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Did India really 've OFFENSIVE doctrines??

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It will stay that way till our people in Kashmir get their right to deterimine their own fate. Until then India will not be allowed to remain in peace nor realize its true economic or political potential.
Hence a Retaliatory conventional strike, to reply back in the same coin if Pakistan chooses to up the ante.
so deft!! :)
how should that be interpreted??
That during kargil Pakistan did send in its soldiers in the guise of militants and that the infiltration was facilitated by PA??
I might be wrong but I do want to know how your statement should be interpreted.
Though I've already posted Capt Sambal's confession so I guess I might've got it right.
But then now you've been repeatedly proving me right and I think soon we will get to a conclusion.

Kargil is not an IB. If we attacked you on the IB, i would admit to having commit aggression. LoC is just a ceasefire line. When India threatens our interests we are fully justified to take whatever action we feel will protect our interests.

Hence a Retaliatory conventional strike, to reply back in the same coin if Pakistan chooses to up the ante.

That will never happen.
Kid got carried away :D

No sir your Kashmir Obsession is irrational AND impractical thus making it necessary to put
some facts and figures before you

Compare India of 1990 to 2014 and decide for yourself
Kargil is not an IB. If we attacked you on the IB, i would admit to having commit aggression. LoC is just a ceasefire line. When India threatens our interests we are fully justified to take whatever action we feel will protect our interests.
Could you tell me an event of aggression immediately before Kargil war from the Indian side??
Kargil is not an IB. If we attacked you on the IB, i would admit to having commit aggression. LoC is just a ceasefire line. When India threatens our interests we are fully justified to take whatever action we feel will protect our interests.

That will never happen.
It would happen if India decides to lower the threshold point to the provocations. And it's being scaled down slowly, but if one wants to believe that they can provoke India without any serious repercussions in only fooling themselves.
It would happen if India decides to lower the threshold point to the provocations. And it's being scaled down slowly, but if one wants to believe that they can provoke India without any serious repercussions in only fooling themselves.

India can't afford to do that. Mark my words.
off topic again...
But to slake your curiosity I am answering this one.
ROT1 is rotate 1 letter forward through the alphabet.

Oh interesting.

Since "J" was on its own in the sentence, without any other letters, I assumed that J = I.
300 times?

How much foreign exchange reserves does India have?

Forex reserve 1991: 600million

Forex reserve 2014: 313841 million

Difference = 313841/600 = 523 times.

India was broke in 1991 + Soviet Union has collapsed, yet Pakistanis were not able to get Kashmir from India, and they never would.

Kid got carried away :D

Ignorance is bliss
I don't disagree with carrying out Kargil, i just disagree with not doing it properly.

I have never denied Indian conventional superiority. However it doesn't really translate into strength and victory in battle. Once you go to war, all bets are off, no plan works. Gigantic armies have been defeated by small armies over and over again.

The question is which NUMBERS do you know about India's strength

If you would be knowing the real numbers then I can assure you
that We have ACHIEVED such a DISSUASIVE strength that BOTH
the Potential aggresors China and Pakistan
will go into a Lip Biting conclave before deciding upon a violent
course of action :chilli:

Being able to deter two strong enemies is NOT a small thing :no:
India can't afford to do that. Mark my words.
let me remind you sir that we are off topic. You asked me to open this thread for a reason.
Oh interesting.

Since "J" was on its own in the sentence, without any other letters, I assumed that J = I.
but lets not discuss coding and decoding here.
Both, the admin and TTA have derailed my thread.
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