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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

if they can put NASA we should raise standard of ISRO to that level. till time work for it ..
we should care for people of india under legal terms ...and we are doing it
just vote for development for 10 yrs see the result ..

All our actions which serve our "interest" are legal. Off course not picking up a fight when we are weaker than the opponent serves our interest and hence is legal. So is picking up a fight and butchering our opponent in the most gruesome manner if we can do it without suffering any consequences and if that benefits our people.

Financial health of Bayer is none of our concern, they do not pay tax to the Government of India. Their profitability doesn't benefit us. But access to their medicine at affordable price does benefit our people, hence we are justified in ignoring the patent.
Thanks for reveling the fact.. now onwards i will not quote 36 % .. but indian are major contributors in nasa and US IT right?
I showed conflict in the staments in article..
its not about white gut or brown .. USA /europe work hard ,, build institution ...
who ever have power based on knowledge , expertise , money will rule.....that simple no skin colour required ..
barak obama is most powerful is he white skin...

What kind of post is this? You didn't even get the white man/brown man analogy in regards to your insinuations i don't sleep well at night, full of prejudice and something other you mentioned.

Man, I feel sorry i even quoted you. Should have just let you marinade in your ignorance further....

What kind of post is this? You didn't even get the white man/brown man analogy in regards to your insinuations i don't sleep well at night, full of prejudice and something other you mentioned.

Man, I feel sorry i even quoted you. Should have just let you marinade in your ignorance further....

i may be took it wrong context... regretted...
i am trying get enlightened
Too much Western crying against India these days.

I say take the route China has taken against them , solidify friendship with Russia , Iran , Japan, South Africa, Brazil and the like and improve relations with China. We won't need the West at all. The way Asia is developing , we are going to become a self-sufficient continent soon enough.
I ask again, how do you protect our legitimate interests and secure our profits so we invest them in research? How is that part of your plan? Or does it only implement stealing? How do you prevent that we invest billions of € and then you steal the profits, let us alone with the risk and destroy our income?

How do you define stealing? Using information kept in public domain is stealing?

All our actions which serve our "interest" are legal. Off course not picking up a fight when we are weaker than the opponent serves our interest and hence is legal. So is picking up a fight and butchering our opponent in the most gruesome manner if we can do it without suffering any consequences and if that benefits our people.

Financial health of Bayer is none of our concern, they do not pay tax to the Government of India. Their profitability doesn't benefit us. But access to their medicine at affordable price does benefit our people, hence we are justified in ignoring the patent.

Define our interest. Is the development of new and/or better medicines our 'interest'?
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How do you define stealing? Using information kept in public domain is stealing?

Define our interest. Is the development of new and/or better medicines our 'interest'?

Yes. It is. We need to increase our investment in Healthcare. Our universities need more funds. But until we manage to invent something on our own, we must benefit from the inventions of others. It is not like westerners never borrowed anything from other civilizations. Just because they have changed the rule of the game to suite their interests doesn't mean that we must be eager to play by their rules. We have got our own concerns to take care of and ensuring availability of life saving drugs for our population is one of them.
Too much Western crying against India these days.

I say take the route China has taken against them , solidify friendship with Russia , Iran , Japan, South Africa, Brazil and the like and improve relations with China. We won't need the West at all. The way Asia is developing , we are going to become a self-sufficient continent soon enough.

maybe another bhopal is needed to teach some lessons i guess.

If Chinese pharmaceutical firms do what their Indian counterparts do today,you lot will be out of biz in a few years。

Making generics is cakewalk。Even a middle school lab in China can do it and do it better than you Indians。

Life saving?You shameless Indians are thieves and the biggest and worst hypocrites。

Big mouth from chinese...lol.....Japanese on bed??????????? ...lol..get lost u half inch chindi chor....u ve done nothing except making blue color slaves.....try and compete with India in IT and Pharma....basxxtards dare to open ur pharma and IT industry to India...and then speak...
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Yes. It is. We need to increase our investment in Healthcare. Our universities need more funds. But until we manage to invent something on our own, we must benefit from the inventions of others. It is not like westerners never borrowed anything from other civilizations. Just because they have changed the rule of the game to suite their interests doesn't mean that we must be eager to play by their rules. We have got our own concerns to take care of and ensuring availability of life saving drugs for our population is one of them.

too bad you have nothing for us in return. Thats unfortunate. That way you will always stay on the ground and never achieve our level. But well, we need cheap workforce and test subjects, guess thats the way it is.
This just proves that in the world of capitalism nothing is more important that cold hard cash,,,,,
Yes. It is. We need to increase our investment in Healthcare. Our universities need more funds. But until we manage to invent something on our own, we must benefit from the inventions of others. It is not like westerners never borrowed anything from other civilizations. Just because they have changed the rule of the game to suite their interests doesn't mean that we must be eager to play by their rules. We have got our own concerns to take care of and ensuring availability of life saving drugs for our population is one of them.

Not going in the history, you are contradicting yourself. You are saying that it is in our interest that new drugs are developed. Yet you are advocating actions which directly affect the R&D of the said drugs.
too bad you have nothing for us in return. Thats unfortunate. That way you will always stay on the ground and never achieve our level. But well, we need cheap workforce and test subjects, guess thats the way it is.

your level ? Till about 300 years ago before colonialism came along we were far ahead your shitty levels. And the way the growth trends have been going , we are going to get back to where we were. Enjoy it while this little honeymoon period lasts without being too bitter.
Not going in the history, you are contradicting yourself. You are saying that it is in our interest that new drugs are developed. Yet you are advocating actions which directly affect the R&D of the said drugs.

As long as they are not getting bankrupt we must allow them to manage on their own. They can make all the money they want by selling drugs to their European customers at a price they like.

I am not contradicting myself at all.

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