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COVID-19 lockdowns are in lockstep with the ‘Great Reset’



New Recruit

May 27, 2017
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In October 2019, a pandemic simulation exercise called Event 201 – a collaborative effort between Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – concluded that a hypothetical new coronavirus may end up killing at least 65 million people worldwide within 18 months of an outbreak.

When COVID-19 coincidentally emerged from Wuhan two months later, scientists were rushing to generate similar alarmist forecasts using a variety of questionable scientific models. Researchers from the Imperial College London, for instance, approximated death tolls of 500,000 (UK) and two million (USA) by October this year. To those following the metastasis of the global vaccine mania, the Imperial model was predictably “tidied up” with the help of Microsoft.

The most curious part of this analysis seems to be an imminent collision between the emerging global oligarchy and various deep states. I think this is possible.
The US bioweapon has twofold goals. Blame China.

Have the conspiracy theorists blame the neoliberals for this neoconservative event, new Pearl Harbor done by the neonazis.

The CiA and other intel agencies are behind the hatred of Fauci and Gates, to blame them for brewing this bioweapon. After 9/11, the intel agencies did not have a secondary cover story to Osama. The intel agencies were behind 9/11 attacks, as the President of Italy revealed that Mossad and the CiA carried out the 9/11 attacks for wars in the Middle East and beyond. If they blamed Fauci and Gates or other conspiracy patsies, the 9/11 truth movement would have been side tracked to bring down the neoliberals, who the zionists hate. They hate globalist neoliberalism, they hate tolerance and diversity and want nazi hatred everywhere. trumps deep state is the true face of these racists and bigots in the CiA and other secret organizations trying to ruin the world.

London and Washington are still fighting the First World War and their goals of English domination of the world. Watch:

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