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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

Dont see why I should waste time with you when you hold such ridiculous views. For the Jews, Israel is their holy land. The only holy land. The promised land. I have had some talks with few Israeli students who are into their masters here (almost all of them ex-IDF or on a sabbatical) and their view is unanimous. They will never repeat what their forefathers did in face of persecution - flee Israel. Their view is fight till the last man and then take everyone else with them as the samson option.

And no using nukes is not childish..i agree..but when you are sinking and there is no hope to survive, if I were in their place, I would take as many of the opponents with me as possible.

Not really. Already emigration has been started. Many Russian jews are not that religious also. Not only Russians but also many Jews of other origin and young jews are also not that religious. There are inter racial marriage and gay & lesbian marriage is happening and they are leaving Judaism. I already posted about emigration trends in Israel. As the economy will become more weak in the coming years more emigration will follow.

Why you are shouting like a child nuke, nuke??? Muslim countries now knows it pretty well Israel is defeating itself from within and it can be defeated more easily economically even without going in tot he war. Believe me or not soon mass sanction and embargo will follow like that of South Africa which liquidated the apartheid regime if within a year or two no viable Palestine state is established.

you didn't get me, according to Islam Kaaba will be destroyed before Judgment day .before that Jesus PBUH will return and at the time of Kaba's destruction no muslim will remain alive! muslims believe it. If Kaaba is destroyed by Israeli nuke, then most people would leave islam assuming its fake! Yes nuke is powerful than Quran to you, i know that. But i was not talkingg about you!

Please do not bring religion here. As it is not necessary for them to believe Islam.
you didn't get me, according to Islam Kaaba will be destroyed before Judgment day .before that Jesus PBUH will return and at the time of Kaba's destruction no muslim will remain alive! muslims believe it. If Kaaba is destroyed by Israeli nuke, then most people would leave islam assuming its fake! Yes nuke is powerful than Quran to you, i know that. But i was not talkingg about you!

Well anybody who has studied elementary physics would agree with me lol
Because they contribute money during election to the US congress man and senators. But if the muslim countries really want to manipulate the election jews of USA even can not compete as GCC countries and their Kings and prince have more money. But they got a bulk support of the eveangelical christians that provide the unconditional support for Israel and lobby and pressure congress to do so. But in recent time this zionists and tea party are weakening. Recent election result is just an example of it.

Regarding emigration ...

The million missing Israelis - Israeli emigration — FMEP

Even many prominent ex Israeli PM's children have also emigrated.

Economically Israel will be insignificant in the coming years.

First of all the GCC countries are no way richer than the Jews in US, Can you see the Jew pioneers in US major corporations? Even if GCC countries are richer, they are not fools like the Indian sub continent Muslims to spend waste on US senators.

As far as I know Obama had put his unconditional weight behind Israel against the Gaza Hamas in the latest conflict! Like India, Israel's largest advantage is its people! It doesn't mean that people moving out of Israel due to instability have renounced Israel as their state!
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Not really. Already emigration has been started. Many Russian jews are not that religious also. Not only Russians but also many Jews of other origin and young jews are also not that religious. There are inter racial marriage and gay & lesbian marriage is happening and they are leaving Judaism. I already posted about emigration trends in Israel. As the economy will become more weak in the coming years more emigration will follow.

Why you are shouting like a child nuke, nuke??? Muslim countries now knows it pretty well Israel is defeating itself from within and it can be defeated more easily economically even without going in tot he war. Believe me or not soon mass sanction and embargo will follow like that of South Africa which liquidated the apartheid regime if within a year or two no viable Palestine state is established.

Well whats the cost of dreaming ? Nothing.
Well anybody who has studied elementary physics would agree with me lol

Then I guess you wont believe the proverb "Pen is mightier then sword". Your elementary physics wont agree with it.

Well whats the cost of dreaming ? Nothing.

Dreaming or west dreaming is the act of the Indians. We talk about facts. I talked about it.
Then I guess you wont believe the proverb "Pen is mightier then sword". Your elementary physics wont agree with it.

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered
automatic weapons."

-General Douglas MacArthur

Dreaming or west dreaming is the act of the Indians. We talk about facts. I talked about it.

oh okay..lol
Within 2 decades in terms of science and technology Israel will be nothing in front of other arab countries. This does not include, Turkey, Indonesia, Iran and Bangladesh. Keeping Pakistan out of list for now. Just look at the science and research progress in the mentioned countries. Bangladesh is lagging in research but already there are initiatives to focus on research.

Buddy the ability to think is something which helps the terms of science and technology! The Jews are better in IQ than the so called pleasure loving 'Arab'.. If it is NOT for the oil, The arabs would have been some one like Cambodia or Chile in world politics!
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered
automatic weapons."

-General Douglas MacArthur

oh okay..lol

Mr. MacArthur obviously have not seen the power of media and pen. It has the power to shut up even world's largest super power.

Internet and public opinion manipulation is more mightier then even possessing atomic weapon. - Captain Planet
Mr. MacArthur obviously have not seen the power of media and pen. It has the power to shut up even world's largest super power.

Internet and public opinion manipulation is more mightier then even possessing atomic weapon. - Captain Planet

Then I guess your Mukthis must have taken pens instead of the rifles to fight West Pakistan. Is it not "Captain" Planet ? Maybe we should have supplied them with high quality camlin pens instead of the Aks and the Lee-enfields.
Mr. MacArthur obviously have not seen the power of media and pen. It has the power to shut up even world's largest super power.

Internet and public opinion manipulation is more mightier then even possessing atomic weapon. - Captain Planet
reminds me of hacker attacks on israeli websites.
you kill hundreds of our muslim brothers, we're gonna deface your websites. :O
take that evil jews.
Buddy the ability to think is something which helps the terms of science and technology! The Jews are better in IQ than the so called pleasure loving 'Arab'.. If it is NOT for the oil, The arabs would have been some one like Cambodia or Chile in world politics!

Do you have even any idea how much arab countries are investing in science and technology??? This does not include Iran and Turkey. Iran has the world's largest growth rate in producing research paper. Same goes with Turkey as well. Indonesia is following closely and Bangladesh is also trying to follow suit. Israel will be insignificant within next couple of years.

The thing that you are saying is something lise 2 decade old stuff... just go to the Arab countries and see how they are emerging as the world's leading financial center, also trying to become leading steel and plastic manufacturing base and high tech product manufacturing base.

Whatever Israel has achieved in science and tech mostly due to tech transfer from west and migration of 1 million russian jews those who were technically skilled. Otherwise Israel is nothing. Now Israel is producing merely 10000 a year where as Iran is producing more then 200000. Even USA is producing only 70000 engineer. You just do the math now.
Dhaka is just being cute, Dhaka aunties are better off fighting each other lol.
reminds me of hacker attacks on israeli websites.
you kill hundreds of our muslim brothers, we're gonna deface your websites. :O
take that evil jews.

Thats almost nothing... media campaign was more effective and forced the apartheid regime to stop the genocide.
First of all the GCC countries are no way richer than the Jews in US, Can you see the Jew pioneers in US major corporations? Even if GCC countries are richer, they are not fools like the Indian sub continent Muslims to spend waste on US senators.

As far as I know Obama had put his unconditional weight behind Israel against the Gaza Hamas in the latest conflict! Like India, Israel's largest advantage is its people! It doesn't mean that people moving out of Israel due to instability have renounced Israel as their state!

Without Jews Israel has no significance.

"Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don't care. And I don't mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. Then you can spruce up your Jewish conscience and enter the respectable club of civilised nations, nations that are large and healthy. What you lot don't understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it. True, it could have been finished in 1948, but you interfered, you stopped it. And all this because of the Jewishness in your souls, because of your Diaspora mentality. For the Jews don't grasp things quickly. If you open your eyes and look around the world you will see that darkness is falling again. And we know what happens to a Jew who stays out in the dark. So I am glad that this small war in Lebanon frightened the Yids. Let them be afraid, let them suffer. They should hurry home before it gets really dark. So I am an anti-Semite ? Fine.

--- Ariel Sharon
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