatic pressure kicks in and considering it will be "India's response to Pakistan's proxy war strategy" Pakistan won't be able to garner much needed clout on the international platform. Stop believing that India won't retaliate to tantrums thrown around by Pakistan by keep the gun to it's own head. We might as well egg you on to pull the trigger if push came to shove.
suprizingly indian tune seems like they are running world and evantually every one listen to them..
Raju if it was easy you would have done it...
so stop living on sky and come to india where you still have 600 million people to feed.. still 70% of indian kids have stunt growth.
you have alot to do before you investing money on weapon and think small country is easy to deal with.. thats where everyone knows size doesnt matter.


India is far ahead in BOTH : Manpower and FIREPOWER
Conventionally you will be routed

Suffice it to say your Nukes are the only thing that are protecting you
That is why Pakistani analysts are always threatening a Nuclear war

Subcontinent has always been with full of everything.. why everyone from everywhere around the world came and ruled you ..
yeah but at the same time you cant represent yourself innocent. lets take it to world court and let the people of Kashmir decide to by refrundrum.
it really looks stupid when a size of biggest country cry to the world. India want to settle down we all know mumbai was a biggest blunder no one supported india and involving israel was fake.
if it was real india would have attacked Pak long ago. but india need support like in 71 got premission from Russia that watch our back .. sadly no one is on their back thats why only media cry...
Pakistan is not involve in any militancy...
solve Kashmir issue every one will prosprous.
atleast stand as one man army and froce govenment to solve it on table..
Why take Kashmir anywhere when it's a matter between two parties? It's the price paid by Pakistan for getting back the PoWs.
for every mumbai there is mehran, its unfortunate that even after getting bitten by the same snakes over and over again you are not learning the lesson.
Why would we want to attack Pakistan? it might be a nuisance for us but it does play far more greater role to serve as a buffer zone for us from even more loonier creatures from Afghanistan
Neither is India involved in any militancy. so stop putting your own mess of TTP/BLA/BRA
Only solution to Kashmir is if both sides agree to turn the LOC as IB.
suprizingly indian tune seems like they are running world and evantually every one listen to them..
Raju if it was easy you would have done it...
so stop living on sky and come to india where you still have 600 million people to feed.. still 70% of indian kids have stunt growth.
you have alot to do before you investing money on weapon and think small country is easy to deal with.. thats where everyone knows size doesnt matter.

Thats a crappy argument bro, every country needs a defense budget, even how much it is poor or going bankrupt.
Did the Argentina stop investing in Defense after bankruptcy?

Ok, instead of giving this argument here, why not you telling this same to NS, where he doing the same., Bro, you are not living in some fancy world, come to reality.

Subcontinent has always been with full of everything.. why everyone from everywhere around the world came and ruled you ..

Ruled You? Lol, Btw from where you come from Persian Empire?

India is far ahead in BOTH : Manpower and FIREPOWER
Conventionally you will be routed
lol, if there were a conventional non-nuclear war india won't win. Im not saying pakistan will win but india surely won't win, i guarantee in.
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