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Dharm Jagran Samiti leader vows to create Hindu rashtra by 2021

By 2020 india is predicted to be a super power so this falls in line
Bajrang Dalis.
Iam not a Bajrang dali or VHP .
FYI RSS also have Muslim Vichar Manch.
If you cant trust me ,ask anyone .How the Rajiv Gandhi overuled a SC order for a poor lady with his absolute majority for petty appeasement ?
He neutralized the sanest order by amending the law.
There is a readon for 44 seats for Congress.This is the reason.

You aren't telling me anything new about the shah banu case. Why did we decide secularism was 'equal respect for all relegions' instead of 'complete separation of state from religion' like France? because our society really was deeply religious 1940s. As recent as 1960s and 1970s out society was so religious that even VS Naipual had to say that in our major Indian cities the higher caste members cooked their own food. In this kind of environment going for 'complete separation of state' was impossible to say the least.

Do you know that I'm actually very supportive of uniform civil code? But I'm also aware that our society (both hindu & mulsim) are way too religious for us to attempt this. There will be a day when we can, then we will. I think it's realistic considering education and independence of muslims girls reaching that level now, until then we just let the society evolve. Some things the society will have to evolve to, then we'll get our chance to put our own visions forward, till then it is pointless to expect change. Like the americans who abolished slavery in the 18th century, but the black rights movements came in the 20th century with firme results. Wait and it will happen as we evole into a society that supports this. Everything else is a gimmick.
You aren't telling me anything new about the shah banu case. Why did we decide secularism was 'equal respect for all relegions' instead of 'complete separation of state from religion' like France? because our society really was deeply religious 1940s. As recent as 1960s and 1970s out society was so religious that even VS Naipual had to say that in our major Indian cities the higher caste members cooked their own food. In this kind of environment going for 'complete separation of state' was impossible to say the least.

Do you know that I'm actually very supportive of uniform civil code? But I'm also aware that our society (both hindu & mulsim) are way too religious for us to attempt this. There will be a day when we can, then we will. I think it's realistic considering education and independence of muslims girls reaching that level now, until then we just let the society evolve. Some things the society will have to evolve to, then we'll get our chance to put our own visions forward, till then it is pointless to expect change. Like the americans who abolished slavery in the 18th century, but the black rights movements came in the 20th century with firme results. Wait and it will happen as we evole into a society that supports this. Everything else is a gimmick.
Did you actually think the US is completely free from the racism .?I dont think so.
The things you are quoted here dont have any relation with Conversions and Votebank politics.Hindus can accept any law ,religion is not a prime thing for them .Higher caste ,lower caste dont have anything to do with UCC.

Fact is your Congress degraded much during its last 6 decades journey.Once a strong , nationwide party with a full fledgrd cadre system is now reduced to a mere Family dynasty with full
of Vote bank and appeasement policies for its mere existence
When these Conversion row arised in Parliament Centre proposed an Anti Conversion low.But Congress and secular goons become absolute silent when he proposed that.
Because they know they cant antogonise Secular Vote Bank communities or Religion.Only thing that is left for the seccular parties in India.
They dont have anything to say about Anti Conversion law.
Majorities dont need these hypocritic politics.
Higher Caste dont force lower caste for Conversion.There is no such thing in India .And they can live with that.
But we cant allow the plans of Abrahamic religions in our nation.
By 2020 india is predicted to be a super power so this falls in line

And Sina in Yemen has fallen to you Houthis. So when are you returning back?

I know the AQAP still is after your ilk but then you don't belong here either.

And you have Malik Ishaq coming for you here as well.

I see no reason for your ilk not to hotfoot back where it came from.
Do you know that I'm actually very supportive of uniform civil code? But I'm also aware that our society (both hindu & mulsim) are way too religious for us to attempt this.
Actually, there is a upward spiral on religiousness of both communities because India failed to ban terrorist organizations like RSS(and it's children). India also failed to educate and uplift Muslims so that they see this as their country also.

With Muslims, preventing Arab ideologies to enter and also giving them equal status and slowly liberalizing them(majority) must be our aim. Instead, here we have brainwashed slaves of RSS fighting for their Hindu nation craving for the blood of infidels just like what we see in some middle eastern countries. I must say - North India's Hindu religion is modelled after Islam and invasion. They have martial groups like RSS,Shiva sena, Bajrangi s***rs as part of their establishment. It's like a Italian mafia in some way - they specifically target individuals, groups as their enemies and eliminates them for their ancient ideology. they wanted to destroy Southern India's moderate and tolerant culture for their version. These fanatic Sanghi organizations are mainly driven by Brahmanas and other high caste using low caste as foot soliders for the cause.
RSS slaves have no rights to criticize countries formed on the basis of religion for persecution and mocking them. Because, YOU are also no different from those barbarians.
And Sina in Yemen has fallen to you Houthis. So when are you returning back?

I know the AQAP still is after your ilk but then you don't belong here either.

And you have Malik Ishaq coming for you here as well.

I see no reason for your ilk not to hotfoot back where it came from.
Shame on you... Stop being obsessed with me fool.... Internet tough guy
Shame on you... Stop being obsessed with me fool.... Internet tough guy

I think you are the fool for obsessing with India. Just because we gave you refuge when your life was in danger.

We have nothing against you (or for you). You are just a person from another country that may not be friendly and it is fine by us. We wish the best for your Yemen and its unfortunate people who are suffering due to terror.
I think you are the fool for obsessing with India. Just because we gave you refuge when your life was in danger.

We have nothing against you (or for you). You are just a person from another country that may not be friendly and it is fine by us. We wish the best for your Yemen and its unfortunate people who are suffering due to terror.

Okay now go back to sleep, child
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