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DHL Express to promote Turkey’s EU membership bid

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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DHL Express to promote Turkey’s EU membership bid

Turkey’s Secretariat General for EU Affairs (ABGS) has signed a cooperative deal with the Bonn-based international express mail services company DHL Express to have a motto promoting the country’s bid to join the European Union written on each piece of mail the German company will carry from Turkey to EU member states for a year.

During the signing ceremony in İstanbul on Tuesday, Turkey’s chief EU negotiator, Egemen Bağış, said the ABGS had earlier signed similar deals with a number of other companies, including the country’s flag carrier Turkish Airlines (THY), yet the deal with DHL Express will bring such efforts to a “different dimension.” DHL Express makes around 8,000 deliveries from Turkey to Europe each day, the company’s Turkey director, Michel Akavi, said at the ceremony.

Turkey has been having membership negotiations with the 27-nation bloc since 2005, yet the process has continued only at snail’s pace because, Turkey believes, the leadership of certain EU members -- mainly Germany and France -- are not living up to the promises made to the candidate country by complicating the process of Turkey’s entry to the bloc. That said, there is also a serious public opinion problem standing before Turkey’s membership dream in that a majority of people in certain EU member states are opposed to Turkey’s entry.

Some experts say it will take Turkey at least another decade to join the union. Countering this argument, some other observers insist Turkey should go ahead with its PR campaign across Europe because political obstacles will be removed when the expected government changes occur in Germany and France where the present leaders are swiftly losing their popularity.

Bağış expects the deal signed with DHL Express will help Turkey win Europeans’ hearts at a time when they are suffering from the tough austerity measures their governments put in place to recover from the global financial crisis. Turkey says its membership will significantly contribute to the overall EU economy as it will increase the EU’s political and economic presence in the regions where it currently has little influence.

DHL Express to promote Turkey
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