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Dharm Jagran Samiti leader vows to create Hindu rashtra by 2021

Guys please don't insult @mujhaidind . He certainly isn't a radical or a "terrorist" as you claim. He is entitled to put forward his point of view without being insulted. He is not insulting anybody but purely pointing out his observations
Are you Sarcastic or are you really serious ? He is a guy who should be reported to the nearest Mumbai police station.
There is only one true religion in this world and that is WOPW. Turn to the Messiah now to save yourselves !
'Anti Conversion Law' is unconstitutional and stupid. There is a law to propogate enshrined in our constitution and without that the society will be screwed royally.

Then entire secularists should also tolerate the 'ghar Wapsi' of Hindu groups.After all
there is nothing in the constitution to prevent them from conversions.
Then entire secularists should also tolerate the 'ghar Wapsi' of Hindu groups.After all
there is nothing in the constitution to prevent them from conversions.
They will. Not only tolerate but also cheer. :D

Bus this shor and nautanki must be stopped. It should be a simple noiseless ceremony. No media, no observers, no outsiders...khair.
Then entire secularists should also tolerate the 'ghar Wapsi' of Hindu groups.After all
there is nothing in the constitution to prevent them from conversions.

There no problem in anyone coming to Hinduism when it's not done with inducements. Like all right wingers Hindu Sanghis also create mythical tales of prosecution to bolster their case.

There is only one true religion in this world and that is WOPW. Turn to the Messiah now to save yourselves !

What is WOPW?
Idiots like this Singh fellow are what fans communal conflict and hatred. Bit by bit, just as a drop of water eventually creates a hole within stone, they will succeed in turning India acerbic unless picked up now, beaten up.. stripped , castrated and made to walk around dressed like Beyonce.
Well sir,there's another better that can be done in this regard.The root of all these problems lie on the conversion issue,If the present Govt. manages to pass the Anti-conversion Bill then the root cause will be successfully eliminated once and for all and once that is done organizations like these will simply lose their relevance among the masses.
Headly was CIA agent you dumb guy. taht's the reason refused to let him be interrogated.

Dumb Hinduwadis hate Muslim rulers because they read fabricated version of history which was created by Christian Europeans.

Muslims are looked upon with suspicion when Christians have damaged this country more.
Ramzi Yousuf once blow up the WTC in the name of allah,now he is eating pork after converting to christianity and you can find many more example in India I can give you if you want.
There no problem in anyone coming to Hinduism when it's not done with inducements. Like all right wingers Hindu Sanghis also create mythical tales of prosecution to bolster their case.

What is WOPW?

Ramzi Yousuf once blow up the WTC in the name of allah,now he is eating pork after converting to christianity and you can find many more example in India I can give you if you want.
What you said only proves one thing! That he was closet Christian pretending to be a Muslim.
Really , Media seems to be digging out comments from the remotest unheard of organisations to propagate their Sickular values ...
Headly was CIA agent you dumb guy. taht's the reason refused to let him be interrogated.

Dumb Hinduwadis hate Muslim rulers because they read fabricated version of history which was created by Christian Europeans.

Muslims are looked upon with suspicion when Christians have damaged this country more.
yes i hate "muslim" rulers bcz i read TABAKAT-I-NASIRI which mentioned how bakhtiyar khilji behead buddhist monks, and plz read about your glorious muslim ruler kHUSRO KHAN who used to sit on quran and plz i dont need a sermon on "Hinduwad" from fourth generation muslim convert like you.
'Anti Conversion Law' is unconstitutional and stupid. There is a law to propogate enshrined in our constitution and without that the society will be screwed royally.
So tell me why your Congress leadership is doing all those dramas regarding the recent "Ghar wapsi" ceremonies??I mean it's within their constitutional rights to propagate their religion peacefully and to convert people peacefully and they are doing the same thing.So why on earth is the Congress protesting against that!!
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