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Describe how you view other members here

@Islam shall be the winner dig the username still don't know what Islam will win, a raffle sweepstakes? Don't post often but cool dude.
hehehe, me too.


-Yet mostly unanimous to me.
-everyone speaks nice of him.
-I haven't been engaged a direct discussion with him, but I would love to.
-One day I would decode him, surely.

WTH dude, @Islam shall be the winner empty empty empty :lol:

tit for tat,


-A fighter in desert.
-probably a human
-has two legs
-and two hands
-and two eyes
-but just one mouth
-and one nose
Last edited:

-hates bahoz really really badly.
-good posts with useful info.
-thick skin.
-wish he was on more often.
-wants F-35's on our LHD so badly
-likes his new phone.
-nice guy and professional.
-thanks for serving our country.

Ahahaha thanks man thats so nice of you :smokin:
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