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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

Small countries are of little consequence in the long term, even in the perspective of US policy making - IMO.

Things are changing in the middle east, and Israel's role will inevitably diminish further in the future.

This cycle of violence that Israel is at least partly responsible for sustaining only harms their long term credibility - regional-wise. If it had acted more responsibly, then things may turn out different.

They screwed up in Lebanon, and that was a big mistake on their part.

It's too late for any change for Israel's part, and they'll never change (they can be a pretty bigoted bunch for "civilized standards" if you know what I mean :lol:).

Ariel Sharon once dreamed of Israel being the policeman of the middle east.

Pity the man is still knocking on Hell's door :rolleyes:

For Bangladesh, recognition of Israel bears very little value in the long term other than some publicity stunts at best. There are many more, far advanced nations out there to work with.
I have yet to meet a Pakistani who has the courage to publicly advocate, without qualification, outright friendship with Israel and support of the Zionist cause. The fear that runs across their faces! You'd think I was holding a knife across their throat.
I don't think my opinion matters as I currently reside outside Pakistan but i'm still gonna put it out there, I don't give a damn about arab and jew conflict because it doesn't effect my homeland in anyway and i certainly don't believe in muslim brotherhood because if Pakistan was to be invaded by lets say indians, chinese, afghans; none of the muslim countries would care.
I don't think my opinion matters as I currently reside outside Pakistan but i'm still gonna put it out there, I don't give a damn about arab and jew conflict because it doesn't effect my homeland in anyway and i certainly don't believe in muslim brotherhood because if Pakistan was to be invaded by lets say indians, chinese, afghans; none of the muslim countries would care.
Problem is most of the people from Pakistan don't think like you. They think its Pakistan's duty to take care of all Muslim countries and people.

Similarly, BD people are thinking that their opinion matters to Israel or other countries. Israel don't give a damn about BD. Most of the Israelis may not even know about BD.
Problem is most of the people from Pakistan don't think like you. They think its Pakistan's duty to take care of all Muslim countries and people. They are self-appointed Guardian of Islam and Protector of Muslim Nations. Having nuke has made them to look at other Muslim countries too weak to defend themselves and consider themselves the Savior.
Meanwhile millions starve and live in poverty in our own background :hitwall: i really do hope people wake up soon.
Meanwhile millions starve and live in poverty in our own background :hitwall: i really do hope people wake up soon.
That's the problem, misplaced priority.
Its problem of our subcontinent that we think we should put our hands in all matter even if doesn't concern us. Israel has nothing to do with BD. So is the case of Pakistan. But people here worry more about Palestinians than their own people. Same is problem with many Indians too.
Problem is most of the people from Pakistan don't think like you. They think its Pakistan's duty to take care of all Muslim countries and people.

Similarly, BD people are thinking that their opinion matters to Israel or other countries. Israel don't give a damn about BD. Most of the Israelis may not even know about BD.

I'm telling ya, it's like a freaking movie script :lol: :cheesy:
Guys, Jewish settlements aren't just legal under international law; they are specifically to be encouraged. That's by the terms of the British Mandate, and that's what's still in effect there, since the illegal Jordanian occupation was never recognized and Israel hasn't annexed the area.

The Palestinians call it "illegal" because in the 1964 PLO charter it unilaterally and selectively abrogates the Balfour Declaration and subsequent treaties, acts of the U.N., and League of Nations affairs related to pro-Zionist matters. But what something is is different from what it is called. The settlements are not illegal under international law. While it can be difficult to trip up a U.N. diplomat into admitting this (because you have to wade through a sheaf of irrelevant or non-binding resolutions) eventually he will leave the room or clamp his mouth shut or change the subject when confronted these facts, for if he said otherwise it would be tantamount to saying the U.N. itself is an illegal entity.
Guys, Jewish settlements aren't just legal under international law; they are specifically to be encouraged. That's by the terms of the British Mandate, and that's what's still in effect there, since the illegal Jordanian occupation was never recognized and Israel hasn't annexed the area.

The Palestinians call it "illegal" because in the 1964 PLO charter it unilaterally and selectively abrogates the Balfour Declaration and subsequent treaties, acts of the U.N., and League of Nations affairs related to pro-Zionist matters. But what something is is different from what it is called. The settlements are not illegal under international law. While it can be difficult to trip up a U.N. diplomat into admitting this (because you have to wade through a sheaf of irrelevant or non-binding resolutions) eventually he will leave the room or clamp his mouth shut or change the subject when confronted these facts, for if he said otherwise it would be tantamount to saying the U.N. itself is an illegal entity.

Israel's boundary was already defined in 1947. In other words that was legalized by an illegal means. Israel has no right to go beyond that unless he also consider all the Palestanian people as it's citizen. It can not selectively grab land without recognizing Palestanian people as citizen. Regarding encouraging Jewish migrants British or League of nations had no right to do so. They did so illegally using the power due to influence by some powerful banker like roth child and other Zionists and with thought that it will help to bring second coming of Christ. That decision was biased fully including the Balfour Declaration. If anyone wants to divide a land between two people the legal procedure is to take vote among the people those who are living there. If it would have been followed Israel would lose by a big margin. The other way it is illegal to give 55% of the land to 30% of the people.
That's the problem, misplaced priority.
Its problem of our subcontinent that we think we should put our hands in all matter even if doesn't concern us. Israel has nothing to do with BD. So is the case of Pakistan. But people here worry more about Palestinians than their own people. Same is problem with many Indians too.

How about having some principles as well as looking out for yourself?

There is no law in this world that says that you cannot take care of yourself and care for others. BD is doing perfectly well and it is 100% right not to even recognise the Jewish state. I am sure that BD will progress well into the future by having nothing to do with the Jews who occupy Palestine.

The problems of Pakistan would not be helped one bit by having relations with the Jews. It fundamentally stems from generations of mismanagement of the country by successive governments.

What has happened to the innocent Palestinians is shameful.

Germans and Austrians try to wipe out Jews and the Palestinians pay for it.:cheesy:
@Solomon2 actually lots of pakistani want friendship with Israel, but this is not the case in Bangladesh. I am 22 and i am yet to meet anyone in Bangladesh who thinks positive of Israel, not even in facebook or forum! Bangladeshi atheists openly make fun of Muhammad pbuh, Bangladesh is a democracy! Its just no one likes Israel

Which is a weird thing, ok love of Israel isnt a big thing in Pakistan but at least there is a variety of views, at least from the cross section here posters from Bangladesh are some of the most rabid anti Israel people you could find outside a KKK christmas barbeque. Hard to understand when most have probaly never had any thing to do with anyone from Israel.
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Israel's boundary was already defined in 1947.
The boundary was not defined in 1947. Upon independence Israel did not declare the boundaries of the country or its administrative area. There was a partition plan at the U.N., but since the Arabs rejected it (even though the Israelis did not) the plan is not legally binding.

In case you haven't noticed, the U.N. doesn't usually determine state boundaries. Post-war Germany may have been an exception, but that's because the U.N. was the forum of convenience. Boundaries are determined bilaterally between states.

Regarding encouraging Jewish migrants British or League of nations had no right to do so.
It wasn't just Britain, it was the League of Nations, and before that the Ottoman Caliph and the British working together. (Yes, the Caliph sanctioned Jewish settlement of Palestine in the Treaty of Sevres.) You have to fit yourself into the post-WWI period: three empires - Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman - were broken up into nation-states. Boundaries were drawn. Peoples migrated. The British Mandate wasn't a particularly unusual arrangement.

It can not selectively grab land without recognizing Palestanian people as citizen.
By the terms of the Mandate, Arabs and Jews were supposed to respect each other's civil and property rights in the areas that came under their political control. The Arabs nevertheless kicked the Jews out of Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan, and you have no problem with that. Israel, on the other hand, is 20%+ Arab, many of these keep their ancestral property, and some areas, like the Galilee, are now majority Arab.

The "Palestinians" are the descendants of those who fought against the nascent Jewish State and fled; by the law and practice of the Ottomans (no one knew this better than Ben-Gurion, who trained as a lawyer in Turkey) they had forfeited their civil and property rights within the Mandate area.

Not all of these Arabs ended up outside Israel - some have resettled elsewhere within the Jewish State - but the depressing conclusion, for those supporters of "Palestinians" who care about facts, is that these Arabs have neither a legal claim nor a moral claim on Israeli territory. They are simply badly behaved welfare recipients who receive the pity and charity of the world with resentment and violence.

So you see, I'm not the one being "selective" here, am I?
International law and Israeli settlements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Details on settlement activity. Only some people hold the view it is legal but it does not have any legal basis!!

In this case Wikipedia is not a reliable source. UNSC 446 is not binding international law (not all Resolutions are created equal, it depends what parts of the Charter are invoked.) The International Red Cross isn't a source of law in this matter. The Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza were not considered a High Contracting Party by anybody, as occupation of their lands by Egypt and Jordan from 1947-67 was very definitely illegal, and before that the lands were administered by the British. In short, every argument otherwise can be countered, and then of course there's always the fact that what was legal in previous decades is now the subject of an effort to be declared illegal ex-post facto.
That's the problem, misplaced priority.
Its problem of our subcontinent that we think we should put our hands in all matter even if doesn't concern us. Israel has nothing to do with BD. So is the case of Pakistan. But people here worry more about Palestinians than their own people. Same is problem with many Indians too.

Its about sending the message, its about keeping your morals right, its about protesting against the unjust. We won't be a p****y, and bend to the way of others.
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