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Turkey may ‘never be EU member’

Yeah we see how proud they are of there Muslim history. There leader atat*rk changed arabic to latin script banned islamic teaching, closed mosques, changed arabic ezan to turkish ezan, banned islamic clothing, encouraged turkeys to drink beer and other alcohol, encouraged them to dress as high class europeans, banned islamic political parties, abolished caliphate, what else did i miss out? Probably a bunch of other stuff. So this is how proud the mongoloids are of there Muslim history eh?

In Iran we dont give a **** about those Iranians we see them as traitors.

They are not welcome in the middle east either as are arabs.
You are going to save the ''Muslim World'',im sure.
Btw,those Arabs in Syria are not welcome either(looks like you are in Syria)?
You gonna destroy them all?
Lost the Ottoman Empire? I won't speak for muslims but the non muslims in the empire had a right to be free.
How would you feel if the brits moaned about loosing their empire and want it back? Use common sense pls.

And i speak for the Muslims who looked Ottoman Empire as a symbol of unity. Totally wrong analogy you adopted there.
And i speak for the Muslims who looked Ottoman Empire as a symbol of unity. Totally wrong analogy you adopted there.

As my ancestors were subjects of the Ottoman Empire fore some time, I can clearly say we all regarded it as a symbol of evil and oppression and fought as hard as we could to bring it down. Different people have different views :P

On the topic, I agree to with the article, Turkey should not be accepted in the UE for a multitude of reasons, Germans loosing some control over their fourth Reich being the last of them.
However, strong economic and political ties are something to be kept, a prosperous Turkey is in everyones interests.
Turkey should never have contemplated being part of EU in the first place. They(west) have apathy towards all muslims regardless whether a large chunk of a society give up Islam and become secular (as happened in turkey).
For Turkey, it will be better in the short term, to stay out of economic unions, meanwhile strengthening bilateral relations with all countries, both near and far.
In the long term, I am sure Turkey will go into economic organization, which will replace the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
Turkey should never have contemplated being part of EU in the first place. They(west) have apathy towards all muslims regardless whether a large chunk of a society give up Islam and become secular (as happened in turkey).
Get this in your head and try to use your brain:90% of seculars in Turkey are Muslim including me!
If you dont know what secularism means google it.

Secularism in simple terms negates religion from state affairs. But Islam encompass all aspects of life including governance and politics. Secularism is based on the notion that all religion are man-made anyway and hence what's good & what's not is the domain of Humans. Its materialistic and atheistic in nature. DO we muslims belive that Quran is man-made? We believe its the word of Allah(swt) and whatever guidance he gave in the Quran and sunnah via prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the correct guidance for mankind. Some one who believe that man-made laws trumps over the Quran and that he/she know better than his/her creator then obviously he/she is not a muslim and those who affirm secular ideology knowing what it is and what Islam is, knows very well that they are not muslim.
Secularism in simple terms negates religion from state affairs. But Islam encompass all aspects of life including governance and politics. Secularism is based on the notion that all religion are man-made anyway and hence what's good & what's not is the domain of Humans. Its materialistic and atheistic in nature. DO we muslims belive that Quran is man-made? We believe its the word of Allah(swt) and whatever guidance he gave in the Quran and sunnah via prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the correct guidance for mankind. Some one who believe that man-made laws trumps over the Quran and that he/she know better than his/her creator than obviously he/she is not a muslim and I don't think those who affirm secular ideology knowing what it is knows very well that they are not muslim.
You live by the Quran which means Sharia law that is fine,your country's future is bright.
You cannot decide who is muslim or not,so cant take you serious.
Why do Turks want to join the European Union anyway? It's already the 7the largest economy of Europe being outside the European Union.

Do the Turks have an inferiority complex or something or do Turks need to justify Atta Turk's secular nonsense?
Turkey or AKP decided to turn into a western puppet and became an enemy with almost all of their neighbors in order to please the west and EU... and at the end EU ignored them... what a shame... Turkey isolated itself from their neighbors in the M.E... chaos is contagious...
Why do Turks want to join the European Union anyway? It's already the 7the largest economy of Europe being outside the European Union.

Do the Turks have an inferiority complex or something or do Turks need to justify Atta Turk's secular nonsense?
Nonsense for you maybe,not for us.
Do we talk nonsense about Jinnah?
To your questions,
We are over it,before our economy was bad and the EU would bring us further.
Those times are over,we dont need to get in the EU.
No we dont have a complex,do you have one?
That doesn't matter if we have some good leaders who are faithful to the religion and country they rule.
this divide is ever increasing since we lost the Ottoman Empire.

We,when did Pakistan became part of the Ottoman empire
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