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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

most probably For most Bangladeshis its related to 3rd holiest place Al Aqsa, not Arabs!!
look up Indo-Israel relations, you will understand the significance... And if approval of a muslim nation was even relevant to Tel-Aviv, they wouldn't have helped India during kargil conflict. Apart from that, Israels attitude is a little different from conventional diplomacy, the dont give a jack about any arab or muslim country. thats it

Wrong. They helped india, because pakistan considers them Enemy! If pakistan and india both seeks israel help, israel would choose Pakistan's friendship, cent percent sure!!
yeah ... more muslims in India... but nice try though:drag:

also offered in Camp david summit by Ehud Barak... declined by your beloved arafat

Israel is yet to implement that. One of the prime condition for that was stop of all settlement activity which Israel never obliged and kept on stealing more Palestine land beyond 1967 border.
You are wrong. He never did that. He said that Israel will keep all the settlement, all the roads that keeps the settlement connected, it will control all the water resources, Palestine will have no border with any other country except Israel, Israel will control all the air, entry and exit of Palestine, Palestine will have no armed forces and most importantly east Jerusalem will remain part of Israel. Under this circumstances no one can accept the offer and in this case Palestine would have looked like some small islands.

Barak offered to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (94% excluding greater Jerusalem). As a result, Israel would have withdrawn from 63 settlements. Israel would only keep the settlements with large populations. All others would be dismantled, with the exception of Kiryat Arba (adjacent to the holy city of Hebron), which would be an Israeli enclave inside the Palestinian state, and would be linked to Israel by a bypass road. The West Bank would be split in the middle by an Israeli-controlled road from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, with free passage for Palestinians, although Israel reserved the right to close the road to passage in case of emergency. In return, Israel would allow the Palestinians to use a highway in the Negev to connect the West Bank with Gaza. In the Israeli proposal, the West Bank and Gaza Strip would be linked by an elevated highway and an elevated railroad running through the Negev, ensuring safe and free passage for Palestinians. This highway would be under the sovereignty of Israel, and Israel reserved the right to close the highway to passage in case of emergency.

Seems like a very generous deal, when your beloved egyptians and jordanians did give them jack. Infact jordanians and few pakistani mercenaries killed a bunch of them. (guess one of them later became the president)
Israel is yet to implement that. One of the prime condition for that was stop of all settlement activity which Israel never obliged and kept on stealing more Palestine land beyond 1967 border.

Barak offered to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (94% excluding greater Jerusalem). As a result, Israel would have withdrawn from 63 settlements. Israel would only keep the settlements with large populations. All others would be dismantled, with the exception of Kiryat Arba (adjacent to the holy city of Hebron), which would be an Israeli enclave inside the Palestinian state, and would be linked to Israel by a bypass road. The West Bank would be split in the middle by an Israeli-controlled road from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, with free passage for Palestinians, although Israel reserved the right to close the road to passage in case of emergency. In return, Israel would allow the Palestinians to use a highway in the Negev to connect the West Bank with Gaza. In the Israeli proposal, the West Bank and Gaza Strip would be linked by an elevated highway and an elevated railroad running through the Negev, ensuring safe and free passage for Palestinians. This highway would be under the sovereignty of Israel, and Israel reserved the right to close the highway to passage in case of emergency.

Seems like a very generous deal, when your beloved egyptians and jordanians did give them jack. Infact jordanians and few pakistani mercenaries killed a bunch of them. (guess one of them later became the president)

Much of the airspace, and logistics would be controlled by Israel. And not Palestine.

That's why the Palestinians didn't buy it back in Camp David.
Much of the airspace, and logistics would be controlled by Israel. And not Palestine.

That's why the Palestinians didn't buy it back in Camp David.

wasn't bangladesh's rhetoric pre 67 "borders", now you say Palestine need to have airspace and logistics... this just keeps getting weird. look at the map and solve their logistics issue bondhu
Barak offered to form a Palestinian State initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (94% excluding greater Jerusalem). As a result, Israel would have withdrawn from 63 settlements. Israel would only keep the settlements with large populations. All others would be dismantled, with the exception of Kiryat Arba (adjacent to the holy city of Hebron), which would be an Israeli enclave inside the Palestinian state, and would be linked to Israel by a bypass road. The West Bank would be split in the middle by an Israeli-controlled road from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea, with free passage for Palestinians, although Israel reserved the right to close the road to passage in case of emergency. In return, Israel would allow the Palestinians to use a highway in the Negev to connect the West Bank with Gaza. In the Israeli proposal, the West Bank and Gaza Strip would be linked by an elevated highway and an elevated railroad running through the Negev, ensuring safe and free passage for Palestinians. This highway would be under the sovereignty of Israel, and Israel reserved the right to close the highway to passage in case of emergency.

Seems like a very generous deal, when your beloved egyptians and jordanians did give them jack. Infact jordanians and few pakistani mercenaries killed a bunch of them. (guess one of them later became the president)

Not any generous deal. 1st of all it is out of question when Israel was keeping East Jerusalem which is supposed to be the capital of Palestine. Not to mention it does not allow water control, any border with Jordan, Israel would have kept most of the fertile land and as I said most of the settlement and link roads which would not make Palestine a viable state and as I said would have made palestine looks like some isolated island states.

This is how Israel have theft the land...


Present reality with settlement...

By the way sandy_3126 try to count the blue dots ... it is way above 100... so just removing 67 settlement or offer to do it is never acceptable.
wasn't bangladesh's rhetoric pre 67 "borders", now you say Palestine need to have airspace and logistics... this just keeps getting weird. look at the map and solve their logistics issue bondhu

Not my country's, but that is what the Palestinians want. A Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Zionists will not give up Jerusalem so easily. The whole that is.

It's a tough match...
Not any generous deal. 1st of all it is out of question when Israel was keeping East Jerusalem which is supposed to be the capital of Palestine. Not to mention it does not allow water control, any border with Jordan, Israel would have kept most of the fertile land and as I said most of the settlement and link roads which would not make Palestine a viable state and as I said would have made palestine looks like some isolated island states.

This is how Israel have theft the land...


Present reality with settlement...


That is a fake map to begin with..... and for your reference please enjoy these 11 mins

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That is a fake map to begin with..... and for your reference please enjoy these 11 mins

You cant deny the 2nd source any way as that is from UN!!! and for the video no time to see that!!! Just give you some example. When zionists set up Israel with the help of western countries most of the muslim countries were colonized or just got independence so they did not have financial capability and technology to compete with Israel as it has always been bailed out by the west. But the thing is first changing as muslim countries are rapidly progressing and catching up in science and technology. Now Qatar, Kuwait and UAE has higher per capita GDP then Israel and Saudi Arabia will also have that in some years. Turkey by 2050 will be 2nd biggest economy if not 1st within EU with per capita GDP of 60000 usd. Egypt has been forcasted as one of the top 10-15 biggest economy by that time. Same growth also been forcasted for Iraq, Iran, Libya too. So where is Israel!!! It will gradually faded way.

Even now a days Iran and Turkey is producing more or almost same amount of research paper. Within next couple of couple of years it will cross Israel by a big margin. Israel has no future in the longer run as western countries will not longer be able to or willing to bail it out in the future as they will face many of their own problem.

Lastly 60-70 years is not a big time in a history. If you look at the history of crusade, crusaders also had same type of mentality but you know the result but crusade lasted for 190 years.

The way Jewish people are leaving Judaism hardly any jewish people by the end of this century and with economic downturn manyof the jewish from eastern europe and russia will leave Israel as there is more economic opportunity then Israel. They came only after dissolving of Soviet Union. They were more of economic migrants then religious or zionist migrants. Zionism is already fading both in Israel and USA. You have got the result already in recent US election.

Hope you have got your reply.

Lastly the second picture that I posted clearly depicting the condition in west bank where Palestanians are living like in world's largest open prison.
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