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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

I second that with a few exceptions like Indian muslims like Azim Premji, Yusuf Khwaja Hamied!

Azim is not considered Muslim in Pakistan.... This was the reason his father refuse to go to Pakistan when Jinna asked him. In India Shia/Bohra and Ahmedi are literate and forward while Sunni are backward (mostly). Shia/Bohra/Ahmedi follow family planning , Azim has only 2 kids while Sunni don't believe in Family planning. In my native town Bhagalpur I personaly know many Shia Family who have 2 kids per family (One Aunt has only 2 daughter and she planned her family) . I hardly see any Sunni in India having good lifestyle.

some 2-3% of non-Muslims (Ahmedi and Bohra) can't set the trend...
Jews are not that powerful. They are very smart but limited in numbers. Anyways no point in discussing iranians or indians in this thread.

Days are gone when Muscle was power , In information age, knowledge is power.. Hope u understand it.
I know Iranians are working... but what is the numbers? that is the questions! Don't come up with the dumb statement that there are more Iranians than the Chinese and Indians! Indians are not as powerful as the Jews.. But they were more powerful than the Iranians for sure!

Between they can invest 2100 Billion! Trust me they are not running for their lives like the Jews do! Saudi's are known for their luxury not for their intelligence and hard work!

1.5 million Iranians live in USA. Most of them are highly educated and well established in USA.

N what makes you think that Saudis can not have intelligence??? Do you have any idea that around or more then 300K students are studying in foreign universities with government funding and many of them are pursuing PhD degrees. Their initiative to invest 25 billion usd a year signifies their strategy to focus more on R&D.

Can Israel match those number?? I guess you have heard the fact that quantity always turns into quality after a while. Most of the arab countries are also investing in world's renowned tech companies. Do you know that UAE has bought a big chunk of AMD processor and now establishing a 4 billion usd R&d center for it in new york. Qatar, UAE and Kuwait have purchased stake in many top rated tech companies.

Azim is not considered Muslim in Pakistan.... This was the reason his father refuse to go to Pakistan when Jinna asked him. In India Shia/Bohra and Ahmedi are literate and forward while Sunni are backward (mostly). Shia/Bohra/Ahmedi follow family planning , Azim has only 2 kids while Sunni don't believe in Family planning. In my native town Bhagalpur I personaly know many Shia Family who have 2 kids per family (One Aunt has only 2 daughter and she planned her family) . I hardly see any Sunni in India having good lifestyle.

some 2-3% of non-Muslims (Ahmedi and Bohra) can't set the trend...

You are master Bakwaaz! I have seen your Shia Sunni bakwaaz in another thread. Bangladesh is sunni nation of indian subcontinent, with lowest fertility rate! Family planning eh?
Days are gone when Muscle was power , In information age, knowledge is power.. Hope u understand it.

Muslims in middle east are producing more knowledge then jews which is couple of times high. Israel never can compete that. There science and engineering graduates are also declining. Old days are gone.
Muslims in middle east are producing more knowledge then jews which is couple of times high. Israel never can compete that. There science and engineering graduates are also declining. Old days are gone.

Thats why I am saying Wait for 20 years and let us see... The thing Aras are doing now Indian has done 20 year ago, we are generating 1,00,000 Quality engineers and 3-4,00,000 ordinary engineers per year, still we are no close to Israel..

@Kobiraz: I apriciate Bangladeshi Muslims for there low fertility rate.. But things are not as rosy as they look, The Indian district surrounding Bangladesh saw an increase of Muslim population by 40-50% in decade while Hindu population 20-24%. There is something Fishy.. We will discuss it in seperate thread. But bottom line is Shia/Ahmedi/Bohra in India are more progressive, educated and intelligent.
Thats why I am saying Wait for 20 years and let us see... The thing Aras are doing now Indian has done 20 year ago, we are generating 1,00,000 Quality engineers and 3-4,00,000 ordinary engineers per year, still we are no close to Israel..

@Kobiraz: I apriciate Bangladeshi Muslims for there low fertility rate.. But things are not as rosy as they look, The Indian district surrounding Bangladesh saw an increase of Muslim population by 40-50% in decade while Hindu population 20-24%. There is something Fishy.. We will discuss it in seperate thread. But bottom line is Shia/Ahmedi/Bohra in India are more progressive, educated and intelligent.

Come out of your wet dream you old man!!! It is your hungry and poor Indians those who are going to middle east to earn their livelihood in hundreds of thousands.

Why you are comparing Indian engineers??? Does India invest anything on R&D that it can think of competing with other countries??? Saudi Arabia is investing 25 billion a year on R&D. Even does India invest same amount??? Even sanctioned Iran is focusing more on R&D then India.
@Black Widow this generalization is wrong! Indian Sunnis lag behind doesn't explain anything! Sunni Al andalusia used to have road side lamp posts Thousand years ago when europe was in dark, Sunni Baghdad was the capital of the world,Shias used to smoke opium and worked as Hashashins (assassins)! Does that explain anything?
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@Kobiraz: I apriciate Bangladeshi Muslims for there low fertility rate.. But things are not as rosy as they look, The Indian district surrounding Bangladesh saw an increase of Muslim population by 40-50% in decade while Hindu population 20-24%. There is something Fishy.. We will discuss it in seperate thread. But bottom line is Shia/Ahmedi/Bohra in India are more progressive, educated and intelligent.

In which district you are talking about??? Dnt talk nonsense. It was talked and discussed long ago. Only in 3 small sub district of Assam there were increase of muslim but there number of population is too low. So only couple of thousand moving cause the percentage change. On top of it there are higher birth rate. The other reason for incease on those sub district as after the attack on muslims in 1993, muslims were encouraged to migrate and settle close to each other to protect themselves against any attack from Bodo. But it has been shown in Assam overall population growth rate is lower then national average. So stop talking all of your nonsense without any fact, figure and proof.
1.5 million Iranians live in USA. Most of them are highly educated and well established in USA.

N what makes you think that Saudis can not have intelligence??? Do you have any idea that around or more then 300K students are studying in foreign universities with government funding and many of them are pursuing PhD degrees. Their initiative to invest 25 billion usd a year signifies their strategy to focus more on R&D.

Can Israel match those number?? I guess you have heard the fact that quantity always turns into quality after a while. Most of the arab countries are also investing in world's renowned tech companies. Do you know that UAE has bought a big chunk of AMD processor and now establishing a 4 billion usd R&d center for it in new york. Qatar, UAE and Kuwait have purchased stake in many top rated tech companies.

FYI the number of Iranins living in US is NOT even half a million!

Iranian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi's have oil, They are NOT in hurry to work hard for anything! More over they are not dead against the Jews living in Israel! As long as Saudi's have Oil, US will control them.. and which in turn will NOT turn a finger against Israel!

UAE, Qatar cannot do anything against the Americans and their interests!

Export of SA - 350.7 Billion as per 2009 census with (The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 45% of budget revenues, 55% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings.)

UAE GDP of 360 Billion

With these data they are just american puppets!

In which district you are talking about??? Dnt talk nonsense. It was talked and discussed long ago. Only in 3 small sub district of Assam there were increase of muslim but there number of population is too low. So only couple of thousand moving cause the percentage change. On top of it there are higher birth rate. The other reason for incease on those sub district as after the attack on muslims in 1993, muslims were encouraged to migrate and settle close to each other to protect themselves against any attack from Bodo. But it has been shown in Assam overall population growth rate is lower then national average. So stop talking all of your nonsense without any fact, figure and proof.

But we are happy that BSF are killing the pole vaulters without any mistake! Continue with their good work!
Come out of your wet dream you old man!!! It is your hungry and poor Indians those who are going to middle east to earn their livelihood in hundreds of thousands.

Why you are comparing Indian engineers??? Does India invest anything on R&D that it can think of competing with other countries??? Saudi Arabia is investing 25 billion a year on R&D. Even does India invest same amount??? Even sanctioned Iran is focusing more on R&D then India.

Yes hungry-poor Indian-BD-Pakistani-lankan are working in middle east. But ppl like me also working in Silicon valley. Alone TCS has 3,00,000 engineer worldwide.

India is not communist state, here research is driven by Capitalists (Reddy's lab, Saw's lab, Tata, Mahindra etc) not govt. Govt spend R&D in govt sector, without spending any money we became one of powerful space power?? Which world you are living in??? Come out of Canada, India is not what u think.

India has best R&D facility in Agriculture department, Animal husbandry. The only problem India has its uncontrol fast breeders who breed like pigs every year.
FYI the number of Iranins living in US is NOT even half a million!

Iranian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saudi's have oil, They are NOT in hurry to work hard for anything! More over they are not dead against the Jews living in Israel! As long as Saudi's have Oil, US will control them.. and which in turn will NOT turn a finger against Israel!

UAE, Qatar cannot do anything against the Americans and their interests!

Export of SA - 350.7 Billion as per 2009 census with (The petroleum sector accounts for roughly 45% of budget revenues, 55% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings.)

UAE GDP of 360 Billion

With these data they are just american puppets!

But we are happy that BSF are killing the pole vaulters without any mistake! Continue with their good work!

Dnt always go by wikipedia as you may not get the exact figure or data. Now the exact figure is 1.5 million Iranian lives in USA and Iranian engineers have 880 billion usd property.

Iranian-Americans' California dreaming

Iranian-Americans' California dreaming - Features - Al Jazeera English

About 750,000 Iranians residing in West Coast state hold divergent views on their native country's place in the US vote.

D. Parvaz Last Modified: 18 Oct 2012 12:44

Los Angeles - Being on the sharp end of US foreign policy is nothing new for Iranians. More than 30 years of sanctions and the recurring spectre of war have cast a heavy shadow over relations between the two countries.

Nearly 1.5 million Iranians have made the United States home, seeking their slice of the American Dream.

I heard that 20% population of Beverly hills district of Los Angeles are Iranian.
Regarding saudi, uae, kuwait and qatar what do you know??? UAE has ore then 1 trillion in bond and other investment, Kuwait has 250 billion usd investment and Qatar more then 100 billion usd. There are rumor that Saudi Arbia has upto 6 trillion USD investment in western countries though official figure is 500 billion USD.

They buy US bonds with the petro dollars that is keeping the US economy alive. If any day these countries change their currencies from US dollar to something else the economy of USA will simply collapse. Thats why they are important to USA.
whats wrong with you? I keep explaining and you are with your physics! How do you explain israel is the god chosen home for jews? By your physics? Idiot!

No genius...You fail to understand the meaning behind my words. Right or wrong, the Jews are physically there in Israel already. I dont need any religious book to see the obvious. No one can displace them from their country without them Israelis taking a good chunk of humanity along with certain structures with them. Understand that.

And my specific response was regarding your reply that nukes may be more powerful than Quran to me. Einstein it is for all those who know physics. God forbid, if some one was to launch a nuke at THAT place there would be no magical anti-ballistic missile system that would appear out of thin air and protect it.
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