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What is type a Radicalism is in RSS Pleaese Explain.A Organisation which is Headed by Person Who is Atheist himself And Idolizes Vivekananda & Savarkar Who Both are Prominent Atheist Themselves.
He supports AAP. Don't take everything seriously. :enjoy: Happy weekend. :D
What is type a Radicalism is in RSS Pleaese Explain.A Organisation which is Headed by Person Who is Atheist himself And Idolizes Vivekananda & Savarkar Who Both are Prominent Atheist Themselves.

I just see the RSS as the Hindu version of Jamaad-ut-Dawa. Yet to get to the LeT stage because they havent found the analogy for Jihad within Hindu scripture yet.
Guys please don't insult @mujhaidind . He certainly isn't a radical or a "terrorist" as you claim. He is entitled to put forward his point of view without being insulted. He is not insulting anybody but purely pointing out his observations
I did not insult him. :mad: He is a wannabe, not yet graduated to a full timer. It's a compliment(for him). :haha: I mean I considered myself as a right winger, but then I met this guy. :hitwall:
They get special visas for converting Hindus. When exactly ever did they get jailed? Never. They are treated like VIPs by the police and adminstration. Why because they are White Christians.

I don't support terrorism or terrorists, you dumb Hinduwadi. Now keep licking feet of your white masters.
and I thought muslim terrorist convert to christianity like David Coleman Headly
I just see the RSS as the Hindu version of Jamaad-ut-Dawa. Yet to get to the LeT stage because they havent found the analogy for Jihad within Hindu scripture yet.
Even that would be stretching it a bit. Because RSS has no design for the world. :)
Besides, religion or theology is limited in the org. There is a huge number who are agnostics, atheists and millions who are not even Hindu. o_O
That is just one aspect, essentially what the Congress did was shoving the dirt under the rug instead of tackling it head on. Communal ideals are just a way to express perceived social injustice.

They would if it was under the kind of selfless leaders like Gandhi. Today's congress is basically a bunch of self serving goons with some vague idea that they should stand for secularism, but equally diligent in looting and scamming.
and I thought muslim terrorist convert to christianity like David Coleman Headly
Headly was CIA agent you dumb guy. taht's the reason refused to let him be interrogated.

Dumb Hinduwadis hate Muslim rulers because they read fabricated version of history which was created by Christian Europeans.

Muslims are looked upon with suspicion when Christians have damaged this country more.
Muslims are looked upon with suspicion when Christians have damaged this country more.
And a Muslim heads the Intelligence Service in this country. :hitwall:
A Muslim is the most popular President in this country.
A Muslim is the most popular actor in this country(UNDESERVED :D SRK fans burn).

The suspicion has come in post 9/11. It had nothing to do with India. :disagree: Hell, if I have a beard(as I do now) I am the bogeyman. Not much here, but anyway... :)

Instances like the above are very common the south and north-east India. As for the other things you said, they are not true.

The ones converted in Jammu and Kashmir are mostly Hindus, Sikhs and few shias.

BS I have never seen even one. They usually come to homes on Sundays and bore you to death with Pamphlets. Standing in front of a temple and talking about 'false gods' will get you beaten. If this woman went on doing this, she'd be in the hospital quite soon.
Headly was CIA agent you dumb guy. taht's the reason refused to let him be interrogated.

Dumb Hinduwadis hate Muslim rulers because they read fabricated version of history which was created by Christian Europeans.

Muslims are looked upon with suspicion when Christians have damaged this country more.

Dude, Mughal Emperors like Akbhar are highly respected in India.
I just see the RSS as the Hindu version of Jamaad-ut-Dawa. Yet to get to the LeT stage because they havent found the analogy for Jihad within Hindu scripture yet.
RSS is Idolizes no religion, Person but Admire ideologies .It Works for the Society welfare They have history to develop Great characters.Soul Motto of the RSS is to Protect Cultural Roots of India.
Its all about Perception of vision of your and Mine
BS I have never seen even one. They usually come to homes on Sundays and bore you to death with Pamphlets. Standing in front of a temple and talking about 'false gods' will get you beaten. If this woman went on doing this, she'd be in the hospital quite soon.
Since you Hinduwadis don't beleive a Muslim.Atleast listen to this guy.

If Muslims were doing the same in India, what would be your reaction? Answer honestly.
Guys please don't insult @mujhaidind . He certainly isn't a radical or a "terrorist" as you claim. He is entitled to put forward his point of view without being insulted. He is not insulting anybody but purely pointing out his observations

I don't know about 'radical' or 'terrorist', but he sure is a moron, and that's worse.
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