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CV-17 Shandong - Type 002 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

@Deino @Horus @Shotgunner51 can you banned him mods, he is make threads in here out off topic.
He is not chinese at all, he is false flagger from india
Please, take care
Thanks in advance.

You mean my new special friend Adam ?
Yes indeed ... but since he's new I will still give min a chance. Otherwise You are correct.
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You mean my new special friend Adam ?

of course, he make some threads in this section off topic.
and some of his posts, can be considered as trolling and off topic.

anyway, I will support any choice you choose for him as a mods, sir.
best regards
of course, he make some threads in this section off topic.
and some of his posts, can be considered as trolling and off topic.

anyway, I will support any choice you choose for him as a mods, sir.
best regards
CV 17 is not called shandong,if u want somethings related to this topic......

CV 17 is not called shandong,if u want somethings related to this topic......
CV IS READY FOR 系泊试验test

Old and IMO not very much reliable. As far as i know the Type 001A has at least for its angled deck the same configuration if You compare satellite images.

yeah CV17 is very closer to its dad,stability speaks louder than innov for the first home made CV of ZHONGGUO(CHINA).....
Speculation that APAR going to be installed.

I Don't think it well be APAR radar..

As such it would be naïve and stupid to try to get into an arm-race with the US only in order to surpass them. What the PLA has is enough to keep the USA far away from any idea to attack China. The only things China urgently needs are more modern conventional items in order to prevent any sort of non-nuclear aggression in its area of interest and influence: aka carriers, submarines and cruisers and a modern Air Force.
But for anyone with only a limited ego or even more a limited understanding of international issues, it's clear CHINA has to have a big stick, bigger one than the USA. :crazy: ... uhhh yea, only then You could feel fine.
But I'm sure and have faith enough that the Chinese government is wiser than some poster here.:D

Actually PLA capability need more than to protect own country (China)...
history like Eight-Nation Alliance invade Peking, First Sino-Japanese War, WW2, 1996 Taiwan crisis give china a deep pain and lesson..
there direction and ideology always prepare capability to get back Taiwan and capability to War with Japan and US if needed.
Since many journalist say PLAN just about 10% of US navy capability, i believe PLAN still plenty of area need improve, they just start catch up modem military asset, include what you suggested. many other area still need to improve too.
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I Don't think it well be APAR radar..

Actually PLA capability need more than to protect own country (China)...
history like Eight-Nation Alliance invade Peking, First Sino-Japanese War, WW2, 1996 Taiwan crisis give china a deep pain and lesson..
there direction and ideology always prepare capability to get back Taiwan and capability War Japan and US.
Since many journalist say PLAN just about 10% of US navy capability, i believe PLAN still plenty of area need improve, they just start catch up modem military asset, include what you suggested. many other area still need to improve too.

yeah,DEINO's comments show that he is a hired spy for CIA or FBI,yes or no?(no offense ,but German people as far as i know are more mature,no?)
CHINA is a independent country she should have as many CV as she pleased,so US attack Iraq for no reason is ok and has 12 CVNs is ok, INDIA has 3(although namely)and CHINA has 2 or 3 is a hugh threat?
2, IMO,if you have 100 to 1 nukes,that means nothing to US coz it has antimissile system and if you have 200 to 500,you got US attention and he will show slight respect,if u have 5000 nukes,you are definitely deserved to be respected by US.
RUSSIA is humiliated by its conventional navy force but makes US very nerves with its NORTH WIND GOD subs and typhoon subs....
yeah,DEINO's comments show that he is a hired spy for CIA or FBI,yes or no?(no offense ,but German people as far as i know are more mature,no?)
CHINA is a independent country she should have as many CV as she pleased,so US attack Iraq for no reason is ok and has 12 CVNs is ok, INDIA has 3(although namely)and CHINA has 2 or 3 is a hugh threat?
2, IMO,if you have 100 to 1 nukes,that means nothing to US coz it has antimissile system and if you have 200 to 500,you got US attention and he will show slight respect,if u have 5000 nukes,you are definitely deserved to be respected by US.
RUSSIA is humiliated by its conventional navy force but makes US very nerves with its NORTH WIND GOD subs and typhoon subs....

Well, Deino may a CIA or FBI. but a stupid one. Why? Because he promotes Chinese Military in a positive way. Isn't the objective of USA is to denounce China and make them look bad in the world? But you, Adam, you may be a CIA and the good one of it. The way that you make people distrust others are spectacular. Look at the objective of both countries. Right now China needs more friend than enem9es. They need people to promote their country and good will. So it's in their agenda to hug people like Deino because it will bring better image for China. But in contrary, USA / CIA need to create distrust so China will look more of suspicious existence. It's in their agenda to make people who support / like China to hate China. So what's the most effective way to make people who love China to change their mind and hate them instead? Yes. To pointing finger to those supporters and accuse them as CIA or FBI.

Are you CIA, Adam?
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