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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

if im not mistaken This is the most large deadly terorist attack in our near history...this is our 11/9...

in that rascally attacks most suspucted proxy is Marksist terorist org. of Turkey's Noussayries THKP-C. The Leader and members of that org. voulantary have been fighting side by side with Shabihaas mercenaries and signed together in many bloody massacre of civillians.

Turkish Link: Be

The leader of THPK-C Turkish citizen Mihrac Ural known as responsible for the last massacre of Banyas that hundreds civillians killed including women and children..
He is one of the main most wanted chief of Shabbihaa...and FSA donated 100,000-$ prize money for his head.

im sure that this attack will not be go unanswered and without any retaliation...Just need to be little patient.....
It seems that erDOGan trying to get the Turkish public to start a war against Syria, and it seems it is working as some members here have shown...

anyways I ask the Turkish members here who think that Syria did this attack these couple questions..
1. Would this attack happen before the "Democracy" bloodshed started in Syria?
2. Would have this happened if Turkey didn't support the terrorists?





3. Why would Syria want to open another front with Turkey (NATO)?

AKP brought terrorists to its soil, it armed them, trained them, and gave them shelter

Hundreds of bombings happened in Syria, and no one cared, and those bombings were done by the terrorists that AKP supports...

It is funny when these bombings happened AKP quickly blamed Syria, without even having any evidence, and late they arrested some people, that was really fast, It seems Turkish authorities knew about them very well, and that's why the captured them fast... why didn't they get arrested before to prevent such acts(since the authorities got them fast, that means they knew something?)?

I remember how the Turkish public wanted war after the jet incident which violated the Syrian Air space, erDOGan wants to hype the Turkish public so he can start a bloody war... and many fell for his trap...

side note topics that relate to this issue (Think outside the box)






Baykuş;4274000 said:
We took care of close to 1 million Kurdish refugees - AFAIK - during Saddam's rule, it's a question about humanitarian help not political interference.
You say it is humanitarian help, not others.
Thing on our soil will get better. That's all I care about. Whatever the Syrians do to each other doesn't matter to me.
How do you know?
Yes, because they want us to take their side on the Sunni vs Shia thing. We should not let ourselves be a part of a greater game - or used as a chessman in their game.
Iran does not want us to take their side, Iran wants us to get out of their way. Which we will not, because infuence in the region means a lot to Turkey, and we are nothing if we lose it.

Care to explain what would happen if we were to "walk away"?
We will be known as a nation that starts a fight foolishly and then flees like a rat.
Our relations with US will diminish.
Nations in the region will lose hope and trust to us.
Iran and Russia will know that we will never stand for what We say, Or they even might think that we are afraid of them. Thus they will start doing whatever they want because they will know that we will not stand for our beliefs.
Is this much enough or should I go on? Cuz if you ask one more reason, I will leave this thread, Cuz I'm tired of explaining things to you.
Turkey should field test they new SOM, ballistic missile, new MLRS against the aerial base in northern syria as a respond to assad terrorism.
This will mainly destroy the air force there, and help the sunni conscript to defect fromt the alawite and shia officers.
By the way, the iranians can only bark, we saw how they responded when israeli lightened damascus with their air strikes, so turkey should go and teach this little minority shia assad a lesson
Look this Syrian asking foreign help to attack his ''country''
what a traitorous piece of s.hit. No wonder the Arab world is divided as hell.
Its people like you that make the world hate Iran.
Get over it,you lost your last ally.

Why would Iran be allied with a shortsighted TUrk government ? You wanted to create a proxy for yourself in the region like Iran but difference between you and Iran is that you have no brains. So creating proxies will result in s.hit like this. It is you who distanced yourself from Iran by again befriending zionists and placing NATO missiles on your soil. It is you who distanced yourself by giving shelter to thousands of alqaeda and Al nusra fighters.
I'm seriously starting to wonder, what the fvck is wrong with Germany? Why all the Turks who have gone there are ending up as being a complete retard?
Come on you do the same thing now like him dont start to make trouble here against turks in germany i know many are retarded but most of them/us are pretty normal and liberal.

oh and also it was always a mistake to let Arabs and kurds into Turkey i know not all of them are like that but look what happened PKK Reyhanli bombings all of that happened because we let those into Turkey why does that not happen when we invite Türkmens Khazaks and Ahiska it is because they come to Turkey with their retarded extremism i say that to FSA and Assad they can both go to hell or kill themselves
The irony is that Bashar and Iran whine over "terrorism". Turkey should take it's revenge.
When we read comments from Iranian members, we can see what kind of mindset lead these bombings. Why do Iranians take advantage of these deaths and make fun of them? This is disgusting, Iran won't listen, they have to feel, I would be glad to push the button to drop the first bombs on Iran. We need to do this out of revenge and help our Azeri brothers in Iran. Again, why do Iranians make fun of our deaths?
Come on you do the same thing now like him dont start to make trouble here against turks in germany i know many are retarded but most of them/us are pretty normal and liberal.

oh and also it was always a mistake to let Arabs and kurds into Turkey i know not all of them are like that but look what happened PKK Reyhanli bombings all of that happened because we let those into Turkey why does that not happen when we invite Türkmens Khazaks and Ahiska it is because they come to Turkey with their retarded extremism i say that to FSA and Assad they can both go to hell or kill themselves

Invited Kurds and Arabs. The Kurds in South East turkey and the Arabs in Hatay pretty much were living their for generations. ( if you're referring to them). Nevertheless I agree on the fact that the Turkish Republic have neglected every Turkic brother that can be linked to Anatolia and that there should be a change to this.

So sprechst du Turkish meine bruther?
That's so sad. 46 deads, more than a hundred injured. This is the biggest terror attack occured in Turkish soils ever. As one of the Turks here said, That's our 9/11. But it's not al-qaeda who did this. But I'm sure that they didn't expect that many casualites. So noone will say "I did it". Plus, the explosions were too destructive. So I don't think that police will get a catch on the penetrators. So either Asad nor Person X did this, they'll link it to Syria anyways. But what we gonna do is, our official will make statesments and "blame and condemn" the attacks. Not only us but the international community should intervene instead of "condemning" the attacks. But this attack showed, sooner or later Syria will be bombed, intervened by foreign nations (possibly led by Turkey). The funny thing is; we won't do a sh¡t, again. Because the syrians including the penetrators are our "muslim brothers" (!) right? I'd wipe them outta the map.
he is not Syria, he is a false flagger, I had a discussion with him in him in Arabic, he couldn't even tell the difference of Syrian dialect/s...
Lol u are a shia lebanese, worshipping the evil party and his low life leader nasru dog.
By the way, looking at how iranians here are happy only show their sectarian hatred, and are orgasming when sunnis syrians and turks are killed.
Dont dream, sunnis in syria are the overwhelmingly majority, and they will be able to put up the assad shia minority regime in dust, and the iranians will be barred to ever enter this country.

And contrary to the turks wich we had relations since hundreds years, we have not anything in common with the iranians shia twelvers.
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