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Dharm Jagran Samiti leader vows to create Hindu rashtra by 2021

So tell me why your Congress leadership is doing all those dramas regarding the recent "Ghar wapsi" ceremonies??I mean it's within their constitutional rights to propagate their religion peacefully and to convert people peacefully and they are doing the same thing.So why on earth is the Congress protesting against that!!

. Muslim rule? Like syria where 2 lakh muslims got killed by muslims or isis or India you can decide where you want to live,anyway a jihadi has recently returned to India also from your hometown disgusted by his Khalifa.

Caliph became much impressed with his toilet cleaning ability.But our holy warrior cant digest with the Caliph impression . :sarcastic:
Right! Heard of the 'Joshua Project'? Its got India in its cross-hairs.

Religious expansionism has not witnessed this scale, scope, and state resources in a long time. Detailed investigations by Tehelka reveal that American evangelical agencies have established in India an enormous, well-coordinated and strategised religious conversion plan.

Read more here...Tehelka - The People's Paper

telangana and a.p are prime examples to the extent of how these evangelists convereted people in large scale without being checked , after all they had support from ysr in the state and sonia gandi in the centre... at tyms these evangelists are funny...

this is a vdeo of an evangelist anil kumar ( son in law of late cm of a.p ysr, ), in the video u wl see him calling the rain to be satan and ordering it to stop. the rain stops after 5-10 mns and he calls it to be a miracle happend due to prayng to jesus :P

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I did not insult him. :mad: He is a wannabe, not yet graduated to a full timer. It's a compliment(for him). :haha: I mean I considered myself as a right winger, but then I met this guy. :hitwall:
This is the same guy who lives in India cheers the killing of Hindus , insults Sikhs & calls Christians traitors. He encourages " terrorism" in India in order to make it " Islamic" . He continuously spews venom against our Armed forces. ... He racially abuses Indian men & tries to create division among India. He claims racial superiority & calls Indian men impotent & only fit to perish. So he is a complete traitor & tries to instigate violence.. He claims to be a Arab origin Muslim but he's actually a shame to Muslim community in India. He is no better than the Bangalore internet jihadi....
What you said only proves one thing! That he was closet Christian pretending to be a Muslim.
do you want more jihadis who convert?

Caliph became much impressed with his toilet cleaning ability.But our holy warrior cant digest with the Caliph impression . :sarcastic:
he is lucky his beloved Khalifa dint play BACCHA BAZI with him.
Here you go, pick them up and start familiarization what ISIS would like you to do.
telangana and a.p are prime examples to the extent of how these evangelists convereted people in large scale without being checked , after all they had support from ysr in the state and sonia gandi in the centre... at tyms these evangelists are funny...

this is a vdeo of a evangelist ani kumar ( son in law of late ysr, cm of a.p ), in the video u wl see him calling the rain to be satan and ordering it to stop the rain stops after 5-10 mns and he calls it to be a miracle happend due to prayng to jesus :P

Jeeez! :fie:
yes i hate "muslim" rulers bcz i read TABAKAT-I-NASIRI which mentioned how bakhtiyar khilji behead buddhist monks, and plz read about your glorious muslim ruler kHUSRO KHAN who used to sit on quran and plz i dont need a sermon on "Hinduwad" from fourth generation muslim convert like you.
You like to read fabricated version of events.

Back to the topic. AK47-wielding Christian terrorists in Meghalaya,Mizoram,Manipur,Nagaland and tripura forcibly converting Hindus is ok. Them banning their festivals is ok too.

But you people find faults with tolerant Indian Muslims.
What you said only proves one thing! That he was closet Christian pretending to be a Muslim.
You need to visit a shrink. Take this Dharmajagran leader with you too. He needs to keep things quiet.You need it more urgently though. You have the chance of blowing up. Which is good. What is bad is that innocents will die too. :bad:

Oh well now we have conspiracy theory in India also.
So Netaji was also a RSS ,since he asked German.Nazi help for Indias freedom :sarcastic:
Netaji met Savarkar and there is a picture of that too. :D
There no problem in anyone coming to Hinduism when it's not done with inducements. Like all right wingers Hindu Sanghis also create mythical tales of prosecution to bolster their case.

What is WOPW?

So you dont have any problem when Christian Messiah NGOs and Muslim Wahhabi NGOs use their illegal foreign fund for exploit poor Hindus in India ? :unsure:

Why didn't the Congressi activists do the same thing with the foreign Evangelist missionaries who are converting poor gullible masses simply by luring them with some money and food!!

OMG With these direct truthful posts you just insult our Secularists in here and India.Secular Communities can Convert other people :D
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