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Did India gave it up too easily??

Review the papers of 48,65 i wonder why ur shashtri died in tashkent..i wonder who shot one third of indian airforce out of the sky... wonder why india doesnt celebrate it.. 71 was hardly a true victory... as for kargil we know who climbed cowardly in 84...

As for rats a$$ you guys know better... i stand by my opinion.

airforce is not the whole army xD
sure if we took over cowardly you were free to retaliate but i guess just gutless atleast india took back what pakistan took over cowardly
and its always better to be safe than sorry with how low pakistan can fall to invade other country
airforce is not the whole army xD
sure if we took over cowardly you were free to retaliate but i guess just gutless atleast india took back what pakistan took over cowardly
and its always better to be safe than sorry with how low pakistan can fall to invade other country

Get a life skinny india kid... the highest strategic peak in kargil still is in Pakistan... looks like ur airforces,arty,infantry division didnt have courage to get em back frm a few thousand lightly armed soldiers...
Get a life skinny india kid... the highest strategic peak in kargil still is in Pakistan... looks like ur airforces,arty,infantry division didnt have courage to get em back frm a few thousand lightly armed soldiers...

Dude relax. Don't want them to commit suicide out of shame.
Get a life skinny india kid... the highest strategic peak in kargil still is in Pakistan... looks like ur airforces,arty,infantry division didnt have courage to get em back frm a few thousand lightly armed soldiers...

lol pakistani fatso.....what pakistan has is an unmarked peak that asbolutely no use in strategic sense....but then i should remember im talking to one who things the roof of the cave fell down and killed nawab bugti when the highest law authority of the land thinks otherwise..:lol:

---------- Post added at 08:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 AM ----------

Dude relax. Don't want them to commit suicide out of shame.

kiddo if pakistanis did not commit suicide when 93000 of theirs surrendered abjectly, half their country was taken away from them, when their pm ran with the tail in between his legs to beg usa for stopping indians from crossing loc, why would indians commit suicide for paistanis having two or three peaks that is of no value to us...?
Review the papers of 48,65 i wonder why ur shashtri died in tashkent..i wonder who shot one third of indian airforce out of the sky... wonder why india doesnt celebrate it.. 71 was hardly a true victory... as for kargil we know who climbed cowardly in 84...

As for rats a$$ you guys know better... i stand by my opinion.

---------- Post added at 07:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 AM ----------


Pakistan lost all wars against india - YouTube

enough with your ignorance man most of our aircraft destroyed in 65 were idly parked aircraft on the ground that were destroyed by the better equipped PAF

The PAF lost some 25 aircraft (11 in air combat), while the Indians lost 60 (25 in air combat). This was an impressive result, but it was simply not good enough. Pakistan ended the war having depleted 17 percent of its front line strength, while India's losses amounted to less than 10 percent. Moreover, the loss rate had begun to even out, and it has been estimated that another three week's fighting would have seen the Pakistani losses rising to 33 percent and India's losses totalling 15 percent. Air superiority was not achieved, and were unable to prevent IAF fighter bombers and reconnaissance Canberras from flying daylight missions over Pakistan. Thus 1965 was a stalemate in terms of the air war with neither side able to achieve complete air superiority.[42]

1948 your tactical objective was to take all of Kashmir and you guys only got 1/3 while the rest went to us now in terms of a tactical view its obvious who lost and strategically speaking we own the rivers that feed your population water at any given point we could easily take the most precious thing to a human away which is water. we are already making dams and all we have to do is close the dam gates.

1965 the above video along with several neutral authors views say that story

and actually i agree about you with 1971 we destroyed half your navy and had you guys by the balls yet Randia Gandhi and her 2 timing arse let you guys go with mercy

now come on i told you to stop the ignorance your tactical objective was to hold down and secure strategic mountain peaks along the LoC and your army retreated when we responded with counter attacks in other words a strategic stalemate and a tactical victory for us. not to mention internal support was on our side even China would not help you out in Kargil so much for the all weather friendship lol

had we not gone to Siachen first you guys would have of course you being the losers call us cowards whereas a smart person would call us winners btw how many times did you try to take it back and fail? 5? 6 times?
Blame Nehru and Menon for this...
kiddo if pakistanis did not commit suicide when 93000 of theirs surrendered abjectly, half their country was taken away from them, when their pm ran with the tail in between his legs to beg usa for stopping indians from crossing loc, why would indians commit suicide for paistanis having two or three peaks that is of no value to us...?

LMAO, you indians always ran to the Americans. Please stop the Pakistanis, PLEASE! Your leader had a heart attack in Taskent dude.
LMAO, you indians always ran to the Americans. Please stop the Pakistanis, PLEASE! Your leader had a heart attack in Taskent dude.

indians always ran to americans....?:woot: is this what they teach in pakistan..?

never knew mian nawaj sharif was a indian prime minister....

as for '65 war read what your air chief marshal has to say about it...http://archives.dawn.com/2005/09/06/nat2.htm.....im astounded to the level of brainwashing about the wars in pakistan..
would reply to these skinnies later... gotta run late for university...

And i have good answers to their typical bs rants tht have been kicked before a million times.
never knew mian nawaj sharif was a indian prime minister....

Nawaj's idol was Nehru. While Musharaf on the other hand was laughing from his office.
^^ :lol:..

---------- Post added at 08:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 AM ----------

Nawaj's idol was Nehru. While Musharaf on the other hand was laughing from his office.

doesn't matter as long as he was the pakistaani prime minister who ran to washington to beg clinton to urge india from crossing the loc....
LMAO, you indians always ran to the Americans. Please stop the Pakistanis, PLEASE! Your leader had a heart attack in Taskent dude.

we ran to the Americans? please prove this and coming from the guys who squat with a begging bowl waiting for uncle sam to come by and fill it with aid money and not to mention how many gifted weapons did they give you?

having a heart attack at a old age is not common besides many think he was poisoned under the orders of Randia Gandhi
Get a life skinny india kid... the highest strategic peak in kargil still is in Pakistan... looks like ur airforces,arty,infantry division didnt have courage to get em back frm a few thousand lightly armed soldiers...

whereas Siachen is still with us and congrats we took 2/3 of Kashmir and tore half your nation and you guys occupied an abandoned mountain peak we left in the brutal himalayan winter yeah you guys sure do have a lot to show :lol:
whereas Siachen is still with us and congrats we took 2/3 of Kashmir and tore half your nation and you guys occupied an abandoned mountain peak we left in the brutal himalayan winter yeah you guys sure do have a lot to show

See Indians hate us because they cannot digest the fact that we separated from them and want nothing to do with them. :pakistan:

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