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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

What control does the French Govt. have over Dassault?

As per sources below is the share holding pattern

If Airbus has no voting rights (as mentioned by @sancho) in other thread, It can be bought by any other private investors from Mr. Claude Dassault.

French state has a "goldenshare". Dassault cannot sell its actions shares under 50%+1 without state allowance.

Any "unofficial" news about the negotiations? Any hope that the deal makes a positive turn?

IF Airbus has a stake in Dassault / Rafale then it would be interested in knowing
details of any agreement between India and Dassault

Simply because these liability clauses ; workshare agreements
all have financial implications

Maybe it is Airbus which is preventing Dassault from accepting such terms and conditions
as laid down in RFP

IF Airbus has a stake in Dassault / Rafale then it would be interested in knowing
details of any agreement between India and Dassault

As explained in earlier posts, the Dassault shares Airbus holds have no voting rights, so Airbus has no influence in Dassault. Also Airbus has no share in the development of Rafale, therefor is not part of the Rafale Team (Dassault, Thales, Snecma).

How is MMRCA deal $26.6 billion?

Parrikar in recent interview to Karan Thapar wrt to terror boat incident said price of Rafale deal is not even close to 100000 crore.

Now 1 lakh crore is $15.8 billion

So approx price if taken at 80000 crore means $12.7 billion
More realisitic i would say
If this deal goes through


The cost will be 126 fighters (latest version with aesa radar F3R)) x $120m = $15 Billon approx.

Another $3 billion for TOT and setting up production in india

And another $4.5 for weapons mica scalp WVR missles bombs etc.

THE MAGIC NUMBER IS $22.5 billion

Cost is not a factor

meeting the messed up rfp terms is delay factor

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