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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

12 pages of senseless discussion.
@ Indians Stop asking for things that you won't get. They won't admit anything.

Same goes for Pakistanis.

These type of discussions are nothing just another thread for allegations and need to prove superior than the other.

Have we ever got to any conclusions in such threads ? The only answer you will get for your questions is either a question on you or a same old rhetoric.

MODs, just close this thread. Its going nowhere.
12 pages of senseless discussion.
@ Indians Stop asking for things that you won't get. They won't admit anything.

Same goes for Pakistanis.

These type of discussions are nothing just another thread for allegations and need to prove superior than the other.

Have we ever got to any conclusions in such threads ? The only answer you will get for your questions is either a question on you or a same old rhetoric.

MODs, just close this thread. Its going nowhere.

Where you want to go ? want to solve a 60+ year old problem over keyboard war ?
Where you want to go ? want to solve a 60+ year old problem over keyboard war ?
Seems like you have comprehension problem. Read wice before you comment on any post.
what is this bangladeshi's obsession with iranians. strange people. iranians are show offs, even in america. indians are successful yet more humble.

where I study, some of the most stuck up, spoiled and shallow foreign students are the Iranians, Pakistanis, Arabs and Indians

many exceptions......but my initial impression at least was --- hang around the Columbians and the Turks and avoid all others....you can never go wrong with them :laugh:

i dont know how i just went off on that tangent.....yes, the topic has gone way off-course.
where I study, some of the most stuck up, spoiled and shallow foreign students are the Iranians, Pakistanis, Arabs and Indians

many exceptions......but my initial impression at least was --- hang around the Columbians and the Turks and avoid all others....you can never go wrong with them :laugh:

i dont know how i just went off on that tangent.....yes, the topic has gone way off-course.

in my experience, middle eastern people are the biggest show offs while south and east asian people just mind their own business yet are very successful.
in south asian im including indian, pakistani
in my experience, middle eastern people are the biggest show offs while south and east asian people just mind their own business yet are very successful.
in south asian im including indian, pakistani

It is indeed true, middle easters mostly are show offs and have high level of gradiosity. Mind you, i have arab friends and jewish friends as well. I find jews a lot easy going and friendly than the arabs. Turks are kool as hell, never seen a turk whos not easy going.
in my experience, middle eastern people are the biggest show offs while south and east asian people just mind their own business yet are very successful.
in south asian im including indian, pakistani

From my experience, Israelis are pretty easy going and not total showoffs.

I can say the Iranians aren't showoffs either. But boy, do they know how to party.

The Arabs however....:lol:
I've very openly advocated some back-channel "dialogue" with them.
I can read between the lines of history and official accounts well enough to realize such links between Pakistan and Israel have existed for decades. The problem is that the wrong people are empowered in both countries. The Mossad shouldn't be messing in foreign trade and the Pakistani Army shouldn't be gathering the skeins of decision-making on foreign affairs into its own hands. In both countries weakening of the civilian government is the result.

I dont see why criticism of israel gets you so pent up -
You're talking to somebody whose grandparents, aunts, and uncles were murdered by the Nazis. The Jews of Europe didn't deserve that; the murderers were empowered by trumpeting lies that good people did nothing to oppose - and in making Jew-hatred supreme over law, empowered tyranny. The result was tragic for Jews and devastating for Europe. Pakistan and Bangladesh appear to be walking the same course.

...known to be building illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territory (ILLEGAL is the key --often neglected --word here)
They are not illegal. One can have great fun poking a diplomat about this. Generally he has to shut up, leave the room, or change the subject. That's because the settlements are only called illegal. Jewish settlement in the Palestine Mandate area is explicitly authorized as long as the civil and property rights of Arabs are respected. All those anti-Israel General Assembly resolutions are opinions non-binding in law and the statements last decade from the ICJ were merely prosecutorial advisory opinions where the "illegal" status was one of the givens.

if they facilitate the peace process rather than be part of the problem -
Hello? Knock-knock? It's for Pakistan that Pakistan has to trumpet Israel. Don't you get that yet?
I begin to get a glimmering... AZ, you need to ask yourself whether what you've been up to in regards to me is really in the best interest of the people of Pakistan or not.
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