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Death Of The Liberal Turkish Dream

@Kuwaiti Girl

there are lots diferrent ethnicities in turkey, there is kurds, rum, greeks, armenian, bosnian, albanian, bulgarian, circassian, gypsies, jews, arabs etc these are all Turkish people with different roots and ancestries no one denies that but there are also Turkish guys with Turk ancestry like me and many other here in the turkish section.
Ethnicities are fake social constructs. I hope you realize that.

In science, ethnic identities have no real meaning or significance.
fake social constructs so what else is left there, only racial identity ?

how many peoples with pure race left none it's all mixed

isn't it ironic that it's always the same types accusing turks of racism but then lecture people about how important is race and dna but everything else is non sense..?

it clearly shows you who are the real racists and facists
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fake social constructs so what else is left there, only racial identity ?

what's your solution should we divide the world into races?

how many peoples are there with pure race none it's all mixed

isn't it ironic that same ones who accuse turks of racism against kurds and others lecturing people here about how important is race and dna but nonsense is etnicity..?

it clearly shows you who are the real racists and facists
No, racial identities are social constructs as well lol.

I personally think the world should unite. I don't really support the Westphalian nation-state system.

Races and ethnicities don't really exist from a scientific point of view, but bigotry and discrimination do exist in the real world, unfortunately.

Can you guys calm down? I don't have a personal vendetta against the Turks. Just because I'm critical of Turkey's government policies doesn't mean I have something against your people. And just because I want the Kurds to be happy doesn't mean I don't want the Turks to be happy.

I'm critical of many governments around the world. Please don't take it personally.

As for the debate about genetic ancestry, I'm being as fair as I could.

There's nothing in your DNA that says you're Turkish. Likewise, there's nothing in my DNA that says I'm half Balochi, nor is there anything in a German person's DNA that says he/she is German.

All these identities are social constructs, and sadly they've contributed to nothing but wars, discrimination and hostility. The Middle East is a perfect case in point.
With respect, Europe owes these refugees nothing. The idea of letting them in an Europe already overflowing with foreigners is a joke.
Turkey doesn't owe them anything either. It's just pathetic how the EU, who always brags about representing human rights/values, turns its back when it's playtime. I can't wait until the EU unravels..a rotten, corrupt and bloated organization.
turkey's ruling elite did not have popular mandate, and the liberal/secular ideas never had broad appeal. its not that turkey is going backward, its more democratic now for instance than ever before(even with Erdogan's totalitarian tendencies).. am pretty sure the society will evolve and embrace secularism and more liberal values one day.
Dostlar MarkusS is just saying not everyone in turkey is ethnic turk

No, he is not saying that. If he had said that there would be no arguements...he is saying.

At best the turkish immigrants made up 1.5%

So, ethnic Turks composed %1.5 of the total population in Anatolia during 12 century....o_O

What you and he says are completely different things.
No, he is not saying that. If he had said that there would be no arguements...he is saying.

So, ethnic Turks composed %1.5 of the total population in Anatolia during 12 century....o_O

What you and he says are completely different things.

genetics show only 1.5% turkish haplogroups. You on the otehr sode suggest a massive genocide unmatched anything in human history, the complete removal from all anatolians and replacements by millions of turks. sometjing that never happened.
But to asnwer my question, if you believe you committed the geratest genocide in human history what did you do with the anatolians? There is not one historic profile that reports of mass murders or replacements.
Not Genocide, they were driven to west. Like Byzantines fled to Europe when we conquered Constantinople.

Not interested in, discussing with you, this is my last message.
Not Genocide, they were driven to west. Like Byzantines fled to Europe when we conquered Constantinople.

Not interested in, discussing with you, this is my last message.

So 20 million anatolians were drinven to west. Why is there no such record in our history? One would think we italians would have noticed when our population rose by the factor 2 within a few years.
Yeah cool story bro. you killed all anatolians and replaced them with your turks from space. :D :D :D :D

But one question, do you think genetics are a base for sucess? Because all mediterranean countries are really sucessful while turkey has a lower GDP per capita than romania.

What do you think causes this economic weakness in turkey? Anatolia connects europe with the middle east so it should at least have the same economic power as spain. Yet spain has far more economic power than turkey. Whats the reason behind this lack?


Why do you think North Korea is poor as f*ck while South Korea is rich?

Answer this question and you'll get a bit enlightened.

China is poorer than Turkey on per capita basis....due to genetics?

Austrailia is far richer than Spain.....genetics?

India was far richer than England at one point...genetics?

Now England is far richer than India....genetics again?

You are a sad, lonely man who peddles irrelevant myths all the time. But the real world is against you and reality keeps marching on--while you stay a hero in your own head peddled with bullsh!t and self-serving myths that nobody in outside world cares about..

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