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Defense Official: Qaher 313 Home-Made Fighter Jet to Protect Persian Gulf

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Is it so important for you !? :rolleyes:

I like to know general opinion about Turks from different nations. For example, i knew that there were a rivalcy between Turks and Persians. But i didn't knew that we were disliked by most of the Iranians. But that wasn't a shock to me non of our neighbours like us anyway.
I like to know general opinion about Turks from different nations. For example, i knew that there were a rivalcy between Turks and Persians. But i didn't knew that we were disliked by most of the Iranians. But that wasn't a shock to me non of our neighbours like us anyway.

we don't hate Turkish people ... we hate your moron government ...
we don't hate Turkish people ... we hate your moron government ...

Hate is a strong word, I used "disliked". Current governtment is highly liked by Turkish people. I mean in 10 years, GDP quadrupled while GDP per Capita Tripled.
Based on this forum and Iranian official's statements.

Most members on this forum are bad representatives of their respective countrymen/women, they are nationalistic internet warriors. The same with governmental statements, they hardly represent the general public opinion. Its not really fair to claim that "most Iranians dislike Turks" based on that...
Most members on this forum are bad representatives of their respective countrymen/women, they are nationalistic internet warriors. The same with governmental statements, they hardly represent the general public opinion. Its not really fair to claim that "most Iranians dislike Turks" based on that...

I agree with you " one must form his opinion through its own sources and in its own representatives throughout history not through the actions of a tiny minority that misrepresent it. " But I haven't seen a single Bosnian, Azeri or Korean disliked us in any platform.
I didn't know that we had good relationship with Pakistanis, this forum helped me to forming my opinions.
I agree with you " one must form his opinion through its own sources and in its own representatives throughout history not through the actions of a tiny minority that misrepresent it. " But I haven't seen a single Bosnian, Azeri or Korean disliked us in any platform.
I didn't know that we had good relationship with Pakistanis, this forum helped me to forming my opinions.

because there is a propaganda war against IRAN ...
Don't you have them to.......?

satellites ??? not yet ... there is a big difference between LEO orbit & GEO orbit !!!

TV channels ??? ... without our own satellites , I don't think so ...
Well, that confirms what we all knew all along.
Qaher is not an aircraft that is going to intercept or challenge the likes of F-16 etc.
Its low-cost unit and an assymetrical fighter jet, meant to cause as much damage as can be, at the lowest cost possible.
If the numbers turns out to be right, Iran could afford to manufacture 100s if not thousands of them, without overstretching the military budget too much.
Maybe even be used for suicide/kamikaze attacks against US naval warships (maybe that is what they are hinting at with the "volunteer" part), if all else fails.

Its actually a very smart defense doctrine, considering the circumstances.:tup:

Why kamikaze attacks, these are not Japanese desperate pilots, and eventhough they didn't have stealth technology.
I also think that they can attack an aircraft carrier since they can fly at low altitudes and are stealthy, a very good combination if you do not want to be detected at all, but the fighter plane is not restricted to aircraft carriers, it can attack all kinds of warships escorting the carriers, and play a decisive role in eliminating the naval helicopters threatening the Iranian attack ships and submarines.
Manufacturing a large number in the hundreds is also a deterrent, since the article mentions its high capability to fight in low, medium and high altitudes, its stealth features, its simple maintenance and low cost, this fighter plane is a dream come true, it optimizes every aspect of design, manufacturing and real world application efficiency.
If let us say an F-16 or even an F-15 can not see it through its radar than the advantage goes to the Qaher because it is can get to a very close range to lunch a short range air to air missile, that is very dangerous because the response time of the F-16 or f-15 is extremely short against the speed of the missile, let us say Mach 3 at 6 km, witch gives a response time of a maximum of 15 seconds.
So indeed, It is actually a very smart defense doctrine, considering the circumstances and regardless of them.
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