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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

Historically speaking, Hitler did not kill Indian people, Britishers did. We do not have any good reason to love him or to hate him. Your enemy is not our enemy. Your war is not our war.

Back on topic, we do not need to play by your rules. We need to do things which are good for our poor people. Being poor is not a crime. a loss of few million USD won't kill the CEO of Bayer but unavailability of life saving medicine surely will kill our poor people. We are doing the right thing. Life of an Indian is more important than the profit of a foreign MNC.
our life is less worth for you?
with all respect, we crushed persians...persians crushed you...what does that say? ha ha you are weak culture.

As for the rest of your nonsense. We are genetical brothers, in case you did not know. You can hate us all the way you want, that doesnt change the fact, that we are closely related.

so how does all dis non-sense that u r talking abt relate to this thread? we are talking abt bludy life saving drug which everyone can afford not just europeans!
1. Persians never crushed us.
2. Persians too crushed Europeans plenty of times.
3. Weak ? No. Peaceful ? Yes. We have a culture that tries to avoid conflict. Here I agree. We are not a violent people like Europeans or Americans for the most part.

persians never set a foot on our land...while we completly destroyed them various times. :)
The monopoly power of these Pharma companies needs to be broken. They have made the Western politicians their poodle with their money power and millions of people across the world are paying for that.

It is immoral and needs to be broken. Even the Westerners are suffering due to the greed of these leeches, the poor are unfortunately paying with their lives.

And the exorbitant drug prices are not due to R&D costs. Anyone who says that doesn't know the facts.

Indian generic companies have saved hundreds of thousands of lives in India and other developing countries, they should continue doing the good work within the legal framework. Many Westerners also realize the immorality of giving these leeches the extended monopoly over people's lives.
And the facts are...

The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New Drugs - Forbes
The average drug developed by a major pharmaceutical company costs at least $4 billion, and it can be as much as $11 billion.
So why not YOU, who may be is a CEO of a major drug company, educate the rest of us on your facts?
so how does all dis non-sense that u r talking abt relate to this thread? we are talking abt bludy life saving drug which everyone can afford not just europeans!

so what is your part in R&D? and why should we want drugs that evryone can afgord when high development costs simply do not allow low prices? how you guarantee that we profit from our work?
our life is less worth for you?

Charity starts at home. We do not have enough time and money to care about you. Let us first set our own house in order. Let us first take care our our poor people who need food, shelter and medicine. We are a poor nation with limited resources, we need to focus on the well being of our own people first.

It is just a matter of priority. It is not like you do not care about others just because your family comes first for you.

so what is your part in R&D? and why should we want drugs that evryone can afgord when high development costs simply do not allow low prices? how you guarantee that we profit from our work?

That is your problem not ours. Why shouldn't we make the medicines available for our people? We do not need to guarantee your profit, like I said before none of our concern. Nations aren't run like corporate.
so what is your part in R&D? and why should we want drugs that evryone can afgord when high development costs simply do not allow low prices? how you guarantee that we profit from our work?

Making profit or recovering the cost is not at all contested.....but i ask u, do u ve a heart? dis pharma compaines dont make profit only from life saving drugs but they make most of their money from life sustaining drugs...once the patent is expired all are allowed to produce generics.....u owe something to society to the race u belongs to....we are talking abt bludy caner, not all indians can afford the drug and ur companies wont give any subsidy, do u want them to dye?
Making profit or recovering the cost is not at all contested.....but i ask u, do u ve a heart? dis pharma compaines dont make only life saving drugs but they make most of their money from life sustaining drugs...once the patent is expired all are allowed to produce generics.....u owe something to society to the race u belongs to....we are talking abt bludy caner, not all indians can afford the drug and ur companies wont give any subsidy, do u want them to dye?

Would you give it to us for free if we need it? When you paid billions to develop it?

Charity starts at home. We do not have enough time and money to care about you. Let us first set our own house in order. Let us first take care our our poor people who need food, shelter and medicine. We are a poor nation with limited resources, we need to focus on the well being of our own people first.

It is just a matter of priority. It is not like you do not care about others just because your family comes first for you.

That is your problem not ours. Why shouldn't we make the medicines available for our people? We do not need to guarantee your profit, like I said before none of our concern. Nations aren't run like corporate.

Would you help us when we need help?
our life is less worth for you?
Then let them test it on you. You cannot have it both ways.

Its quite simple. You want to be in India, play by our rules or get the hell out. There are other companies more than ready to step in.
Then let them test it on you. You cannot have it both ways.

Its quite simple. You want to be in India, play by our rules or get the hell out. There are other companies more than ready to step in.
No, they will not. They will examine what happened to companies who resists India's home rules and if they determine those rules to be non-profitable, they will not enter the Indian market.
Would you give it to us for free if we need it? When you paid billions to develop it?

u paid billions for what? to discover the cancer drug?.u ve the data?....i think i wasted my time with wrong eupin kid..
That is your problem not ours. Why shouldn't we make the medicines available for our people? We do not need to guarantee your profit, like I said before none of our concern. Nations aren't run like corporate.
Right...So basically, you are saying India will commit theft.
No, they will not. They will examine what happened to companies who resists India's home rules and if they determine those rules to be non-profitable, they will not enter the Indian market.

In that case we are doing the right thing by letting our companies to produce those medicines at affordable price.
No, they will not. They will examine what happened to companies who resists India's home rules and if they determine those rules to be non-profitable, they will not enter the Indian market.

The MNCs have been complaining for more than 20 years. Yet, they establish R&D centres in this country for research. They are more than welcome to exist or exit and let me assure you, there are more than enough pharma companies in India who can absorb the researchers.

And we are not interested in playing by the rules if it means lives of our countrymen. The pharma companies are here because they derive profit. If this were not the case, the Bayer CEO would not apologise. They know the importance of this market.
u paid billions for what? to discover the cancer drug?.u ve the data?....i think i wasted my time with wrong eupin kid..
you do realize that the development of each drug costs between 4 and 11 billion $? It takes years, thousands of studies. its a gigantic task.

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