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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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the whole world hates Israel, and reports from human right organizations confirms Israel war crimes.
you are just bunch of kid killers and regardless of all direct and indirect financial helps from U.S and Europe Israel's economy is already collapsed, reports about suicides in Israel due to financial problems is filled the Internet.
lack of medicines in Iran is due to inhuman sanctions which prevent even importing drugs to Iran, in your latest devil act, U.K government prevented the shell company to pay it's debt to Iran by exporting medicines, pathetic Anglosaxons.

You're a very angry young man.

As I understand it, the problem with medicine is your inflation and cost of living. It's made them too expensive. They are not under sanctions.

Still - if you stopped terrorising neighbours and threatening them - you'd be living a sweet life in Oil-rich Iran.

One would have thought after the war with Iraq, you'd have had enough of war and killing - but here you are beating your chests against the whole world.

And your only friends are a basket case in North Korea and a blood-soaked Syria.

Good policy by the Mullahs, eh? :rolleyes:

A little reciprocity would have been nice - the Palestinian Authorities continue to court India & yet we - the Pakistanis - sent our boys to fight in their godforsaken wars, supported them on every International Forum & created a needless enmity out of Israel - A country we don't even have a quarrel with because we're not Arabs & we're not really treated as Equals by Arabs !

And the same goes for you guys !

So again I ask - Why do we do this ? Whats in it for us ? Whats the point of standing up for a 'brother' who doesn't even consider you a 'brother' ?

I think we Iranians, Pakistanis & others should stick together & not get embroiled in this Arab Mess which when it suits them becomes an Islamic Issue but when its about our issues - Its our mess to sort out & Muslim Brotherhood gets kicked out of the window !

^^^ a lot of sense there.
A little reciprocity would have been nice - the Palestinian Authorities continue to court India & yet we - the Pakistanis - sent our boys to fight in their godforsaken wars, supported them on every International Forum & created a needless enmity out of Israel - A country we don't even have a quarrel with because we're not Arabs & we're not really treated as Equals by Arabs !

And the same goes for you guys !

So again I ask - Why do we do this ? Whats in it for us ? Whats the point of standing up for a 'brother' who doesn't even consider you a 'brother' ?

I think we Iranians, Pakistanis & others should stick together & not get embroiled in this Arab Mess which when it suits them becomes an Islamic Issue but when its about our issues - Its our mess to sort out & Muslim Brotherhood gets kicked out of the window !

Because we choose to go our own way in this world. Forget about Muslim brotherhood, it is about human decency in standing up against land stealers and a racist apartheid regime.

Also Israelis are snakes and cowards and do not deserve anything but contempt. They assassinated Iranian scientists, fund MEK terrorists and many different separatist groups in Iran. They also are trying to get into favour with Iran's neighbours to try and attack Iran.

Anyway Pakistan can do whatever she likes and have relations with whoever she likes, but Iran has her own path.
they have occupied an Islamic country and killing people every day, what other reason you need?

Rest of the Arab and Arab gulf/Persian gulf countries are Arabs too, they are free and prosperous, why can't Iran get along with them then?
We saved tens of thousands of Iranian lives during Iran-Iraq war.
Your regime murdered hundreds of Israelis in return.

Spare me crocodile tears about 4 so called scientists who were murdered by your own regime.

They died a natural death and I'll follow them.
There are many reasons for us to hate israel for example jews celebrate massacring of persians AKA Purim(which is a delusion and never happened,but it does not change the fact that they are celebrating it),killing of our nuclear scientists,jewish lobby pressure on western countries to sanction us,helping separatists and etc.
And also israel gave us 300 AIM-9L and 1008 TOW missile(500 of it part of iran contra) hardly material that can save TENS OF THOUSANDS!!!Source: SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
Rest of the Arab and Arab gulf/Persian gulf countries are Arabs too, they are free and prosperous, why can't Iran get along with them then?
It's because of their dictators who are brought to power with western countries, look how we are expanding our relationship with Iraq and Egypt, and look how Al-Saud is desperately trying to suppress people's protest in Bahrain, you shouldn't put Arabs and their dictators in the same line.
You're a very angry young man.

As I understand it, the problem with medicine is your inflation and cost of living. It's made them too expensive. They are not under sanctions.

Still - if you stopped terrorising neighbours and threatening them - you'd be living a sweet life in Oil-rich Iran.

One would have thought after the war with Iraq, you'd have had enough of war and killing - but here you are beating your chests against the whole world.

And your only friends are a basket case in North Korea and a blood-soaked Syria.

Good policy by the Mullahs, eh? :rolleyes:

^^^ a lot of sense there.
you can't hide your ugly face:
Government blocks Shell paying Iran oil debt in food, medicine
with such a animals like you, we better to stay enemy forever.
Rest of the Arab and Arab gulf/Persian gulf countries are Arabs too, they are free and prosperous, why can't Iran get along with them then?

why the hell you think our problem with israel is all about religion ? this is only what we show the world but other reasons are about our history and existence. arabs and judes are both happy of killing iranian people . this is not all about religion it's about type of revenge that they themselves persist on. and i tell you and your type of $HIT$ one thing. persian gulf is always persian no one has the right to even think about kharabian gulf.
There are many reasons for us to hate israel for example jews celebrate massacring of persians AKA Purim(which is a delusion and never happened,but it does not change the fact that they are celebrating it)
No, bad guys in Purim story were not Persians.

killing of our nuclear scientists
There is no any evidence about it beside poorly photoshopped Israeli passport. There are tens of thousands of scientists in Iran who cant find a job. Why would Israel invest huge resources to kill couple of them, despite it would not change absolutely anything and only strengthen support of Iranians to regime?

Only one who has motive is the regime itself.
A little reciprocity would have been nice - the Palestinian Authorities continue to court India & yet we - the Pakistanis - sent our boys to fight in their godforsaken wars, supported them on every International Forum & created a needless enmity out of Israel - A country we don't even have a quarrel with because we're not Arabs & we're not really treated as Equals by Arabs !

And the same goes for you guys !

So again I ask - Why do we do this ? Whats in it for us ? Whats the point of standing up for a 'brother' who doesn't even consider you a 'brother' ?

I think we Iranians, Pakistanis & others should stick together & not get embroiled in this Arab Mess which when it suits them becomes an Islamic Issue but when its about our issues - Its our mess to sort out & Muslim Brotherhood gets kicked out of the window !
if you track the root of daily bomb attacks in Pakistan, you will find lots of reasons to stand against U.S and Israel, west's purpose of creating Israel in ME wasn't expanding peace. their hostility against Iran is started before our revolution, they have problem with every independent country, regardless of moral reasons and sympathy with Palestinian, Israel's hostility against Iran is started from our dictators era, by training and arming SAVAK in Iran, emidiately after our revolution they started supporting mujahedin-e-khalgh terrorist group and in the same time training and providing Saddam with intelligence info, today every terrorist we arrest admits about it's trainings in Israel or Nato. keeping dictators in power and creating fake sectarian wars is what western countries are looking for, I can bring hundreds of reasons why it's beneficial for west, but I suppose you already know them.
No, bad guys in Purim story were not Persians.

There is no any evidence about it beside poorly photoshopped Israeli passport. There are tens of thousands of scientists in Iran who cant find a job. Why would Israel invest huge resources to kill couple of them, despite it would not change absolutely anything and only strengthen support of Iranians to regime?

Only one who has motive is the regime itself.
They killed 75,000 of their enemies in Persia including persian nobles who opposed jews(although all of it is pure fantasy)
There is no evidence that israel killed iranian scientists?! so who killed them,who planted and designed stuxnet?!!
EVERY ONE knows that answer is israel,Mossad is sneaky thats why they don't leave much evidence,even israeli government neither deny or accept it.
You are not fooling anyone,we know who did it and you too know it.
why the hell you think our problem with israel is all about religion ? this is only what we show the world but other reasons are about our history and existence. arabs and judes are both happy of killing iranian people . this is not all about religion it's about type of revenge that they themselves persist on. and i tell you and your type of $HIT$ one thing. persian gulf is always persian no one has the right to even think about kharabian gulf.

I can sense the brotherhood flowing from with in you at the mention of Arabian Gulf...
Apart from a few examples, I've noticed that the Iranians are the most extreme on PDF.

They are such angry people

I'm like, chill out bro's and have some pistachios and sip tea.

They're like "argh...death to Israel...the west the west the west...persian gulf blah blah"

Even the Pakistanis seem calmer....and they're always rioting about something :lol:
They killed 75,000 of their enemies in Persia including persian nobles who opposed jews(although all of it is pure fantasy)
Stop inventing things, no any Persian nobles were killed.

There is no evidence that israel killed iranian scientists?!
Yep, not a speck of evidence. When Israel killed Hamas terrorist in Dubai there were tons of evidence, but in case of "Iranian scientists" there is not even a speck of evidence. Only photoshoped passport :lol:

so who killed them
As I said, the only one who has motive are mullahs. Killing scientists help them to increase hate towards Israel and West and increase support to their failed regime.

For Israel it does not make any sense to spent huge resources in order to kill couple scientists out of tens of thousands.

who planted and designed stuxnet?!!
It was Israel almost for sure.
Apart from a few examples, I've noticed that the Iranians are the most extreme on PDF.

They are such angry people

I'm like, chill out bro's and have some pistachios and sip tea.

They're like "argh...death to Israel...the west the west the west...persian gulf blah blah"

Even the Pakistanis seem calmer....and they're always rioting about something :lol:

oh my gosh ... :whistle:

another one :bad:
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