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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

It seems bangladeshis and pakistanis are more obsessed with palestine than arabs themselves. Israel is here to stay whether we like it or not. Its time to move on and recognize Israel for the good of our nation. Majority of bangladeshis donteven know where the holy palestine is on a map ffs.

What the hell of benefit this bastard country can bring to our country ? we are progressing gradually without recognizing Zionist.
What the hell of benefit this bastard country can bring to our country ? we are progressing gradually without recognizing Zionist.
Really? Don't you think Bangladesh is catching Pakistan's disease: denying the justice of Israel involves rejecting fact, logic, and law in favor of legitimizing violence and barbarism and that attitude spreads from foreign relations to domestic affairs because what's good for the goose is also good for the gander.
Bangladesh recognized israel..........as a terrorist country.happy folks?
Bangladesh recognized israel..........as a terrorist country.happy folks?
No. You have to champion Israel and its cause. The arguments you use will thus establish the rule-of-law, civil rights, and individual human rights as the primary cultural discourse in your country, submerging that of the terrorists.
No. You have to champion Israel and its cause. The arguments you use will thus establish the rule-of-law, civil rights, and individual human rights as the primary cultural discourse in your country, submerging that of the terrorists.

You should really become a comedian.:lol:

BD is growing at nearly 7% a year and is progressing steadily.

Even if there was some small benefit, it is better to keep your principles than to sell out for a bit of money
Like not recognising land thieves.
Well, that's a problem, for the record is that the Jews bought their lands from the Arabs, or else settled on state lands that first fell to the Ottomans, then the Brits. (Every now and then settlers will infringe on Arab property and Israeli courts will order them off.) On the other hand, there are many instances one can point to Arabs stealing lands from Jews - in Hebron, in Jerusalem, in Syria, in Egypt, in Jordan, even in Israel itself.

You recognize the Arabs, but fail to recognize the Jews - what does that say about you and your society? Answer: that it's diseased in its processing of facts and justice - that your society is corrupt and elevates values that hide the truth and empower violence rather than law and justice.
Well, that's a problem, for the record is that the Jews bought their lands from the Arabs, or else settled on state lands that first fell to the Ottomans, then the Brits. (Every now and then settlers will infringe on Arab property and Israeli courts will order them off.) On the other hand, there are many instances one can point to Arabs stealing lands from Jews - in Hebron, in Jerusalem, in Syria, in Egypt, in Jordan, even in Israel itself.

You recognize the Arabs, but fail to recognize the Jews - what does that say about you and your society? Answer: that it's diseased in its processing of facts and justice - that your society is corrupt and elevates values that hide the truth and empower violence rather than law and justice.

Why are you keeping on lying on the same issue? If jews bought land from Arabs then why there were millions of refugee?? To answer that you will again lie that they fought with Arabic army and fled with them. Your theory just dont add up my friend. Arab stealing land of Jews in syria/egypts and etc.. ohh come on!! I dont know how many jews were there in Arabian countries but most jew came to Israel from Europe where they were treated like pigs I suppose.

Instead of lying, admit the fact that Israel will not be a viable state unless it make peace with palestine and find a settlement with the people which it kicked out. Arabs came a long way since 1967 and no way on earth Israel will be able to maintain parity with so many countries all around it despite having a nuke and suga daddy USA. Better go back to 1967 border and get over with it.
If jews bought land from Arabs then why there were millions of refugee??
Something like 800,000 Jews were evicted from Arab lands without cause. Perhaps half a million Arabs left Israel as part of Arabs' armed revolt against the Jewish State - and in so doing, they forfeited their civil and property rights under the laws and practice of the Ottomans, which is the reference for the Palestine Mandate. Not all Arabs participated or left; Israel remains 20%+ Arab. On the other side of the ledger, no Jews remain in the surrounding Arab countries, none at all.

To answer that you will again lie that they fought with Arabic army and fled with them.
No,sir. The Arabs of Palestine revolted and fled, then the surrounding Arab armies (Saudi, Iraqi, Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian) invaded.

Your theory just dont add up my friend. Arab stealing land of Jews in syria/egypts and etc.. ohh come on!! I dont know how many jews were there in Arabian countries but most jew came to Israel from Europe where they were treated like pigs I suppose.
If you are an honest researcher you will investigate further yourself and consider evidences and accounts that contradict this.

admit the fact that Israel will not be a viable state unless it make peace with palestine and find a settlement
I see no logical connection and the post-1947 history of Israel is that of a people who nearly starved to death who are now an export powerhouse and regional military power.

Better go back to 1967 border and get over with it.
There's no such thing as a "1967 border". Until June '67 there were armistice lines separating Israel from the illegal Egyptian and Jordanian occupations of Palestine Mandate territory. See the Kontorovich video for the lecture on these matters: link
Something like 800,000 Jews were evicted from Arab lands without cause. Perhaps half a million Arabs left Israel as part of Arabs' armed revolt against the Jewish State - and in so doing, they forfeited their civil and property rights under the laws and practice of the Ottomans, which is the reference for the Palestine Mandate. Not all Arabs participated or left; Israel remains 20%+ Arab. On the other side of the ledger, no Jews remain in the surrounding Arab countries, none at all.

There is no ottoman in todays world-- Just dont dig something out of graveyard to justify your claim. There were no Israel state the time Refugees started attacking the locals and the locals retaliated. These refugees still living in refugee camp and they did not move on. You cant just run a country where millions of refugee just watching you from the other side of the border. Only a Jew can take it..

No,sir. The Arabs of Palestine revolted and fled, then the surrounding Arab armies (Saudi, Iraqi, Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian) invaded.

Now the war is over and they need to come back. Millions of jews in Germany came back after the war and Germany allowed that to make peace. ;)

If you are an honest researcher you will investigate further yourself and consider evidences and accounts that contradict this.

The history of palestine is a open book.. Even a 10 years old kid knows what is the root cause.

I see no logical connection and the post-1947 history of Israel is that of a people who nearly starved to death who are now an export powerhouse and regional military power.

I doubt that. Or I couuld say, Israel will loose all its charm as soon as it make peace with Arabs.. May be Israel is too scared to loose free loading from USA? Perhaps?

There's no such thing as a "1967 border". Until June '67 there were armistice lines separating Israel from the illegal Egyptian and Jordanian occupations of Palestine Mandate territory. See the Kontorovich video for the lecture on these matters: link

Thats the fine line which will buy you peace .. you can make whatever argument you want.
Tell you one thing.. Arabs are fighting for dignity and Israel is fighting for survival.. Arab can wait. Can Israel afford to do that?
There is no ottoman in todays world-- Just dont dig something out of graveyard to justify your claim.
There are no Ottomans but law remains. For example, the borders of Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia - these were all defined in the San Remo agreement where the Ottomans were the signatory.

There were no Israel state the time Refugees started attacking the locals and the locals retaliated. These refugees still living in refugee camp and they did not move on. You cant just run a country where millions of refugee just watching you from the other side of the border. Only a Jew can take it..
This is too vague and imprecise.

Now the war is over and they need to come back. Millions of jews in Germany came back after the war and Germany allowed that to make peace. ;)
Germany murdered millions of Jews, my grandparents among them. If they came back and I didn't notice you can jolly well search for them yourself.

The history of palestine is a open book.. Even a 10 years old kid knows what is the root cause.
That's not history backed by fact but lies impressed on peoples' brains. You have to overcome that if you are to move forward.

I doubt that.
Go investigate further, then. And don't do what too many Pakistanis do, which is to accept only those sources that reinforce one's preconceptions, regardless of the fact that the preponderance of evidence may lead to quite a different direction.

Thats the fine line which will buy you peace .. you can make whatever argument you want.

Tell you one thing. Arabs are fighting for dignity and Israel is fighting for survival.
Fighting in self-defense is legal. Fighting for "dignity" is supposed to be against international law under the U.N. Charter.

Arab can wait. Can Israel afford to do that?
What do you think the Arabs are waiting for? Why would you think Israel making "peace" with Arabs would be less expensive in terms of lives and money than the current state of affairs?
Whatever way you justify your existence we should not recognize Israel unless and until a Palestinian state is establish acceptable to all that's final . you Israelis are living in fools paradise thinking you can live happily destroying others right. Hamas may destroyed by Israeli attack but a new resistance will soon emerge and this will continue until a justified solution comes .
Whatever way you justify your existence we should not recognize Israel unless and until a Palestinian state is establish acceptable to all that's final .
When all else fails, revert to unjustifiable callousness. Is that really the kind of Bangladesh you seek to create?

you Israelis are living in fools paradise thinking you can live happily destroying others right.
All covered above. There is no "right" and Hamas knows it; that's why its justification for destroying Israel isn't rooted in fact and justice but on the basis that Palestine is "holy" - and thus its desire to destroy Israel is indisputable. Anybody can invent that sort of thing, so the danger to your society by endorsing Hamas should be quite palpable.

Hamas may destroyed by Israeli attack but a new resistance will soon emerge and this will continue until a justified solution comes.
A "justified" solution? Jews balance justice with mercy. It would be just to lay siege to Gaza and starve it into submission, as so many Palestinians feared when Hamas deposed the PA, took over the Strip, and reiterated through word and deed its aim to commit another genocide of the Jews. The Israelis didn't do that. The Gazans are humans, too, and there is a chance a better leadership will emerge - especially if outside pressures from other Muslims to recognize Israel come to the fore.
@Solomon2 actually lots of pakistani want friendship with Israel, but this is not the case in Bangladesh. I am 22 and i am yet to meet anyone in Bangladesh who thinks positive of Israel, not even in facebook or forum! Bangladeshi atheists openly make fun of Muhammad pbuh, Bangladesh is a democracy! Its just no one likes Israel

Bangladesh is pretty much irrelevant to Israel.

Its like Central African Republic having any relevancy to Bangladesh.
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