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Did India gave it up too easily??

Generalization alert!
After 10 posts and some what stupid debate here at PDF. I now understand why some people say things like:

Chinese guys are some of most incoherent speakers i spoke to.(this is probably the reason for other stereotype -They also suck big time with girls.)

clubs in London if an Indian guy approaches girls with their funny accent and awfual sense of fashion, the success rate is minus 20%, because girls oftern give a scornful look at them.

so i dont know this has anything to do with the topic?
You have to understand the historical humiliation and violence the Hindus have suffered from for over a thousand years. Many civilizations have conquered them, the Muslims empires, Arabs, Turkic, Timur, Afghans, and the British. After centuries and in fact a millennium of defeat and humiliation and slavery is going to depress the population and ruin their self-esteem.

The British were slightly different from the conquerors in the sense they did a better job dividing the Hindustanis and brainwashing them and setting up a system in Hind one they developed. It is understandable why many have this inferiority complex, the Indian has been a defeated race for the greater part of a millennium. This is not to say they haven't made small achievements here and there.

Hinduism existed much before you think, and much before many religion was formed by some person.. And it will continue to exist even after many man made religion die.

Every culture has its good and bad period. Hinduism is not exception. Hinduism too had some rough patched in its 10,000 year old history. My ancestors were Hindu 10,000 years ago, I am still same till today. I will suggest you to introspect what your ancestors before they CONVERTED to Muslim.

Mughal or Islam never ruled India, rather some part of India was ruled by some Muslim family. Rajputana (Rajsthan, some part of sindh and punjab) was always cultured Hindu. It was ruled by hindu landlord/kings not Islam.

Instead of many attacks we are still same what we were 10,000 year ago. That is our civilazation, That is our power, That ios what we are.. We are HINDUS...
I am a Muslim Pakistani Arain. Do we have a problem?

Why should I know about your problem ?? Go Ask your friend who knows about India's Hindus' problem while sitting far away from his own country :pop:

a guess (since you asked me) :) : If Hindus after living under so many different rules are stressed till now (lol)..then I guess yes, pakistanis must be more stressed given the fact that they not only faced so many rulers and opressions but also had to accept the invaders culture.

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------


he means Aryan.:pop:
Haha you're a funny guy. I didn't write Aryan, but Arain. There is a difference.

..you're right..it was a mammoth mistake to even think you as an ARYAN ;)

please go thru the posts of other Chinese guys, you ll know what i had to go through. Yeah that has nothing to do with the topic. I wrote what i felt after that.

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------

he was talking about his caste.

yeah !!
Everyone has heard of the caste system, with the Brahmins on top. Aryan invasion, etc.

And apparently, the worst insult in India is to call someone "black". Skin colour in India is linked with social status, and is the first thing that people write down when they describe themselves to potential partners..

Look what the British did to you, and compare that to China's counterattack against India's Forward Policy.

Not trying to wake you up, just saying that my skin color is black & while I was working in in back in 2006, I had a subordinate workforce of around 20. Out of these 20, at least 5 were from high caste Brahmin (I am not one).. Heck my cook was a Brahmin himself and was sh!t scared of me due to my very selective taste buds :laugh:

Althogh I agree, in the interior parts, fair skin, to some extent, is desirable when it comes to matrimony.. But who does not want a hot bride.. :lol:

Yet now you hate Chinese and Pakistanis the most. Even though we are developing countries like you, and we share the same history of being exploited by the colonial powers.

You can not be any more incorrect.. There is, but unresolved conflict with China & Pakistan. Both these countries had, in the past initiated war with us..

But as someone already mentioned, there are hopes for a better relationship with both and peaceful solution to the unresolved disputes. We all have come a long way now to spoil it with hostilities. That's precisely what others want.
Coming back to the thread context, I still cannot fathom why China had not chosen not to hold onto their claimed area (North-west Arunachal) after all.
Coming back to the thread context, I still cannot fathom why China had not chosen not to hold onto their claimed area (North-west Arunachal) after all.

Technical issues i heard.
But it had something to do with Russia vetoing in the UN.
Most developing countries, especially those who had a history of being exploited by colonialism, will want to stick together.

Indians on the other hand, they are always looking for the affection of the former colonial powers (the West).

Like in school, when one guy wants to leave his group, in order to join the "cooler kids".

So even though the British did so much to you, Indians will always hate their neighbours first (Chinese and Pakistanis), and forgive the West without a second thought.

What a childish analogy , literally .:lol:

Janon has made his point clear. Indians are not crazy to hate you for no reason . you claim our land and support our arch rival , to the extent of providing them nukes . what reaction were you expecting from Indians ?

rest of our BS white theory, you can play out as much you want on this forum because people here will blindly buy it due to their Indo-phobia but in the real world it doesn't hold much water .

Even today in the indian media widely the british rule in hated and criticised the most , much more than anything that happened with China . It is the over assertive and aggressive nature of China lately that has made Indians wary along with almost the whole of east and south east asia as well the western world.
Why should I know about your problem ?? Go Ask your friend who knows about India's Hindus' problem while sitting far away from his own country :pop:

a guess (since you asked me) :) : If Hindus after living under so many different rules are stressed till now (lol)..then I guess yes, pakistanis must be more stressed given the fact that they not only faced so many rulers and opressions but also had to accept the invaders culture.

---------- Post added at 11:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 AM ----------

he means Aryan.:pop:

This is the biggest joke of the year, and we are only 9 days in

Indian has forgotten its culture and instead are blindly following America.
Bollywood has basically become softcore **** in their fiendish attempts to copy Hollywood.
Your youth are listening to American music, watch American movies, and dressing like Americans.
Dating has become an acceptable part of young peoples lives, where as 50 years ago both the boy and girl would have been beaten.
The list goes on and on.

I don't quite understand what you mean by "original culture"
Since you people have already given that up for American culture.

Our Ancestors were smart enough to realize that "the original culture" didn't make much sense and was in fact quite oppressive in many regards, especially the cast system. So when they saw a superior "culture" they decided to take it.

How ever not everyone did, and some people thought their "original culture" was fine for them, and that ok too.
Partially true.

But is is INDIA, who is declaring a fellow developing nation (China) as their "number one enemy". While China has done no such thing.

And really, how can an Italian waitress become the number 1 most powerful person in India? Are we expected to believe that this was just a mere coincidence?

What percentage of Indian citizens are white Europeans that were born in Europe? The chances of it being a pure coincidence are nearly zero.


I know, you would have a strong preconception about things and it is very difficult to discuss things with such a personality. I just wanted to put forth my understanding of indian masses. Sonia Gandhi became the most powerful person, not because she was from Italy, but because she married the scion of Nehru Family, who have taken up the surname of the father of our nation. So it should be looked like this. If you get a Chinese girl married to Rahul Gandhi and he dies, she will receive the same image as Sonia Gandhi.

And for me - Even Chinese are like Whites. I really couldn't believe that Chinese are still worrying about complexion.

Talking about Britain - we don't envy them because without them "The Discovery of India" might not have been possible.

But you are right in a way. Indians like to move in to western countries and follow western life style than the Chinese life style. But i see even Chinese in Singapore are trying to have a western life style. We want to read about Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, for becoming great entrepreneurs( not anyone of Indian/Chinese/Pakistani origin ), but isn't it the same thing with you also?
The way i see it. Nehru did the right thing. That was a war based on igo. why waste human lives on nothing.

Are you demented??Do you know how many Military,Paramilitary personnel,civilian lives have been claimed since 1947 because of that stupid decision of Nehru.
Before IA could give it up, the lame as$ leaders of our country gave it up... Nehru never had the balls to take a firm stand. Be it Kashmir problem resolution or Tibet cessation to PLA. I cant understand why that fukcer is much revered in our books etc when we had better leaders than him.

On the contrary, Nehru had the every ball backed up by your foolish elected parliament to confront China by his stupid “forward Policy”, thanks to your democracy based on brainwashing illiterates.

BTW, Nehru was the most prestigious person to be your leader at that time than anybody else. He was the closest person to Gandhi. You know how nepotism plays out in Asian in general and in India in particular. On the same line, Nehru appointed his relative Kaul in charge of the whole war, and Gen. Kaul never saw any Chinese soldier before. But like many Indian internet warriors, Gen. Kaul had a very big mouth and extreme jingoism. Compared to his, all your PDF Indian internet warriors’ patriotism looks pale. And he definitely pleased your Parliament and Nehru.

Alas, his big mouth won your PM and parliament but failed India, just like many your existing internet warriors.

Complain to your tradition instead of anything else… and the learn the lesson, which has not been seen.
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