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CPEC Projects in KPK: Where has it gone wrong ?

Wow this meeting have been a blast to be in. First demand of laws that make balovhistan closed to other provinces and then jibes

Mr Mengal said there would have been no need for convening the MPCs had the country’s institutions been strong enough to deal with the matter. In an apparent reference to the army, he said there was only one strong institution in the country, which “uses stick” against politicians and judges and “fires bullets on people”.
Dude, stop with the "future" projects..... and specially dams, ALL of the ones you mentioned ARE NOT PART OF CPEC, and MOST will not see the light of the day..............

Well I think if one thinks of the BIG picture

Since a Chinese bank was 1 of 4 parties who helped finance it , its irrelevant that its CPEC or not its part of China - Pakistan Friendship (THE BIG PICTURE)

  • KPK got 4.4 Billion DESU Dam project (Massive project , for water and electricity) (4500MW)
  • CPEC , government gave KPK 2 Billion worth of investment into province

So Total investment is close to 7.0 Billion Dollars in KPK , the large energy projects in Sindh and Punjab also total close to this figure

Other Power/Hydro Projects in KPK (Active in KPK , outside of CPEC)
KPK's own internal initiative with federal funding

I do not know the $$ figures for these initiative but obviously these are not free

Sharmai Dir-150 MW
Chitral -144 MW
Shogosin Chitral -132 MW
Koto 31 MW Dir Lower
Jabori 7 MW Manshera
Karora 10 MW Shangla Hydel Power Projects:
Machai Hydel Power Project with production capacity of 2.6 MW Mardan:
Ranolia Hydel Power Project with production capacity 17 MW Kohitsan:
Daral Khwar 36 MW Swat:
Lawi 69 MW Chitral
Matiltan 84 MW Swat

Let us not forget

Diamer-Bhasha Dam , 4500 MW Cost 13 Billion Dollar (Future)
Diamer-Bhasha Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(This would be setup in KPK)

Government already has explained future Ecnomic zones would be constructed in KPK and I think KPK needs to focus on next budget in 2016 and focus on introducing Metro Bus / Train projects in cities and improving things

Diamer-Bhasha Dam is a gravity dam, in the preliminary stages of construction, on the River Indus in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. on 18 October 2011, Majority funding being provided by Aga Khan Development Network.
No CPEC means no electricity. No CPEC means no Roti Kapra and Makan. Phatay kapray pehan kay phirti rahey sari qoam sarkoon pay if you dont want CPEC. CPEC will go ahead online bloggers like you cant stop the collective progress of a Nation as Nation is hungry for progress right now.

Yaar aap tun tu nahi hoo kahien ?? Where does in our posts we said NO CPEC ? Have you read the discussion ?
What is China,s need? Which route is suitable for them eastern or western? Which route decrease distance between China & Gawadar? China should discus this problem with Govt of Pakistan.
Meri jan, online bloggers like me? Good for you to think that........ and sorry for no more haram kee roti, haram ka kapra and haram ka makan for Punjab........... this project is a slave to geography, so enjoy CPEC in space without Baluchistan and KPK.

No more emotional bullshit from you guys. Our province, our laws, our sweet will. Unless you sing to our tunes, no more sweets for you either.

We are not emtional but i would rather say you are blind in your hatred that you cant even see collective good. Youthia mindset is the reason i stopped supporting PTI. This project once completed will benefit entire nations. Profits will get distributed through National Awards. I hear lots of youthias claiming for no right but yet no one has presented a single piece of project that they want in KPK. KPK has failed to start even a single major project all thank to incompetent moron Khatak who only wants to stay in power even if he has to sit with Molanna Diesel.

The problem here is that you people dont understand that this is not rights of a province. This is all about some politicians who didnt get their Hadi and Chichray from CPEC project. Press conference by Baloch leaders should give you a hint about what is going on here.

Aanyways you and i free to believe and free to comment what we want but in the end neither yours and neither my words mean squat as project will be built after politicial dog get their bones
Once again there may not be a single route but let's start with routes that pass through backward and impoverished areas, what's the harm in that we know the western route has already decent infrastructure.

We stand by the stance of our provincial government, even other parties such as ANP, JUIF etc support this stance, let there be transparency and equal benefit for all.
The problem is that "shorter" does not mean better. The western route goes through some pretty harsh terrain. Unlike the Eastern route, there is poor infrastructure to support the west. Security and stability issues. All of this complicates the issue.
This is a national project and should be treated as such.
Not all provinces will get exactly the same share of development but a consensus should be developed to come to a solution which benefits everyone and eventually Pakistan.

I fear some groups are trying to make it another kalabagh Dam (ANP & PPP).
What the hell. When will you get it through to your head that I am not a PTI fanboy. I'm simply against KPK and Baluchistan being skinned. Enough of other related bullshit. Either there will be a COMPLETE agreement on CPEC between provinces on federal level, or no CPEC. No matter how insane that may sound to you, that is how a federation should operate. As simple as that.

We are not emtional but i would rather say you are blind in your hatred that you cant even see collective good. Youthia mindset is the reason i stopped supporting PTI. This project once completed will benefit entire nations. Profits will get distributed through National Awards. I hear lots of youthias claiming for no right but yet no one has presented a single piece of project that they want in KPK. KPK has failed to start even a single major project all thank to incompetent moron Khatak who only wants to stay in power even if he has to sit with Molanna Diesel.

The problem here is that you people dont understand that this is not rights of a province. This is all about some politicians who didnt get their Hadi and Chichray from CPEC project. Press conference by Baloch leaders should give you a hint about what is going on here.

Aanyways you and i free to believe and free to comment what we want but in the end neither yours and neither my words mean squat as project will be built after politicial dog get their bones

Total capacity 9,500 MW

  • Electricity production
  • Water conservation / more water for irregation
  • Flood protection

  • 2 Billion investment from CPEC
  • 7 Billion from Group investing (CHINA/INTERNATIONAL, AGHA KHAN GROUP) in DESU DAM (Completion 2019)
  • 13 Billion from Aga Khan group for BHASHA DAM (Completion 2020 (est.))

That is 22 Billion dollar !!! Investment

I don't agree with the argument to derail any CPEC engagement there should be no derailment
I am PTI supporter however ,in this case I think KPK is getting FAIR SHARE OF $$$$$
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What a childish and simplistic way to look at things...... if Punjab has "security" issues, you guys should also stop pumping oil and gas, mining for minerals etc etc in KPK and Baluchistan............. "Build it, and they shall come", ring a bell?

there is poor infrastructure to support the west. Security and stability issues. All of this complicates the issue.
This is a national project and should be treated as such.
Not all provinces will get exactly the same share of development but a consensus should be developed to come to a solution which benefits everyone and eventually Pakistan.

I fear some groups are trying to make it another kalabagh Dam (ANP & PPP).
Very rightly said. Our objective should be to get the project going. Benefits will automatically trickle all along the corridor.
What is seriously WRONG with you. Those dams are not part of CPEC, they NEVER were. It's like saying, China gave @Hyperion a loan of USD50, against a collateral put up by him, which will benefit Hyperion and @TaimiKhan along with Mr. Bunga, Mr. Dunga, Mr. Lungi and gazillion others from Punjab, lets put that in CPEC as well. Seriously, for the last time, I'm telling you to refrain from false propaganda and singing kumbaya on KPK and Baluchistan's behalf.

Total capacity 9,500 MW

  • 2 Billion investment from CPEC
  • 7 Billion from Group investing in DESU DAM (Completion 2019)
  • 13 Billion from Aga Khan group for BHASHA DAM (Completion 2020 (est.))

That is 22 Billion dollar !!! Investment

I don't agree with the argument to derail any CPEC engagement there should be no derailment

Total capacity 9,500 MW

  • Electricity production
  • Water conservation / more water for irregation
  • Flood protection

  • 2 Billion investment from CPEC
  • 7 Billion from Group investing in DESU DAM (Completion 2019)
  • 13 Billion from Aga Khan group for BHASHA DAM (Completion 2020 (est.))

That is 22 Billion dollar !!! Investment

I don't agree with the argument to derail any CPEC engagement there should be no derailment
I am PTI supporter however ,in this case I think KPK is getting FAIR SHARE OF $$$$$

Whts the use of these 22 B$ project when the province will not get its share of royalty. Rather majority of the electricity will go into usage in the industrial zones in Punjab.
Enough with their bullshit. I'll be traveling to Peshawar in two days, I'll convene a meeting of my chamber there as well. It's time to put a constitutional wrench into the whole thing, unless Punjab starts to dance to our tunes.

Whts the use of these 22 B$ project when the province will not get its share of royalty. Rather majority of the electricity will go into usage in the industrial zones in Punjab.
Electricity should be sold to National Grid in exchange for revenue from WAPDA or State of Pakistan

Provinces they manufacture electricity , it is sold to national Grid , and the company / state pays
$$$ to Province for generating the Electricity, this is a standard process world wide

Consumer for 9,500 MW would be

Local Industries / Homes
Other States , Industries and homes

Also KPK is getting their own Industrial Zones

Won't loose sleep over this ....

When KPK got 4.5 Billion project for DESU dam , did Punjab ask its share from it ?

When BHASHA dam 13 Billion as paid by Agha Khan Group , did Punjab or Sindh ask for their share ?

Instead Government balanced it out (it seems) by getting CPEC investment


I am actualy quite happy to see MEGA investment so nicely distributed big projects in KPK , big projects in Punjab and big projects in Sindh and Baluchistan

What I see : by 2020

KPK : (22 Billion from Investment groups including chinese banks & CPEC projects)
  • 9,500 mw electricity , used by KPK , Pakistan , revenue from sales to residence/industry
  • No Water storage drinkable water in abundance
  • Water available for farming
  • Flood protection
  • Competed Highway road to North of Pakistan
  • Economic Zone for traders
  • Route from GWADAR to KPK to North , or Afghanistan.
  • Good coming from Gawadar / Quetta , or from North from China side
  • Gas pipeline will be coming from central Asia (Solving gas crisis)

Punjab (May be 15-17 billion )
  • Mix of clean and coal based projects to generate 3,000 MW- 5,000 MW electricity
  • Metro Bus/ Train projects /City cleaning project
  • Largest solar plant in world
  • Industrial Hub / Economic zone for traders

Sindh (May be 15-17 billion )
  • Funding for coal mining , to power coal power plants (what we were looking for)
  • Abundance of energy for Industry in Sindh / benefits Pakistan
  • They have nuclear plans also not part of CPEC these would be also ready
  • Economy Boom in Karachi / Sindh
  • Reduction in damaging flood waters
  • Shut down textile industry will reopen
  • Industries suffering from power shortages will benefit

  • Has a vibrant port city
  • New airport
  • Trade center for container goods
  • Jobs creation
  • Water treatment plant
  • Usage of water from dams constructed in Musharaf Era
  • Economic trade between Gwadar - Quetta (sister cities)
  • Getting lovely hospital to celebrate china - Pakistan friendship

CPEC gave up 17 Billion each to Sindh / Punjab , they had no other investor
But KPK Also got 22 Billion for MEGA dam projects (With Chinese banks and Aga Khan group)

So when big projects were approved for KPK via Chinese Bank or via Aga Khan group it was fine

There is enough Biryani in the shadi hall every one will get their plate !! Let the biryani be fully cooked first, this whole discussion is like that shadi hall where every one wants to go fill their plate with boti and gosht , knowing fully that there is PLENTY
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