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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli


israel bombed syria and what did iran do?

ask your self...

is it worth to die with syrians?

I hope they going to stay. Let's if they put their will where their mouth is.

But I dont think Iran will put boots on the ground, but rather support it politically, economic aid and weapons. Similar to what Syria did for us during Iran-Iraq war.

Make no mistake, Iran will side with Syria in any agression against it, and make it costly for the agressor.

Any aggression from Iran and don't be mistaken.. Iran will pay the biggest price.
Lol what's Iran gonna do?

Another an attack on Syria is considered an attack on Iran.
Meanwhile Syria gets bombed by Israel and all that I hear from Iran is grasshoppers making sounds.

F off would ya.
No comment !


Lol what's Iran gonna do?

Another an attack on Syria is considered an attack on Iran.
Meanwhile Syria gets bombed by Israel and all that I hear from Iran is grasshoppers making sounds.

F off would ya.
You are a emotional f.ucker. You expected Iran to declare war on Israel and launch 1000 of missiles towards Telaviv ? hahahaha :rofl:
The pact signed between Damascus and Tehran is only valid when one of the 2 countries get engaged in a full blown war against country x. So tell me which war Syria is in that we should support with troops,missiles,drones,battle ships etc ?

Lol dude.. whats wrong with ur avatar pic?:lol:

You dont like it ? :/ its the famous jobless George Costanza :lol:
No comment !

You are a emotional f.ucker. You expected Iran to declare war on Israel and launch 1000 of missiles towards Telaviv ? hahahaha :rofl:
The pact signed between Damascus and Tehran is only valid when one of the 2 countries get engaged in a full blown war against country x. So tell me which war Syria is in that we should support with troops,missiles,drones,battle ships etc ?

You dont like it ? :/ its the famous jobless George Costanza :lol:

If Iran shoots 1000 missiles towards Israel, Iran will receive 10 000 missiles back and Iran will pay high price. Probably they would first bomb Iran to the ground, eliminate central government and then partition the country amongst its minorities and seeing Ethnic Persians are only 40% of the population, not much of Iran will remain. So don't be mistaken, every action, any aggression from Iran and you will pay the full price.
No comment !


You are a emotional f.ucker. You expected Iran to declare war on Israel and launch 1000 of missiles towards Telaviv ? hahahaha :rofl:
The pact signed between Damascus and Tehran is only valid when one of the 2 countries get engaged in a full blown war against country x. So tell me which war Syria is in that we should support with troops,missiles,drones,battle ships etc ?

You dont like it ? :/ its the famous jobless George Costanza :lol:

some1 can bann this dick from theard !
If Iran shoots 1000 missiles towards Israel, Iran will receive 10 000 missiles back and Iran will pay high price. Probably they would first bomb Iran to the ground, eliminate central government and then partition the country amongst its minorities and seeing Ethnic Persians are only 40% of the population, not much of Iran will remain. So don't be mistaken, every action, any aggression from Iran and you will pay the full price.

The ultimate village idiot has spoken again :lol:.... Since when has Israel 10.000 Missiles to shoot moron ? Who in its right mind would come and ally themself with Israel in a war against Iran and face the ultimate wrath of Iran ? Israel better keeping on bombing Palestinian babies and old men with their shiny american supplied F16's. Against Iran they are useless as f.uck.
About you, it is better to keep your mouth shut. Who knows, maybe you could have been killed in the recent bombings in Turkey hehe.
Some of the Iranian comments are disgusting.

And for what? so they can keep their influence in Syria and Lebanon. They think they have a god-given right to control these countries and that Turkey 'had it coming' for daring to counter Iran's agenda.

It just shows how important it is that the region unite to stop the mad Mullahs.
Video: Turkey says pro-Assad groups linked to border town bombings

Turkish Interior Minister Muammer Guler blamed groups supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to be behind the twin car bombings in Turkey on Saturday, which killed at least 43 people and left 140 wounded.

“The people and the organization who carried out this attack have been identified. We have established that they are linked to groups supporting the Syrian regime and its intelligence services,” Guler told national TRT television, as quoted by Reuters.
Earlier on the day, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said that the Syrian regime is considered the “usual suspect” behind Saturday’s car bombs in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli, Reuters said.

In the same vain, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said the blasts might be related to the conflict in Syria or to Turkey's own peace process with Kurdish militants.

“We are going through sensitive times; we started a new era, the Kurdish issue solution process. Those who cannot digest this new era ... could take such actions,” Erdogan said in comments broadcast on Turkish television.
“Another sensitive issue is that Hatay province [where the explosions occurred] is on the border with Syria, these actions may have been taken to provoke those sensitivities,” he said, reported Reuters.

Meanwhile, a third explosion has been reported by AFP in the same area. Details on the incident have yet to be released.

Events earlier on the day

Several ambulances rushed to the site of the explosion to tend to the victims, CNN-Turk television said cited by AFP, adding that the town hall had suffered major damage.

“Two cars exploded in front of the municipality building and the post office in Reyhanli,” Guler told reporters in comments broadcast on Turkish television, according to Reuters.
Reyhanli, a town of about 60,000 people, lies near the Cilvegozu crossing opposite Syria’s Bab al-Hawa border post.
The border area has witnessed a number of attacks as the conflict in Syria spills over into Turkey, a one-time ally of President Assad and now one of its harshest critics.

U.S. condemns blasts

The United States strongly condemned the twin car bombings in the Turkish town near the Syrian border and vowed solidarity with Turkey in identifying those responsible.
“The United States strongly condemns today’s vicious attack, and stands with the people and government of Turkey to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice,” U.S. Ambassador to Turkey Francis Ricciardone said in a statement.

Video: Turkey says pro-Assad groups linked to border town bombings - Alarabiya.net English | Front Page
RIP to the dead...

Chaos is contagious, if you support chaos, it will come back and kill you... of course the Turkish government will blame Syria, while in reality AKP's own rats F$A did the bombing to drag Turkey to war, and also make the Turkish public hate Syria, thus the Turkish public support the war, its like George Bush with 9/11

Tomorrow AKP will blame Alasad for sinking the Titanic...:coffee:
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