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Turkey may ‘never be EU member’

Whoever choose to become enemy of Turkey will only destroy themselves not Turkey, Just saying.

No one chose to become Turkey's enemy, however AKP decide to betray their neighbors, and turn to the west...
What? They are under embargo. What does Turkey do against the USA?
You're just bullying Syria & Iran to please Israel & USA

A nation of heroes

You think you do something for Islam with you beeing a NATO member?

Stop liying please. Your Erdogan is a muslim brother who send Al Qaeda in Syria.

I am not bullying Syria or Iran, if you had read my other comments you would not have declared me anti Iranian/anti Syrian. Actually I am totally against Turkey for meddling in Syria.
Turn to the west?
We were allways with the West,AKP turning to the east,Wake up!

I meant to the west to decide it is foreign policy, and chose to become an enemy with their neighbor on behalf the west...
I meant to the west to decide it is foreign policy, and chose to become an enemy with their neighbor on behalf the west...
Nope,the only reason why we have some issues with our neighbours and former allies is:
AKP government(Erdogan and Davutoglu).
Nope,the only reason why we have some issues with our neighbours and former allies is:
AKP government(Erdogan and Davutoglu).

that is because AKP wanted to please the west.... that is my whole point, the AKP government is focusing on please the west more than making sure their neighbors don't have chaos that will spread to Turkey ...
that is because AKP wanted to please the west.... that is my whole point, the AKP government is focusing on please the west more than making sure their neighbors don't have chaos that will spread to Turkey ...
What are you talking about,he is the first Turkish leader who is anti west and showed this on many occasions.
Please the west?
Get real man really,what did Erdogan do to please the West?
You are to obsessed with Turkey,its time to look at realities.
We are only losing western allies because of Erdogan,and you come with your bs : Pleasing the west.
well, another member should be considered in EU


If Greece escapes from the common currency area, it could lead to various consequences for the whole zone. Credit countries which have lent Greece according to the two rescue programmes would be affected. It is significant that banks and companies could bear more serious consequences.

In addition, at the moment, besides Greece's debt, the single currency area has agreed 498 billions dollars to stabilise Portugal and Ireland and 459 billion dollars for Spain and Italy. Therefore, if Greece exits from the Eurozone, investors will consider about the ability to withdraw from Portugal,Spain,Ireland and Italy, leading to the fact that they could withdraw all bonds they have invested (Theatlantic, 2012).If this assumption occurs, the end of the Eurozone could be clearly visible.

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The current EU project is a failed bureaucracy and a money sink, why would Turkey or anyone want to join them and subjugate themselves to Hugh who is either too slow to react, fails at all, or does what's good for the big old states?
we welcomed them with open heart didn't fight them at all. (you need to research hard to comprehend this fact)
We were enslaved by your caste system not them mating with Dravidians and giving them equal rights as human beings. Many converted to Islam back then. Ask your self why we converted if we were their slaves?

are u a sethi?

hehe,pakistanis especially the naive ones ll qualify for the biggest mango morons of the planet,competition might be there from other planets.

you have company in India also. 
Whoever choose to become enemy of Turkey will only destroy themselves not Turkey, Just saying.

you mean to say those who ignore Turkey ll be spared of numbskull turk nonsense. 
Turks do look as much like Central Asians. 
Turkey ll never formally be a part of the EU and as much as one can make claims,Ataturk did what he did due to the political climate of his times not just like that.
As a Turkish Citizen i dont care being EU member or not. But i must say that it creates a good dynamic for democracy standarts. Only important part is this for me.

Actually i dont expect being member of EU if you think logical they must want but reality it will never happen. Because of history only exception of British Muslim means Turk for Europe. They send many crusaider armies they lost half of Europe for many centuries. You can see memorials everywhere a knight killing an Ottoman soldier to represent their independence. The trauma in their history much deeper then you thought. If they didnt been invaded by soviets it will be much much deeper.

Ohh btw an Iranian friend called Turks as traitors. First of all did you asked this question to 35 million Azeri Turks living in Iran??? Second like it or not which country the most advanced country in Muslim world??? 
Btw a small note: European Economic Community (core of EU) with Greece inivited Turkey too. But goverment rejected it. Ironic.
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