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Death Of The Liberal Turkish Dream

Yeah....they can't figure out too...when i was in Europe...they would think for a second and say Italian or Spanish.

Balkan, Greek, Arab, Persian, Russian
Even i was mistaken as an Italian once in Canada even though I am a Pakistani. Surprising the moment people see honey coloured skin they see Italians.
We are mostly village people and majority Muslims. We could never even dream of being as advanced as Anatolian Turks. You might find it ironic, but it is us conservative Muslim Pakistanis that love Turkey and Turkish people like our own. The liberals and atheists, not so much.
Dont make it a ''us'' versus ''them'',you need to work together for your country and people.
I am a Muslim born in a small village in Central Anatolia,from early age i was thought that Pakistani people are our brothers and sisters because of what they did for us,nobody said anything about them being Muslims and as you know many Muslims betrayed us,so what im saying is that Pakistanis are our brothers and sisters but not all Muslims are our brothers and sisters,you should think about that,which one of your so called Muslim brothers is actually a brother in your hour of need?
Look at the countries that are the only real allies of Pakistan,i can only name two,China and Turkiye,if you know any others,let me know.
And here comes the best part,China is an atheist country and Turkiye is secular.
After your air force shot down the russian bomber, and threats from Russia were coming, it was those secular weasels reporting on the Pakistani news without a care in the world. But in the Mosques/Jammis it was conservative Muslim Pakistanis that were volunteering to form Mujahadeen to fight the Russians If they dared to attack Turkey.
We Turks know that we can always count Pakistan and its people but you have to know that the media had to be ''impartial'' in this case because of the interests of Pakistan(weapon deals with Russia).
I feel like the common Muslim on the street has had enough. We are not extremists like ISIS, but we demand respect like any other human being does. For all that we do, we get looked down upon, and our religious beliefs get trashed by city dwelling liberals that don't even give a shit about their own parents.

This might not be the case in your country, but it is in mine. Can you give me some advice, effendi?

No! Can you give me some advice regarding this brother?
You asked and you answered,we didnt have that in my country,its slowly changing because the politicians in my country started using the ''them'' against ''us'' terms to gain votes from the majority conservative Muslims.
What they didnt understand is that we are not Arabs,Iranians,Afghaans,Pakistani etc,we as a people cant be fooled that easily and will never tollerate any dictatorship,many have tried and no-one succeeded.
There are many different ethnicities in my country with different views,values,cultures,backgrounds etc but we all do it together,we need each other.
Try to accept the different opinions,lifestyles,views,cultures in your country to move forward,if you dont do that,you will lose and end up like Afghanistan,Yemen,Libya etc.
A real Muslim looks at the person and no further.
Btw,the answer is late because i didnt get an alert.
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@MarkusS has a point the Seljuk Turks that entered anatolia in 1071 were just a small group of warriors who evantually captured big landmass and ruled the different peoples already living there. They first conquered and then over time mixed with the locals it's true the pure turk race is minority in Turkey. But still there are ethnic Turks, take an ethnic turk from turkey/anatolia and compare them to Uygur or Turkmenistanis we do look quite similar.
ne mutlu türküm diyene is not important if you're really able to comprehend it's meaning you will realise it is just non sense a turk who is aware would never say ne mutlu türküm diyene, for example saying straight up ne mutlu türküm without 'diyene' makes much more sense compared to the first one if you think about it. Personally saying that doesn't bring any joy or inspiration or strength i think it is just empty words.

What's really really important is our true identity, our values, history and ideals etcetra these are real matters that can inspire, unite and hold our people together as one entity working for same goal people with strong faith will achieve everything. Without these value's we will remain weak empty 'wannabee' folks following others like sheep without any endeavors or mission in life.
ne mutlu türküm diyene is not important if you're really able to comprehend it's meaning you will realise it is just non sense a turk who is aware would never say ne mutlu türküm diyene, for example saying straight up ne mutlu türküm without 'diyene' makes much more sense compared to the first one if you think about it. Personally saying that doesn't bring any joy or inspiration or strength i think it is just empty words.
Obviously you couldn't understand the meaning of the sentence.....

@MarkusS has a point the Seljuk Turks that entered anatolia in 1071 were just a small group of warriors who evantually captured big landmass and ruled the different peoples already living there. They first conquered and then over time mixed with the locals it's true the pure turk race is minority in Turkey. But still there are ethnic Turks, take an ethnic turk from turkey/anatolia and compare them to Uygur or Turkmenistanis we do look quite similar.
Seems like you didn't take any history classes in Turkey.
Obviously you couldn't understand the meaning of the sentence.....

Seems like you didn't take any history classes in Turkey.

Maybe history classes in turkey are the problem amigo.
we imported Danish workers in Istanbul, because they were stable principled workers.
For example the phrase, bu adam isin tam daniskasi, comes from Danish = daniska, because they were extremely good at doing their job. In Danish language, danes are called dansker, it's pronounced as daniska.
Hmm thats a very interesting info. :tup:
Were there any other western European communities in Ottoman Empire apart from Polish, Danish and Sephardi Jews?
Small group ?

Whole Western Oghuz tribes, came to Anatolia. Along with other Turkic tribes all the way till China.

lol yeah. You forget to mention the galactic empire and the klingon armies.

Dude you do realize that modern archaeology denies any mayor and massive population movement at all. At best the turkish immigrants made up 1.5% according to studies of the Haplo groups.


  • J2=24% - J2 (M172)[1] Typical of Mediterranean, Caucasian, Western and Central Asian populations.[19]
  • R1b=14.7%[1] Widespread in western Eurasia, with distinct 'west Asian' and 'west European' lineages. The predominant haplogroup among Armenians.
  • G=10.9%[1] – Typical of people from the Caucasus and to a lesser extent the Middle East.
  • E3b-M35=10.7%[1] (E3b1-M78 and E3b3-M123 accounting for all E representatives in the sample, besides a single E3b2-M81 chromosome). E-M78 occurs commonly, and is found in northern and eastern Africa, western Asia[20] Haplogroup E-M123 is found in both Africa and Eurasia.
  • J1=9%[1] – Typical amongst people from the Arabian Peninsula and Dagestan (ranging from 3% from Turks around Konya to 12% in Kurds).
  • R1a=6.9%[1] – Common in various Central Asian, Indian, and Eastern European populations.
  • I=5.3%[1] – Common in Balkans and eastern Europe, possibly representing a back-migration to Anatolia.
  • K=4.5%[1] – Typical of Asian populations and Caucasian populations.
  • L=4.2%[1] – Typical of Indian Subcontinent and Khorasan populations. Found sporadically in the Middle East and the Caucasus.
  • N=3.8%[1] – Typical of Uralic, Siberian and Altaic populations.
  • T=2.5%[1] – Typical of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Northeast African and South Asian populations
  • Q=1.9%[1] – Typical of Northern Altaic populations (also common in Scandinavia and the Alps.)
  • C=1.3%[1] – Typical of Mongolic and Siberian populations
  • R2=0.96% [1] – Typical of South Asian population
You plain and simple have almost none turkish typical Haplogroups.

Fun fact...the average turk from turkey has more Haplogroups related to armenians than all turkish haplogroups combined.

Hmm thats a very interesting info. :tup:
Were there any other western European communities in Ottoman Empire apart from Polish, Danish and Sephardi Jews?

Italians. There are large populations of our people that live there even today. Istanbul has a quarter named for them Galata.
lol yeah. You forget to mention the galactic empire and the klingon armies.

Dude you do realize that modern archaeology denies any mayor and massive population movement at all. At best the turkish immigrants made up 1.5% according to studies of the Haplo groups.


  • J2=24% - J2 (M172)[1] Typical of Mediterranean, Caucasian, Western and Central Asian populations.[19]
  • R1b=14.7%[1] Widespread in western Eurasia, with distinct 'west Asian' and 'west European' lineages. The predominant haplogroup among Armenians.
  • G=10.9%[1] – Typical of people from the Caucasus and to a lesser extent the Middle East.
  • E3b-M35=10.7%[1] (E3b1-M78 and E3b3-M123 accounting for all E representatives in the sample, besides a single E3b2-M81 chromosome). E-M78 occurs commonly, and is found in northern and eastern Africa, western Asia[20] Haplogroup E-M123 is found in both Africa and Eurasia.
  • J1=9%[1] – Typical amongst people from the Arabian Peninsula and Dagestan (ranging from 3% from Turks around Konya to 12% in Kurds).
  • R1a=6.9%[1] – Common in various Central Asian, Indian, and Eastern European populations.
  • I=5.3%[1] – Common in Balkans and eastern Europe, possibly representing a back-migration to Anatolia.
  • K=4.5%[1] – Typical of Asian populations and Caucasian populations.
  • L=4.2%[1] – Typical of Indian Subcontinent and Khorasan populations. Found sporadically in the Middle East and the Caucasus.
  • N=3.8%[1] – Typical of Uralic, Siberian and Altaic populations.
  • T=2.5%[1] – Typical of Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, Northeast African and South Asian populations
  • Q=1.9%[1] – Typical of Northern Altaic populations (also common in Scandinavia and the Alps.)
  • C=1.3%[1] – Typical of Mongolic and Siberian populations
  • R2=0.96% [1] – Typical of South Asian population
You plain and simple have almost none turkish typical Haplogroups.

Fun fact...the average turk from turkey has more Haplogroups related to armenians than all turkish haplogroups combined.

I don't understand from this stuff, but i know you are making things up. Showing wrong stuff etc..

And it's not like you are understanding either...you are just throwing random stuff that you found from wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people

If you wanna go there, @Targon and @MertKaan would mop the floor with you...but i don't want them to waste their time with a troll with you....Just care your own business.
I don't understand from this stuff, but i know you are making things up. Showing wrong stuff etc..

And it's not like you are understanding either...you are just throwing random stuff that you found from wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people

If you wanna go there, @Targon and @MertKaan would mop the floor with you...but i don't want them to waste their time with a troll with you....Just care your own business.

Hocam bu adamla uğraşmayın hiç, boşuna vaktinizi harcamayın :)

Onun büyük bir kuyruk acısı var, değmez.
Konuşsun dursun.
Hocam bu adamla uğraşmayın hiç, boşuna vaktinizi harcamayın :)

Onun büyük bir kuyruk acısı var, değmez.
Konuşsun dursun.
Yok zaten, çok uğraşmıyorum...1 dakikadan fazla zamanımı ayırmıyorum.
I don't understand from this stuff, but i know you are making things up. Showing wrong stuff etc..

And it's not like you are understanding either...you are just throwing random stuff that you found from wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Turkish_people

If you wanna go there, @Targon and @MertKaan would mop the floor with you...but i don't want them to waste their time with a troll with you....Just care your own business.

Its hard science bro. You have more armenian bllod in you than all turkish haplo groups combined. Its hard numbers. Stochastic. The good thing about science is thats its true. No matter of you believe it or not.

Does it hurt much?

How is the name Galata related to Italy can you elaborate?

It comes from milk. In italian is latte. In greek gala...(the word galaxy comes from it...milkey way). Galata was an italian city. Rich italian merchants who traded with orient had their villas there and also today there is large group of italians living there
Its hard science bro. You have more armenian bllod in you than all turkish haplo groups combined. Its hard numbers. Stochastic. The good thing about science is thats its true. No matter of you believe it or not.

Does it hurt much?

Nope, because you are not scientist. And what you are saying is not true.

here is large group of italians living there
No such, thing.
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