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Dhaka urges int'l community: Pressurise Israel to stop Gaza atrocities

Israel is like Pakistan..in the sense they cannot be allowed to fail..because of their nukes. And Israelis are much smaller than Pakistan geographically and population wise making them all the more dangerous. Any sign they are going down and that they cannot redeem the situation using conventional power you can be sure that they are taking the entire middle east with them..including the most important places..places that start with 'M'. So if I were a Muslim, I would be the last one wanting to see Israel fall.

I was talking about economical future without integrating it to the middle eastern countries. Result will be mass emigration of the soviet jews to Russia and Eastern European countries. They were mainly economical migrants after the fall of soviet union. But now as there in Russia and other Easern European countries there are more economical activity is going on their desire to live in Israel is diminishing. This does not include immigrant from western countries. Now already there are reports that in Israel emigration is more then immigration. By the way dnt talk childish. Nuke is not your child's toy that any one can use.

Economically and even militarily within one decades Israel will have no standing in front of the middle eastern countries. Most of the GCC countries are already rich. Even Egypt, Turkey and Iran also projected to be one of the top 15 economy by 2050.
Israel is a leader in bio-medical, agricultural and irrigation, Green Technology, IT technology and weapons production research.

Israel can help Pakistan start IT Start Up Companies, Help with its Agricultural Needs, utilize more Green technology which eases burden on the Electric Grid, etc.

Pakistan should have relations with Israel they way Turkey does.

Cooperate with them when it suits mutual interests, but also condemn their actions.

Don't make an enemy of Israel, all that would do is drive them closer to India at the expense of Pakistan.
I don't have a problem with Israel but majority of Pakistanis don't think that way and its rather impossible to even imagine that Pakistan will ever recognize Israel.
Israel is a leader in bio-medical, agricultural and irrigation, Green Technology, IT technology and weapons production research.

Israel can help Pakistan start IT Start Up Companies, Help with its Agricultural Needs, utilize more Green technology which eases burden on the Electric Grid, etc.

Pakistan should have relations with Israel they way Turkey does.

Cooperate with them when it suits mutual interests, but also condemn their actions.

Don't make an enemy of Israel, all that would do is drive them closer to India at the expense of Pakistan.

Within 2 decades in terms of science and technology Israel will be nothing in front of other arab countries. This does not include, Turkey, Indonesia, Iran and Bangladesh. Keeping Pakistan out of list for now. Just look at the science and research progress in the mentioned countries. Bangladesh is lagging in research but already there are initiatives to focus on research.
if M goes, then there will be no more Islam, as its protection is promised in Quran, it will remain standing untill Judgement day!!!

Then there will be no more islam. I have more faith in a nuke's destructive power than in some verse from Quran. Sorry for that, but I studied physics in my higher secondary. So it's in the Muslim's best interest not to see Israel being pushed to her limits.
I was talking about economical future without integrating it to the middle eastern countries. Result will be mass emigration of the soviet jews to Russia and Eastern European countries. They were mainly economical migrants after the fall of soviet union. But now as there in Russia and other Easern European countries there are more economical activity is going on their desire to live in Israel is diminishing. This does not include immigrant from western countries. Now already there are reports that in Israel emigration is more then immigration. By the way dnt talk childish. Nuke is not your child's toy that any one can use.

Economically and even militarily within one decades Israel will have no standing in front of the middle eastern countries. Most of the GCC countries are already rich. Even Egypt, Turkey and Iran also projected to be one of the top 15 economy by 2050.

:-) Can you answer a simple question as why the Israel lobby in US is so powerful rather though having so much less population?

Trust me! Even the Jews in US is dreaming to settle in Israel one day! Your assumption is based without any facts, Show the proof that the emigration is more than immigration!
:rofl: Bangladesh "warns". Easy there tiger, India needs to sign your release form first :P.

Then there will be no more islam. I have more faith in a nuke's destructive power than in some verse from Quran. Sorry for that, but I studied physics in my higher secondary. So it's in the Muslim's best interest not to see Israel being pushed to her limits.

+1 rep. Would've thanked if i could've.
Like Pakistan, Bangladesh no longer is a state where publicly voicing support for Israel is permitted, is it? In that case, how much can criticism of Israel really be worth? It becomes a formula, not reasoned argument.

We have journalists in Pakistan and more liberal left who wouldnt be averse to diplomatically recognizing Israel.

Hell -- I've even read op-eds by retired military guys (the occasional Col. here or there or some retired Brigadier) who are critical of israel's policies vis-a-vis Palestine but are still in favor of diplomacy and some form of contact.

I've very openly advocated some back-channel "dialogue" with them. Geographically, culturally and in every other ways we have nothing damn to do with eachother -- except that we are also people of the Book and share common themes in our faiths.

I dont see why criticism of israel gets you so pent up and frustrated when even many Americans themselves are asking why their tax moneys are going to a country known to be holding over 100 UN Resolutions in contempt and known to be building illegal settlements in occupied Palestinian territory (ILLEGAL is the key --often neglected --word here)

if they facilitate the peace process rather than be part of the problem (like the US) then there would be room for dialogue and understanding.......No solution? No peace. Just more killings and more criticism (which you would then label as "anti semitism" or "holocaust denial" or something like that)

can't fool everyone, you know ;)
I was talking about economical future without integrating it to the middle eastern countries. Result will be mass emigration of the soviet jews to Russia and Eastern European countries. They were mainly economical migrants after the fall of soviet union. But now as there in Russia and other Easern European countries there are more economical activity is going on their desire to live in Israel is diminishing. This does not include immigrant from western countries. Now already there are reports that in Israel emigration is more then immigration. By the way dnt talk childish. Nuke is not your child's toy that any one can use.

Economically and even militarily within one decades Israel will have no standing in front of the middle eastern countries. Most of the GCC countries are already rich. Even Egypt, Turkey and Iran also projected to be one of the top 15 economy by 2050.

Dont see why I should waste time with you when you hold such ridiculous views. For the Jews, Israel is their holy land. The only holy land. The promised land. I have had some talks with few Israeli students who are into their masters here (almost all of them ex-IDF or on a sabbatical) and their view is unanimous. They will never repeat what their forefathers did in face of persecution - flee Israel. Their view is fight till the last man and then take everyone else with them as the samson option.

And no using nukes is not childish..i agree..but when you are sinking and there is no hope to survive, if I were in their place, I would take as many of the opponents with me as possible.
I don't have a problem with Israel but majority of Pakistanis don't think that way and its rather impossible to even imagine that Pakistan will ever recognize Israel.

If Israel opens an embassy in Pakistan, it will probably the most bombed, attacked, site on the planet. :D

Pakistanis are not enlightened and educated people like the Turks and nor is Pakistan run by a ruthless dictator like the Arabs who decided to have relations with Israel like Jordan or Egypt.

Its only when Saudi Arabia establish relations with Israel will Pakistan follow suit.

All Pakistanis and especially Pakistani politicians take their marching orders from Saudi Arabia.
Within 2 decades in terms of science and technology Israel will be nothing in front of other arab countries. This does not include, Turkey, Indonesia, Iran and Bangladesh. Keeping Pakistan out of list for now. Just look at the science and research progress in the mentioned countries. Bangladesh is lagging in research but already there are initiatives to focus on research.

And what do you think Israel will be doing in those two decades?

The Israelis are highly resourceful, intelligent people with a strong work ethic.

Its quite shameful that you have to combine the entire Muslim population of the world with 6 million Israelis to compare the great achievements of the Muslim Ummah.

Its like comparing one tree to a jungle and boasting that the jungle will one day produce the same number of fruit that one solitary tree does. :rofl:
:-) Can you answer a simple question as why the Israel lobby in US is so powerful rather though having so much less population?

Trust me! Even the Jews in US is dreaming to settle in Israel one day! Your assumption is based without any facts, Show the proof that the emigration is more than immigration!

Because they contribute money during election to the US congress man and senators. But if the muslim countries really want to manipulate the election jews of USA even can not compete as GCC countries and their Kings and prince have more money. But they got a bulk support of the eveangelical christians that provide the unconditional support for Israel and lobby and pressure congress to do so. But in recent time this zionists and tea party are weakening. Recent election result is just an example of it.

Regarding emigration ...

The million missing Israelis - Israeli emigration — FMEP

Even many prominent ex Israeli PM's children have also emigrated.

Economically Israel will be insignificant in the coming years.
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Then there will be no more islam. I have more faith in a nuke's destructive power than in some verse from Quran. Sorry for that, but I studied physics in my higher secondary. So it's in the Muslim's best interest not to see Israel being pushed to her limits.

you didn't get me, according to Islam Kaaba will be destroyed before Judgment day .before that Jesus PBUH will return and at the time of Kaba's destruction no muslim will remain alive! muslims believe it. If Kaaba is destroyed by Israeli nuke, then most people would leave islam assuming its fake! Yes nuke is powerful than Quran to you, i know that. But i was not talkingg about you!
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