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Ankara mulls cutting political ties with EU if chapter vetoed

Question, why is Turkey even going for EU membership anyways? It's clear that the EU don't want a Muslim majority country in the union, even if it means that they lose a major economic partner.
Considering a tiny park protests as reason of stoppage of EU membership progress is ridicilous.

Despite Turkey already carried out many reforms freedom, democracy, improved his judiciary ssytem accorddingly to EU standarts and archieved remarkable successes in economic and welfare fields, EU leading countries didnt positively take any step forward toward Turkeys EU membership so far yet...

They contstantly assert some other new rubbish pretexts in each time...Gezi park became a golden chance especially for Germany to slam Turkey on EU membership negotiations...No considerable loss for Turkey as our people demand have allready fallen to arround 35% for EU membership according to last inquiries..

even turkey complet all EU criterions of membership without any defective he will not be accepted as an full member of EU again...Because the actual reason is international politic and the issue of sharing power between leadind members ...
Considering a tiny park protests as reason of stoppage of EU membership progress is ridicilous.

Despite Turkey already carried out many reforms freedom, democracy, improved his judiciary ssytem accorddingly to EU standarts and archieved remarkable successes in economic and welfare fields, EU leading countries didnt positively take any step forward toward Turkeys EU membership so far yet...

They contstantly assert some other new rubbish pretexts in each time...Gezi park became a golden chance especially for Germany to slam Turkey on EU membership negotiations...No considerable loss for Turkey as our people demand have allready fallen to arround 35% for EU membership according to last inquiries..

even turkey complet all EU criterions of membership without any defective he will not be accepted as an full member of EU again...Because the actual reason is international politic and the issue of sharing power between leadind members ...

Tiny? Your police ran out of riot gas for God's sake!
Sry to brake it to you but Turkey doesn't fulfill the democratic requirements needed for a modern european country,each day you look more and more like a middle eastern dictatorship and yes we take democratic rights of the citizens very seriously here in the EU.It might be true that Germany opposed Turkey's admission all along but now Erdogan has fed the germans ammunition for years to come.
Tiny? Your police ran out of riot gas for God's sake!
Sry to brake it to you but Turkey doesn't fulfill the democratic requirements needed for a modern european country,each day you look more and more like a middle eastern dictatorship and yes we take democratic rights of the citizens very seriously here in the EU.It might be true that Germany opposed Turkey's admission all along but now Erdogan has fed the germans ammunition for years to come.

Your police acts much more brutally on protestors. At least we don't feed police dogs with protestors. :)

EU countries will always find an excuse. They will always try to destabilize Turkey, we have to cut ties with them.
Your police acts much more brutally on protestors. At least we don't feed police dogs with protestors. :)

EU countries will always find an excuse. They will always try to destabilize Turkey, we have to cut ties with them.

1.Nobody died during the Bucharest protests last year.
2.Police took action only against the football fans amongst the protestors because they were violent,the others stood in the square for weeks without someone trying to dislodge them.
3.The officers in charge during the Bucharest protests were sacked and are now facing criminal charges of excessive force.
4.Contrary to popular myths Turkey needs the EU more than Eu needs Turkey but in the end both could do fine without the other.
5.Where did the "police feeds dogs with protestors" part came from ?:cheesy:
5.Where did the "police feeds dogs with protestors" part came from ?:cheesy:


Mate i couldn't find the video you showed me, the one happened in Holland where police allowed their dogs to bite protestors.

Can you please show that video to our democratic righted EU citizen here.
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Mate i couldn't find the video you showed me, the one happened in Holland where police allowed their dogs to bite protestors.

Can you please show that video to our democratic righted EU citizen here.

Oh come on,picking on the dutch of all people to give an example of citizens beeing denied their democratic rights in the EU is propesterous.One or two incidents involving some cops does not amount with what happenned in Turkey the last few weeks.The more i see turkish politicians going on with ridiculous rants every time some EU official is giving advice or criticizing Turkey the more i think that the turks don't even understand what the EU is about.You can't properly function within a union of states wich gets tighter and tighter every day if you get b$tthurt every time you don't agree with something.
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Oh come on,picking on the dutch of all people to give an example of citizens beeing denied their democratic rights in the EU is propesterous.One or two incidents involving some cops does not amount with what happenned in Turkey the last few weeks.The more i see turkish politicians going on with ridiculous rants every time some EU official is giving advice or criticizing Turkey the more i think that the turks don't even understand what the EU is about.You can't properly function within a union of states wich gets tighter and tighter every day if you get b$tthurt every time you don't agree with something.

Sir, not only from dutch but we can find numerous examples. For example, a few days ago during the G8 protests in England, British police obstructed the Turkish News Agencies. But BBC live broadcasted Turkish protests for hours.

We always see this kind of shıt from EU. Like, "recognizing south cyprus", "recognize greek claims of territorial waters, EEZ, etc." always one sided demands from EU. Thankfully our government started to show them the middle finger.
EU divided over Turkey chapter opening

The decision of whether or not to delay Turkey’s accession talks with the European Union has been postponed to June 24, as members of the 27-nation bloc try to change the position of Germany, which is insisting on a halt to negotiations as a response to Ankara’s crackdown on protestors.

The EU was set to open talks on Chapter 22, regional policies, next week, after a delay of three years. The representatives of the member states in the European Commission met yesterday to adopt a common position on whether to give a green light to Turkey, but failing that they decided to take up the issue in their next meeting on June 24.

Germany’s decision to block the opening of this chapter due to domestic political reasons caused a rift within the EU countries. Although the Netherlands and Austria are aligned with Germany on this chapter, a significant majority of countries criticized the EU heavyweight and called on it not to block the opening of the chapter on regional policies. Italy, France, Sweden, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom have been actively engaged to convince Germany, underlining that this move would fully nix the EU’s leverage on Turkey. The issue was brought to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s attention during the G-8 meeting, but her resistance has yet to be overcome thus far.

On June 24, the foreign ministers of the 27-nation bloc will also meet but the disagreement over Turkey was not put on the agenda of the meeting, according to EU sources. This seems to be a deliberate decision in order to provide more space for behind the scenes talks between member countries. “If the issue was put on the agenda of the ministers, that would have put the whole problem under the spotlight and the positions could have become more entrenched,” an EU official who asked to remain anonymous told the Hürriyet Daily News. Member countries trying to convince Germany said that the EU could only address all of the issues of concern in Turkey by remaining engaged with Ankara.

A Foreign Ministry official said the chapter had great importance. “The chapter will mark an important milestone in our relations with the EU. We are still awaiting for the common sense to prevail so that this chapter will be opened at the end of this month,” the official told the Hürriyet Daily News, recalling that the decision-making process among the 27 countries was still continuing. “In the case of failure of the opening of this chapter, we will be obliged to give a reaction,” the official stressed, without giving details.

However, suspending political dialogue, cancelling high-level visits to and from Brussels and calling Turkey’s permanent representative to the EU back to Ankara for consultations are among potential measures the Turkish government is mulling over. Despite the fact that full membership negotiations started in 2006, Turkey has only opened 13 chapters out of 35 and has closed only one chapter. The last chapter the EU to be opened was in June 2010.

Source: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/eu-divided-over-turkey-chapter-opening-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=49200&NewsCatID=351
@Sinan...Recognising Greece EEZ rights according to international law and an end to the illegal occupation of Cyprus seem like reasonable requests to me.You do realise that if it joins the EU Turkey will get lots of money who could benefit the economy immensely don't you? If a country like Romania got some 22 billion E( 29 billion $) for the 2012-2014 period a country like Turkey would get some 80-90 billion in free funds from the EU to inject it in the economy,infrastructure.I think that for those money the EU has the right to ask for some reasonable things.If you would try to fix these things and not go on a nationalistic rant i think more problems would be solved.
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@Sinan...Recognising Greece EEZ rights according to international law and an end to the illegal occupation of Cyprus seem like reasonable requests to me.

Seems resonable to you, unreasonable to us. We could discuss more of these issues if you like.

You do realise that if it joins the EU Turkey will get lots of money who could benefit the economy immensely don't you? If a country like Romania got some 22 billion E( 29 billion $) for the 2012-2014 period a country like Turkey would get some 80-90 billion in free funds from the EU to inject it in the economy,infrastructure.I think that for those money the EU has the right to ask for some reasonable things.If you would try to fix these things and not go on a nationalistic rant i think more problems would be solved.

$80 Billion dollars are you serious ?:lol:

The fiscal size of 21 new projects in Turkey exceeds $138 billion

Total bill of Turkey's 'mega projects' more than GDP of 130 countries Anadolu Agency

Let's put away money from the barter table, we don't really need EU money.
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Seems resonable to you, unreasonable to us. We could discuss more of these issues if you like.

$80 Billion dollars are you serious ?:lol:

The fiscal size of 21 new projects in Turkey exceeds $138 billion

Total bill of Turkey's 'mega projects' more than GDP of 130 countries Anadolu Agency

Let's put away money from the barter table, we don't really need EU money.

1.I'm not an expert on the EEZ problem,it seems reasonable to me that you deal with it in a similar way we did with Ukraine:settle it in the international court of law.

2.80-90 billion EUROS=105-120 billion $ in free money on top on what Turkey is spending now,and that's for 6 years,the next 6 will probably bring more and so on.But if you think that Turkey is so rich and powerful and 100+ billion $ free development money is peanuts that's fine by me.I remember reading an article some time ago that those money were indeed very welcomed and the turks we're quite interested in them.
Let's put away money from the barter table, we don't really need EU money.

I won't go into debate what you need, but the simple fact is you are already received a sizeable amount, in several billions.

improved his judiciary ssytem accorddingly to EU standarts

The same judiciary under which Turkey is no.1 in the world in the category of locked up journalists? Sounds European to me.
1.I'm not an expert on the EEZ problem,it seems reasonable to me that you deal with it in a similar way we did with Ukraine:settle it in the international court of law.

If Greeks announce their maritime border we have to pass from Greek territorial waters while sailing between marmara sea and mediterranean sea and accepting Greek EEZ means, to leaving all the hydrocarbon reserves in Eeagean Sea to Greeks. Both unacceptable by us and i don't think, we will accept any international courts judgement.

2.80-90 billion EUROS=105-120 billion $ in free money on top on what Turkey is spending now,and that's for 6 years,the next 6 will probably bring more and so on.But if you think that Turkey is so rich and powerful and 100+ billion $ free development money is peanuts that's fine by me.I remember reading an article some time ago that those money were indeed very welcomed and the turks we're quite interested in them.

Of course we would welcome free money even if it isn't in billions but millions. But I don't think our government will trade it's political power by subduing to EU for money. Even we if accept and make it happen, all of the EU's demands. One member country like France or Germany can still veto us in the end.

A few months ago, we didn't have problems with Germans but with Frenchs. Now vice versa. Maybe a few months later, English will oppose us than Spain who knows.

If you had known Turkish language and read the comments of the mainstream news sites. You would see Turkish people, generally oppose the idea of joining EU and they don't trust EU.
Protests or not, Germany was going to veto it anyway.

So for the people saying 'good for Germany for vetoing to support the protests' is delusional....
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