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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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We saved tens of thousands of Iranian lives during Iran-Iraq war.
Your regime murdered hundreds of Israelis in return.

nonsense. the support was insignificant, and the weapons you guys sold were defected. you jews only think about making money.
And we freed hundreds of thousands of you Jewish SLAVES in Babylon and in return you massacred the Persians . . . typical Zionist backstabbers . . .
- Jews were not any slaves in Babylon.
- Jews never massacred any Persians.

Big fonts and screaming dont make ur point stronger.

nonsense. the support was insignificant, and the weapons you guys sold were defected. you jews only think about making money.
Aid was super significant: TOW anti tank missiles, Hawk air defence missiles, spare parts to planes and tanks.
- Jews were not any slaves in Babylon.
- Jews never massacred any Persians.

Here is source from Jewish holy book itself:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying:

'Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia: All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD, the God of heaven, given me; and He hath charged me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah.

Whosoever there is among you of all His people--his God be with him--let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the LORD, the God of Israel, He is the God who is in Jerusalem.

And whosoever is left, in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, beside the freewill-offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.'

Ezra 1 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre

So as you can see Cyrus the Great definitely did free the Jews from Babylon and saved your race from extinction.

And you repaid the Persians by massacring us. The Jewish festival of Purim, which is one of the largest Jewish celebrations today, is based upon the Jewish massacre of 75,000 Persians.
Here is source from Jewish holy book itself:

Ezra 1 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre

So as you can see Cyrus the Great definitely did free the Jews from Babylon and saved your race from extinction.
I dont see any slaves there nor saving from extinction. Cyrus allowed to build the temple, thats all.

And you repaid the Persians by massacring us. The Jewish festival of Purim, which is one of the largest Jewish celebrations today, is based upon the Jewish massacre of 75,000 Persians.
Nonsense. :lol:
Aid was super significant: TOW anti tank missiles, Hawk air defence missiles, spare parts to planes and tanks.

the weapons were defected. that is how bad your jewish character is.
I dont see any slaves there nor saving from extinction. Cyrus allowed to build the temple, thats all.

Nonsense. :lol:

Damn. I didn't know you Zionists freak out when that word is used.

Zionist slaves here, zionist slaves there, zionist slaves everywhere!!!

slave, slave, slave, slave

:omghaha: :omghaha:

You are forever indebted to the Persians you slaves.

:omghaha: :omghaha:
Is it real or is it fake?

It's real

Really crap.

Poor Iranians. They have been force fed this militarism over the past 3 decades. They believe their invincibility and think these balsa wood planes will protect them.

Now their inflation is rampant. Their economy is going down the toilet. Iranians have to ask Iranian diaspora to send medicine by post because the people can't afford it. Businesses are closing. Iranians fleeing to Georgia.

Strangled at home. Can't speak openly. Religious police monitor their haircuts, music and clothes.

And what's most of this for? death to Israel? why? because Iranians share a branch of the same religion as some Arabs in Gaza?

Is that what Iranians want? to spiral down into complete global isolation, become even more of a pariah for Gaza?

Sad, sad country.
It's real

Really crap.

Poor Iranians. They have been force fed this militarism over the past 3 decades. They believe their invincibility and think these balsa wood planes will protect them.

Now their inflation is rampant. Their economy is going down the toilet. Iranians have to ask Iranian diaspora to send medicine by post because the people can't afford it. Businesses are closing. Iranians fleeing to Georgia.

Strangled at home. Can't speak openly. Religious police monitor their haircuts, music and clothes.

And what's most of this for? death to Israel? why? because Iranians share a branch of the same religion as some Arabs in Gaza?

Is that what Iranians want? to spiral down into complete global isolation, become even more of a pariah for Gaza?

Sad, sad country.
the whole world hates Israel, and reports from human right organizations confirms Israel war crimes.
you are just bunch of kid killers and regardless of all direct and indirect financial helps from U.S and Europe Israel's economy is already collapsed, reports about suicides in Israel due to financial problems is filled the Internet.
lack of medicines in Iran is due to inhuman sanctions which prevent even importing drugs to Iran, in your latest devil act, U.K government prevented the shell company to pay it's debt to Iran by exporting medicines, pathetic Anglosaxons.
Waiseee @Soheil & any other Iranian & @500 : I never could understand what was the real cause for animosity between Israel & Iran ? :what:

Soheil, I mean you guys even some more nuts about the 'Death-to-Israel' thing than Arabs or Us ! :blink:
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Waiseee @Soheil & any other Iranian & @500 : I never could understand what was the real cause for animosity between Israel & Iran ? :what:

Soheil, I mean you guys even some more nuts about the 'Death-to-Israel' thing than Arabs or Us ! :blink:
they have occupied an Islamic country and killing people every day, what other reason you need?
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they have occupied an Islamic country and killing people every day, what other reason you need?

A little reciprocity would have been nice - the Palestinian Authorities continue to court India & yet we - the Pakistanis - sent our boys to fight in their godforsaken wars, supported them on every International Forum & created a needless enmity out of Israel - A country we don't even have a quarrel with because we're not Arabs & we're not really treated as Equals by Arabs !

And the same goes for you guys !

So again I ask - Why do we do this ? Whats in it for us ? Whats the point of standing up for a 'brother' who doesn't even consider you a 'brother' ?

I think we Iranians, Pakistanis & others should stick together & not get embroiled in this Arab Mess which when it suits them becomes an Islamic Issue but when its about our issues - Its our mess to sort out & Muslim Brotherhood gets kicked out of the window !
they have occupied an Islamic country and killing people every day, what other reason you need?
Palestine was never a country and Muslims in Israel live much better than Iran itself.

On the other hand Iran supports Armenia that occupied 20% of Muslim Azerbaijan and ethnically cleansed over 700 thousand Muslims. So spare me nonsense about "occupation".
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