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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

Israelis are the most goddamn agressive people out there. I have an Israeli friend and EVERY single time we talk, he has to bring up something about arabs, pakistanis etc.. He just has to show his hatred for those people. He especially cannot help but mock and insult Pakistan and pakistanis when he sees me. It's me who has to change the subject otherwise he could go on for hours on end. They are very emotional people and their hatred runs deep.

There is a method in their madness. The Arabs understand only one thing - language of the danda.
Regarding saudi, uae, kuwait and qatar what do you know??? UAE has ore then 1 trillion in bond and other investment, Kuwait has 250 billion usd investment and Qatar more then 100 billion usd. There are rumor that Saudi Arbia has upto 6 trillion USD investment in western countries though official figure is 500 billion USD.

They buy US bonds with the petro dollars that is keeping the US economy alive. If any day these countries change their currencies from US dollar to something else the economy of USA will simply collapse. Thats why they are important to USA.
O boy, you need economy lessons. Its not like you wake up one day and change trade currency.

US gives them billions worth of weapons. Without US, they are teeth-less. Don't give childish arguments. Read some history.
If any day these countries change their currencies from US dollar to something else the economy of USA will simply collapse. .

That would be the day the US 5th fleet picks up some nice juicy targets in the above said countries. But then those monarchs/sultans/emirs/Sheikhs are much more practical and knowledgeable than an arm chair warrior here lol
Come out of your wet dream you old man!!! It is your hungry and poor Indians those who are going to middle east to earn their livelihood in hundreds of thousands..

Thats because of the population of 1.3 billion dumbo. Poor people are bound to be there. That doesnt mean the scientific progress of India is behind that of arab countries...the same research which shows arab countries are growing also shows the scientific output of india equally growing..lol
O boy, you need economy lessons. Its not like you wake up one day and change trade currency.

US gives them billions worth of weapons. Without US, they are teeth-less. Don't give childish arguments. Read some history.

They are just creating job for the US and returning earned petro dollar to USA and just wasting money on stuff that they do not need. What if USA does not give?? Someone else will replace USA and USA will be the looser.

Regarding currency they know they can not change over night so I heard they are now buying gold to diversify as bond interest rate is approaching 0%. I read some where if the Arab countries change the currency it will cost them around 500 billion usd.
Actually you know what, the opinion of Bangladesh regarding Israel is not even worth debating upon. Atleast Pakistan is a nuclear power and a foremost military power in the Islamic world and their opinion carries a bit weight. Bangladeshis you are better off discussing khaleda zia's lunch with indian envoy and the resulting dalali..im outta here lol
Thats because of the population of 1.3 billion dumbo. Poor people are bound to be there. That doesnt mean the scientific progress of India is behind that of arab countries...the same research which shows arab countries are growing also shows the scientific output of india equally growing..lol

Yes work hard to increase quality... try to achieve your target in time instead of failing to meet the target.

India's R&D expenditure was around only 7-8 billion USD as of 2008. It will have to go a long way to match with others.
No genius...You fail to understand the meaning behind my words. Right or wrong, the Jews are physically there in Israel already. I dont need any religious book to see the obvious. No one can displace them from their country without them Israelis taking a good chunk of humanity along with certain structures with them. Understand that.

And my specific response was regarding your reply that nukes may be more powerful than Quran to me. Einstein it is for all those who know physics. God forbid, if some one was to launch a nuke at THAT place there would be no magical anti-ballistic missile system that would appear out of thin air and protect it.

yeah thats it. At last you are getting the point! Muslims actually believe that it will be protected anyhow! Be it some magical anti ballistic missile or Ababil Birds! if it is not protected, if it goes, then israel-palestine conflict is meaningless for Arabs.
Yes work hard to increase quality... try to achieve your target in time instead of failing to meet the target.

India's R&D expenditure was around only 7-8 billion USD as of 2008. It will have to go a long way to match with others.

Indian scientific output is far better than the arab countries. Compare with some others. And why smaller amount is misleading is the cost of labor in India is far less than that of arab countries where they have to pay hefty amounts to goras lol

yeah thats it. At last you are getting the point! Muslims actually believe that it will be protected anyhow! Be it some magical anti ballistic missile or Ababil Birds! if it is not protected, if it goes, then israel-palestine conflict is meaningless for Arabs.

That is what I am saying too..it cannot be protected if not for some advanced ABM system..that's elementary physics and the rational world. Now dont take me to be an atheist..my dp should say otherwise...but i also sometimes let my rational mind analyse blind religious dogma. If a nuke is programmed for M, then unless KSA has something like an Iron Dome or Patriot, it is going down. Gibrael aint shooting down that warhead for you mortals. That is why I say, muslims should actually be wary of pushing israel towards the wall, for that aint ending pretty for either of them.
Dnt always go by wikipedia as you may not get the exact figure or data. Now the exact figure is 1.5 million Iranian lives in USA and Iranian engineers have 880 billion usd property.

I heard that 20% population of Beverly hills district of Los Angeles are Iranian.

Still Israel is the winner in the latest conflict and if the ground forces started moving when it would be devastating for the Gaza civilians!
Israelis are the most goddamn agressive people out there. I have an Israeli friend and EVERY single time we talk, he has to bring up something about arabs, pakistanis etc.. He just has to show his hatred for those people. He especially cannot help but mock and insult Pakistan and pakistanis when he sees me. It's me who has to change the subject otherwise he could go on for hours on end. They are very emotional people and their hatred runs deep.

i worked once with a Polish-origin Jew (strangely, his father was Polish but born in Iran)...he wore the dish on his head and was quite conservative.

I have a very multi-cultural office. We had an office luncheon and my boss was asking me if it's okay they serve non-halal beef. I literally laughed (before devouring the meal).

Jewish guy was the one telling ME arent you supposed to eat halal? And this was after he made a huge fuss with the office manager who was dealing with the caterer. Even after his kosher meal came, he was picking at it and making silly faces ---as if the whole office owed him a favor. Meanwhile, the girl next to me is devouring her pork ribs and neither me nor other Muslims at the table gave a single damn about it.

I dont know if I'm a bad Muslim, or if this particular guy is just REALLY observant :laugh:

funniest part is when anything in the Middle East goes on, he brings up Hamas.....except these guys they cant say Hamas....they say "Khhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhamas"....

do you also have "Khhhheeeezzzzbollah" in Pakistan?


at the time, Syrian-Americans are protesting for freedom and end to Assad rule and he supports them.....and meanwhile the people in israel he swears loyalty to (even as a Canadian citizen with no ethnical ties to tel aviv) slaughter Palestinians and curb just about every imaginable freedom that Palestinians deserve.

kya baat!

p.s. as a student and someone who is REASONABLY open-minded, i have many Jewish friends.....many of them lovely human beings, intelligent and loyal. So I dont want to sound intolerant; more so just pointing out a strange observation or two
Come out of your wet dream you old man!!! It is your hungry and poor Indians those who are going to middle east to earn their livelihood in hundreds of thousands.

Why you are comparing Indian engineers??? Does India invest anything on R&D that it can think of competing with other countries??? Saudi Arabia is investing 25 billion a year on R&D. Even does India invest same amount??? Even sanctioned Iran is focusing more on R&D then India.

India shoves $100 Billion pure Cash down the a$$es of the Arabs every year (Petro-Rupees)

Remittances from Middle East to India is about $30 Billion.

This is free money.

Just like Arabs has to pump $60 Billion every year in USA MIL out of $250 Billion that US pumps into Middle East every year.

Same way Arabs are paying back. :lol:


India - 0.9% of GDP

Saudi - 0.05% of GDP.


Largest Spender of R&D in India is:

Tata Motors: $3.5 Billion
DRDO: $2 Billion
Yes work hard to increase quality... try to achieve your target in time instead of failing to meet the target.

India's R&D expenditure was around only 7-8 billion USD as of 2008. It will have to go a long way to match with others.

In terms of Steel Production and other Industrial Statistics Arab world is far behind.

Also, India spent over $15-20 Billion on R&D Last year.

Let me know the figures of Muslim World?
what is this bangladeshi's obsession with iranians. strange people. iranians are show offs, even in america. indians are successful yet more humble.
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