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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

i have some nice goody goody info about Spice 250 PGM & it's relation to IAF :partay:
but i wont post it here now let the IAF disclosed it themselves later in future


Please please ; pretty please

Now dont make us beg :p:
Iirc parrikar clearly mentions in the interview that a govt to govt deal is possible for EF
Air & Cosmos N 2436 15 jan 2015




The General Armaments Department has notified the market for a period of 44 months at Onera to assess, in operational conditions, the Franco-Norwegian airborne demonstrator Sisyphus (System imaging spectrometer for measuring embedded hyperspectral properties) . Developed as part of a study upstream of the DGA. Sisyphus is a unique and innovative system in Europe. "This study, the program started from a PEA which was to demonstrate the contribution of multi- and hyper-spectral imaging in the detection of areas, recognition and identification of defense needs. Sisyphus is rather airborne appearance, with observation of a sufficient distance, ie Space or embedded carriers, "commented Laurent Rousset-

Rouviere, head of Sisyphus program.


The peculiarity of Sisyphus is to be a research medium that has great performance. At 2000 m, the resolution is 50 cm on the ground. Sisyphus also has a high spectral resolution with 500 color bands and a radiometric resolution. "In other words, the lowest noise to get as many details as possible in the light level," adds Laurent Rousset-Rouviere. Sisyphus was launched in 2007, Onera is the prime contractor

system and defined the specifications for Norway. The latter was involved in the development of hyperspectral system near infrared, named Odin. "The Norwegians are very advanced in the development of near-infrared instruments. Under Sysiphe. they were asked to produce a more effective instrument in the visible hyperspectral field, we bring our side infrared in the form of Sieleters, covering the middle infrared bands or MWIR (3 to 5.5 pm) and long (8 to 11.5 pm). We are really complementary to that fact, "says Laurent Rousset-Rouviere.

pg 2

CLEARING AND georeferencing.

A Odin and Sieleters, adds a third data processing instrument whose design was provided by the ONERA Toulouse site, which collects Odin and Sieleters data to construct the entire spectrum. "Recalibration is 11: the same pixel is the corresponding spectrum. 11 There is also another algorithm called compensation effects of the atmosphere. Since we are airborne, the atmosphere has a certain transmission, a certain issue, it is necessary

atmosphere back to the optical properties of the scene and objects, that is to say, their emissivity réfectance, and see the temperature of the object. The result is in the form of either luminance georeferenced maps, that is to say in the unit of luminous flux, either réfectance emissivity or temperature of the scenes, "adds Laurent Rousset-Rouviere.

800 KG FOR 2 TO 3 M3.

The dedicated test platform is a Dornier Do-228, borrowed from the DLR. "The instrument is quite large and this unit has a hatch floor large enough size to be able to pass the 800 kg and 2 to 3 m3 of the whole, "says Laurent Rousset-Rouviere. The unit flies slowly, 260 km / h. "We are not yet at an operational system that could be installed on a Rafale, for example. We are looking for the moment to have performance. We also want to demonstrate the value and capabilities of this technology. The design of an operational system to go on a given vector will eventually "adds Laurent Rousset-Rouviere.

The system was installed on the C-228. The test campaign began in September 2013 in Cazaux. The system has been qualified according to the specifications given at the beginning of the market, a resolution of 50 cm on the ground, a large swath of 500 m wide, a band of 3 km long on average as well as a list of parameters techniques, defining the quality of the instrument, to verify and measure the field. This campaign took place over a period of two weeks and a half. "This has been a great success. We flew almost every day,

by collecting 62 km from the data, which is pretty phenomenal. We then went flying over the ONERA site Fauga-Mauzac where we installed white panels and different materials such as sand, polystyrene, on asphalt or concrete, to see the differences in luminance each material, "says Laurent Rousset-Rouviere. A ground crew was making field measurements, while the plane was flying over the site to acquire hyperspectral data at 2000 m altitude. Which was then used to compare the data collected in flight measurements

that had been made on the ground to see if the instrument responded well to the requirements.


Following these tests, the DGA has recently reported a new forty-four months market. The objective is to test the market Sysiphe on military operational scenarios. These scenarios will be determined and implemented by the French and Norwegian Ministries of Defence, before being implemented on the ground on the site of Canjuers. "We'll just fly over the site to try to find what was erythematosus. We are no longer in production of hyperspectral imaging, but one step further. We now use code to handle these hyperspectral data, "adds Laurent Rousset-Rouviere. On a headband 3 km long and 500 m wide, more than 500 images of the same scene are harvested. It is therefore impossible to watch every shot in order to find something wrong. "We have the advantage of having at our disposal of computers and algorithms that can mean we quickly anomalies they belong, that's what we call anomaly detection. Take the case of a camouflage net in a field, the system will inform the operator of the different signature from the surrounding vegetation, "says Laurent Rousset-Rouviere. The first campaign is expected to begin in August 2015. The use of the system tests degraded weather conditions are also provided, that is to say in the presence of scattered clouds above the plane that change the light output from the sky.


"We are also going to look at the night hyperspectral, which has many elements of interest, as the field of gas, we can determine whether a polluted industrial site or if there is presence of poison gas, for example. We are able to characterize all effluent of an industrial site, whether liquid, solid or gaseous. Sisyphus is also a national and international system in the sense that anyone can ask for data acquisition in the civil context as a soldier in the NATO framework or partnership with the European De-fence Agency (EDA), "concludes Laurent Rousset-Rouviere.

P.S so some sort of imaging system is being developed to be installed in fighter planes in future

ANALYSIS: We check out Eurofighter's P1E upgrade in simulator

In mid-November 2014, Flight International was given the opportunity to visit BAE Systems’ facility at Warton in Lancashire, to be briefed by its Eurofighter Typhoon chief test pilot Mark Bowman and project manager Luke Dickson about the successful introduction and first deliveries to the Royal Air Force under the Phase 1 Enhancement (P1E) programme...

...Now an active programme, the P2E phase will integrate MBDA’s Meteor beyond visual-range air-to-air missile and the same company’s Storm Shadow cruise missile. The subsequent P3E activity will integrate its Brimstone system, with Spear 3 to follow – which is also slated for use with the UK’s F-35Bs.

If contracted as expected, a P3E-standard Typhoon delivered to the RAF in 2018 could be configured with a weapons mix drawn from two short-range ASRAAM missles, four Meteors, two Storm Shadows, six Brimstones (on a pair of triple-round launchers), four Paveway IVs (on two double-store launchers), two external fuel tanks and a targeting pod. This will represent a very powerful multi-role combination.

“A subsequent retrofit of the Euroradar Captor E active electronically scanned array [AESA] will further strengthen Typhoon’s potency,” says BAE. To replace the mechanically-scanned Captor M radar on T3 aircraft, the AESA sensor is also to be offered as a modernisation option for T2 examples. Operational flight testing is expected to start in 2016...

...The Eurofighter’s IRST system is also seamlessly coupled to the radar to increase detection capability, and displayed against the target symbols for situational awareness as to which sensor (or both) had detection. I found the direct voice input function to be another superb piece of man machine interface. It takes some initial getting used to in terms of spoken format, but once mastered it is a very real combat aid for a pilot.

My only regret in the air-to-air mode was that the aircraft does not have an integral nose-mounted electro-optical sensor to complement the IRST for stealthy long-range visual target identification. BAE notes, however, that the system can be used in this context when a laser designation pod is fitted. [he means an optical system like Rafales FSO-TV channel. It's funny though that BAE tries to counter the lack of a TV channel with an LDP, while Thales tries to counter the lack of an IR channel with an LDP too]

...My short simulator sessions easily answered my two set objectives. Anchored by P1E, the Eurofighter’s pending AESA radar, the Striker 2 HMD and the aircraft’s massive inherent energy performance, the Typhoon is now focused properly on its planned upgrade path to marry unmatched lethality in both the air-to-ground and air-to-air roles. Additionally, the Tranche 2 and 3 models can now ‘swing’ between either combat role and back again with the push of one HOTAS button, and be ready to fight instantly in that advanced configuration.

The P1E package properly baselines the Typhoon to fully realise its undoubted combat potential. The RAF is now fielding a true multi-role aircraft that can face any threat out to 2030 or beyond.

ANALYSIS: We check out Eurofighter's P1E upgrade in simulator - 1/19/2015 - Flight Global
Google translated

Egypt dream Rafale and frigates but do not really have the means

Faced with the refusal of Paris to finance 100% of its shopping list, Cairo will probably have to revise its ambitions down.

Caught between its regional power ambitions and its tense financial situation, Egypt dream to equip its army of the art equipment, but do not really afford it. Late last year, Cairo has expressed its desire to acquire a big twenty and two Rafale multi-mission frigates FREMM, but the reality principle is taking hold: those figures, little credible from the outset given the sums involved, lived and "shopping list" if it goes ahead, will probably have to be revised downwards.

Enjoying good relations with France, and probably knowing full well that she has an imperative need to export the Rafale and the FREMM to keep his military planning law, the Egyptian military hoped - or pretends to hope - that the Paris could fund five or six billion euros needed for such purchases. Bercy in response Substances agree to finance part, but only part, for you to find the rest...

...All assumptions are on the table: to reduce the quantities referred from geometrically similar manner to favor the FREMM Rafale (or more likely the reverse), or if the budget equation is too difficult to solve, play more modest. The military could well be "satisfied" of a modernization of its Mirage 2000 to provide air-ground capabilities based AASM missile, which would avoid Safran to close its plant.

L’Egypte rêve de Rafale et de frégates mais n’en a pas vraiment les moyens, Aéronautique - Défense

2 cruise missile along with 2 EFT on typhoon :rofl:

really !!

Now where the hell did it get another wet station for typhoon from moon!! :sarcastic:

a big team from Airbus is set to land in India on January 21, ahead of US President Barack Obama’s visit. The timing of the visit is significant, say informed sources.

The work share pattern of the 108 aircraft to be made in India is the bone of contention,”

Since there are several other Indian manufacturers who would supply and manufacture the rest of the parts, their names and work shares are all being sorted out,”

“out of the four major contracts, three are signed and in the dock. One contract is in the last stages.”

“since several Indian sub contractors have already been identified by the French authorities during their visit to India in February and March last year.”

Sources have indicated that the Rafale deal could be sealed by March 31

Airbus team coming, Rafale deal by March end, say sources | Business Line
Airbus has nothing to do with Rafale. Their shares in Dassault are just a historical heritage, but they have 0 decision power.
Airbus has nothing to do with Rafale. Their shares in Dassault are just a historical heritage, but they have 0 decision power.

What control does the French Govt. have over Dassault?

As per sources below is the share holding pattern

If Airbus has no voting rights (as mentioned by @sancho) in other thread, It can be bought by any other private investors from Mr. Claude Dassault.
its final rafale is not coming to india and about the future MRCA of india well we willhear on it after the obamas latest visit to india is over
What control does the French Govt. have over Dassault?

As per sources below is the share holding pattern

If Airbus has no voting rights (as mentioned by @sancho) in other thread, It can be bought by any other private investors from Mr. Claude Dassault.

Airbus already sold a part of that and is willing to sell more, but unless you aim on financial gains, those shares won't get you anything wrt influence on the company.

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