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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

Right. Israel doesn't need Bangladesh; it's Bangladesh that needs Israel. And Pakistan needs Israel even more.

All the major global powers have relations with Israel.

USA, EU, Russia, Brazil, China, India, and Japan.

The only countries that don't are these 3rd world Muslim countries who get their marching orders from Arabs and have little or no consequence to Israel.
@Mercenary whatever! Who cares about Israel? I have many palestinian friends here in Bangladesh, they are a lot to me! Ah, Arabs are friends with Israel, our country is not because our politicians needs vote bank, no one has the heart to antagonize common people ! only Arab dictators lick israel!
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Wrong. They helped india, because pakistan considers them Enemy! If pakistan and india both seeks israel help, israel would choose Pakistan's friendship, cent percent sure!!

we dont need israel neither israel needs us. stop wasting ur energy.
Take it slow and read my posts again. You may not need Israel as a trade partner or Israelis as friends but you do need to endorse and promote Israel as a route back to freedom, justice, and honest government in your own country.
Looks like new economic growth has made BD think that its their time to act like leader of Muslim world. looks like some other nations will get a tough competition now. :D
Why doesnt Bangladesh urge Hamas to stop throwing rockets at Israeli civilians, which started all this bloodshed to begin with? :undecided:
lookey here, we have the new in town protectors of the ummah. fresh from the factory fire.

And the irony is that they themselves had to be protected from the ummah once !

Not my country's, but that is what the Palestinians want. A Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Zionists will not give up Jerusalem so easily. The whole that is.

It's a tough match...

True..that is the bedrock of their identity..akin to asking Hindus give up Kashi or Ayodhya in its entirety.
Israel has no future in the longer run as western countries will not longer be able to or willing to bail it out in the future as they will face many of their own problem.

Israel is like Pakistan..in the sense they cannot be allowed to fail..because of their nukes. And Israelis are much smaller than Pakistan geographically and population wise making them all the more dangerous. Any sign they are going down and that they cannot redeem the situation using conventional power you can be sure that they are taking the entire middle east with them..including the most important places..places that start with 'M'. So if I were a Muslim, I would be the last one wanting to see Israel fall.
Don't see how.

Israel is a leader in bio-medical, agricultural and irrigation, Green Technology, IT technology and weapons production research.

Israel can help Pakistan start IT Start Up Companies, Help with its Agricultural Needs, utilize more Green technology which eases burden on the Electric Grid, etc.

Pakistan should have relations with Israel they way Turkey does.

Cooperate with them when it suits mutual interests, but also condemn their actions.

Don't make an enemy of Israel, all that would do is drive them closer to India at the expense of Pakistan.
Israel is like Pakistan..in the sense they cannot be allowed to fail..because of their nukes. And Israelis are much smaller than Pakistan geographically and population wise making them all the more dangerous. Any sign they are going down and that they cannot redeem the situation using conventional power you can be sure that they are taking the entire middle east with them..including the most important places..places that start with 'M'. So if I were a Muslim, I would be the last one wanting to see Israel fall.

if M goes, then there will be no more Islam, as its protection is promised in Quran, it will remain standing untill Judgement day!!!
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