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Deadly blasts hit Turkey border town of Reyhanli

Turkish government targeted ''El Muhaberat''. Finaly they have now a excuses to start a war for benefits of Israel and US.

Thank you Tayyip, that you fking up our country.

Our deepest condolences for the people of Turkey. This time we should get closer to them and share their grief.
They just cant leave us in peace.
Who ever did this must pay for it,i hope we do something this time.

I think it's crystal clear that the Assad regime and their allies are responsible for this attack. As you probably know that Turkey has spent nearly a billion dollars for assisting the Syrian refugees and provided the FSA with intelligence gatherings inside Syria. So, I believe it's pretty obvious that the Assad regime wanted to terrorize the Turkish people to blame your government for what they have been doing to help the Syrian civilians and the Free Syrian Army.
I think it's crystal clear that the Assad regime and their allies are responsible for this attack. As you probably know that Turkey has spent nearly a billion dollars for assisting the Syrian refugees and provided the FSA with intelligence gatherings inside Syria. So, I believe it's pretty obvious that the Assad regime wanted to terrorize the Turkish people to blame your government for what they have been doing to help the Syrian civilians and the Free Syrian Army.

No need to speculate bro, police apprehended perpetrators. We will know the truth in mere hours.

Update: Turkish soldiers arriving Reyhanlı.

I wish you could speak Arabic ,but I can help out translating the gist out of this article

1st Note

AlArabyia News Agency has spoken to Ershad Hormozlu, A key adviser to PM Erdogan who pointed out that the Turkish Authority has found the ID of one of the two car bombers, of whom the Turkish Authority believed to be somewhat related to a pro-Assad group.

2nd Note

The Turkish PM has accused both the Kurdish Labor Party and the Assad regime of orchestrating this attack ,and vowed to retaliate.

No need to speculate bro, police apprehended perpetrators. We will know the truth in mere hours.

Update: Turkish soldiers arriving Reyhanlı.

I wish you could speak Arabic ,but I can help out translating the gist out of this article
1st Note
AlArabyia News Agency has spoken to Ershad Hormozlu, A key adviser to PM Erdogan who pointed out that the Turkish Authority has found the ID of one of the two car bombers, of whom the Turkish Authority believed to be somewhat related to a pro-Assad group.
2nd Note
The Turkish PM has accused both the Kurdish Labor Party and the Assad regime of orchestrating this attack ,and vowed to retaliate.

Regarding second note:

He didn't accused but pointed out the possiblity and he didn't vowed to retaliate(he should have vowed to retaliate).

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It looks like they want to hang erdogan :lol:
You're very rude and disgusting. Don't you have any respect for the dead? Or is it because they're Turkish? So, they don't deserve to live? It's the Iranian MULLAH logic I know.
I politely ask you to refrain from posting here please. And for those of you discussing this tragedy in here, I would recommend reporting anyone breaking the rules.
You're very rude and disgusting. Don't you have any respect for the dead? Or is it because they're Turkish? So, they don't deserve to live? It's the Iranian MULLAH logic I know.
I politely ask you to refrain from posting here please. And for those of you discussing this tragedy in here, I would recommend reporting anyone breaking the rules.

Did you expect anything different from an Ir... . This guy?
RIP to all who died but something like that was bound to happen if you involve yourselve with the backward middle east with Arabs and so on.I still think it would be a good plan to throw those kurds an arabs out when you throw them out and get turkic people to those places it can only be positive.
diid you expect anything different from arabs in turkey? 45 DEAD

Here is the thing, these are Iranian dogs, not Arabs. BIIIIG difference. Iranian dogs as in not Iranian are innately dogish, gee I would never suggest something like that, as in they are run by Iran and they are terrorists hence dogs. But you can understand it however you wish.
Here is the thing, these are Iranian dogs, not Arabs. BIIIIG difference. Iranian dogs as in not Iranian are innately dogish, gee I would never suggest something like that, as in they are run by Iran and they are terrorists hence dogs. But you cna understand it however you wish.

arabs killed 45 turks today. you are an fool.


if rebels have done this, or assad, they remain arabs. turkey should never had opened its borders to arabs. they are ungrateful, thief's and murderers.
arabs killed 45 turks today. you are an fool.


Is this your way of promoting Anti-Arab sentiment in the forum? Because dude you are failing miserably, highlighting the fact that the perpetrators of this vile act as Arabs only, to ignite some form of Racism and Nationalism within Turks here, but you see I know Turks, I have been with them for a long time and one part of my family is in fact Turkish. You failed to realize that Turks are way higher than that, more decent and smart to fall for your attempts. Do you really think so low of Turks to think that they will get behind you in this?

if syrian rebel factions have done this, or assad, it doesnt matter. they are arabs. turkey should never welcomed these scumbags. turks attacked arabs today in reyhanli because of this. everyone is tired of your people. also in germany.
Turkey should field test they new SOM, ballistic missile, new MLRS against the aerial base in northern syria as a respond to assad terrorism.
This will mainly destroy the air force there, and help the sunni conscript to defect fromt the alawite and shia officers.
By the way, the iranians can only bark, we saw how they responded when israeli lightened damascus with their air strikes, so turkey should go and teach this little minority shia assad a lesson
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