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No Indian university figures in top 200 global list

Chinese Universities are not the gold standard for R&D innovation in Science and Tech. But the ranking looks fair. West>>>>>China>India>>>>Rest of South Asia :D

Any university in top 100 is already gold standard.
Yet Indians do figure in high positions in almost all the Fortune 500 companies.

Our universities might lack in infrastructure, but not in quality of brains.

Rising up the management ranks is more about political, management and presentation skills than technical skills. I am not devaluing those skills, but they are a different set of skills than technical ability.

In the Anglo West, Indians tend to be better at management politics than are most East Asians. Amongst Chinese, HKers and Taiwanese tend to be better than mainlanders. This may reflect their level of comfort with English.
Any university in top 100 is already gold standard.

I don't think so. Let's say, by the time you reach 50-something spot, it's hard to say whether #55 will always outperform #65 in the years to come, and at this level the rankings change significantly from year to year.

But you'll notice that the top 20/30 (in the overall ranking) or less almost always retain their spot. These, I would say, are the gold standards.
Chinese Universities are not the gold standard for R&D innovation in Science and Tech. But the ranking looks fair. West>>>>>China>India>>>>Rest of South Asia :D

IIT of india are great but chinese universities are also good in a equal basis,iam saying it on a personal experience basis.

Rising up the management ranks is more about political, management and presentation skills than technical skills. I am not devaluing those skills, but they are a different set of skills than technical ability.

In the Anglo West, Indians tend to be better at management politics than are most East Asians. Amongst Chinese, HKers and Taiwanese tend to be better than mainlanders. This may reflect their level of comfort with English.

Sorry to burst the bubble,every country has talent and putting one country better in one field while it being bad at rest doesn't suffice, it goes for the rest of world.
As i know both Indians and Chinese have the same talent pool.That is why you frequently hear Obama ranting, China and India will overtake us and urges his country youngsters to take up more science subjects.
Sorry to burst the bubble,every country has talent and putting one country better in one field while it being bad at rest doesn't suffice, it goes for the rest of world.
As i know both Indians and Chinese have the same talent pool.That is why you frequently hear Obama ranting, China and India will overtake us and urges his country youngsters to take up more science subjects.

Read my post again.

Rising up management ranks is all about schmoozing, and people who are more comfortable with English and Western culture will do better than those who aren't.

Yes, you will get the occasional technical genius who rises purely because of their technical ability, but the vast majority of people on the management ladder are using their political skills.

That's why many technical companies have an explicit technical ladder alongside the management ladder, so that techies without the political skills can rise up that parallel ladder, albeit not management related.
Read my post again.

Rising up management ranks is all about schmoozing, and people who are more comfortable with English and Western culture will do better than those who aren't.

Yes, you will get the occasional technical genius who rises purely because of their technical ability, but the vast majority of people on the management ladder are using their political skills.

That's why many technical companies have an explicit technical ladder alongside the management ladder, so that techies without the political skills can rise up that parallel ladder, albeit not management related.

I dont think its about schmoozing in total,It is only a matter of time the power shift happens from west to east.Like how was east was powerful in past the cycles happen.I see people start to learn hindi and chinese in west why? If they are so sure about their dominance why learn eastern languages?Yes in order to better communicate,it also means agreeing to their terms.Earlier during colonial period they never bothered to learn why now?
There might be occasional genius from a pool of 313 million people but from a pool of 1.2 billion and 1.4 billion of china(i assume)That probability is high since the competition is high so is the ruthlessness and the urge to succeed,here evolution is seen in true form the best succeeds, not social welfare.You might argue that they have more companies and we work there, but how long will you work? once you learnt enough you will try youe own fortune that is human nature.Earlier they learnt from east and ruled now the "EAST learns how to be west while retaining their age old culture".This is only temporary the dominance of west the power shift will happen only a fool would deny it.

Your argument about ruthless great white shark in management is propagated by the west according to their logic, while in East "the more powerful and bigger one becomes the more humble they become".We have many examples Lord Buddha,Mahatma Gandhi and many more from ASIA.
The ultimate goal of East is about Reaching GOD,while in West it is about being a billionaire and enjoy materialistic things.
Four IITs are in the top 100 Engineering and Technology faculty in the world, thats pretty impressive for a developing country.

For example there are only 3 Chinese universities which are ranked higher than IIT Delhi, IIT Mumbai and IIT Madras. Thats not bad at all, for a country with economy 4 times smaller than China's.

Tshingua University= 12

Shanghai Jia Tong= 35

Peking= 38

IIT Delhi= 52

IIT Mumbai= 56

IIT Madras= 66

LOL, what a retarded rationale. University caters to the size of the population, not the size of the economy. Don't find excuse for your lousy IITs.
LOL, what a retarded rationale. University caters to the size of the population, not the size of the economy. Don't find excuse for your lousy IITs.

You do realise only 3 Chinese universities are ahead of IITs? So if the IITs are lousy what does that make the rest of the Chinese universities :omghaha:
Your argument about ruthless great white shark in management is propagated by the west according to their logic,

My statement was not racially inclined. It was simply an observation that, since most Fortune 500 companies are Western, familiarity with that culture is an advantage when climbing the upper echelons of the corporate ladder in those companies.

If and when Chinese, Indian, Brazilian or whatever companies start to dominate the Fortune 500 ranking, then familiarity with that culture will confer an advantage to prospective climbers.
Yet Indians do figure in high positions in almost all the Fortune 500 companies.

Our universities might lack in infrastructure, but not in quality of brains.

Is it 20% of the overall ratio of India:World? India does have 20% of the world's population, right? Could the representation be also because of such a massive population? Also, do NRI's or Nationals of other countries born to Indian Parents count?
You do realise only 3 Chinese universities are ahead of IITs? So if the IITs are lousy what does that make the rest of the Chinese universities :omghaha:

You are not too bright, aren't you? First, you didn't know university caters to the size of population, not the size of economy. Now, you are confusing sub-ranking of engineering department with university ranking. :omghaha: :omghaha:

Another reason why Chinese university are ranked higher than Indian's :coffee:
You are not too bright, aren't you? First, you didn't know university caters to the size of population, not the size of economy. Now, you are confusing sub-ranking of engineering department with university ranking. :omghaha: :omghaha:

Another reason why Chinese university are ranked higher than Indian's :coffee:

As I said earlier, IITs are not Universities, they should be seen as and compared with Engineering and Technology faculty, cause thats what they are.

Whether you like it or not, only 3 Chinese universities are ahead of IIT Delhi, Mumbai and Madras in Engineering and Technology, and thats a fact you can't deny. So if IITs are lousy rest of the Chinese universties ranked below IITs are as good as shyte holes. :azn:

And what do you mean by university caters to the size of the population and not size of the economy? How come universities from countries with tiny population like Australia, Canada, Uk, Singapore, Japan do better than world's most populous country China? Research facilities and funding, infrastructure, faculty,all need a robust economy.

And avoid personal attacks. Just so you know I have done my Bachelors, Masters and PhD from universities which are consistently ranked in Top 50 of the world. Going by your retarded logic am quite sure you are a product of some shitty Chinese university which no has probably even heard of.
As I said earlier, IITs are not Universities, they should be seen as and compared with Engineering and Technology faculty, cause thats what they are.

Whether you like it or not, only 3 Chinese universities are ahead of IIT Delhi, Mumbai and Madras in Engineering and Technology, and thats a fact you can't deny. So if IITs are lousy rest of the Chinese universties ranked below IITs are as good as shyte holes. :azn:

And what do you mean by university caters to the size of the population and not size of the economy? How come universities from countries with tiny population like Australia, Canada, Uk, Singapore, Japan do better than world's most populous country China? Research facilities and funding, infrastructure, faculty,all need a robust economy.

And avoid personal attacks. Just so you know I have done my Bachelors, Masters and PhD from universities which are consistently ranked in Top 50 of the world. Going by your retarded logic am quite sure you are a product of some shitty Chinese university which no has probably even heard of.

But you can't compare a university that has 20 or more faculties with a college with just on or two faculties. It's like comparing an apple and a banana, which both are fruits and nothing else in common.

Besides that, a functional economy and society needs more than a few faculties that are doing well. It's easier to prop up a few faculties than to run a university successfully with dozens of faculties.

All India has are those few faculties for 1.2 billon people, while other countries have a dozens of university provinding a diverse education stretching from fine arts to astrophysics.
As I said earlier, IITs are not Universities, they should be seen as and compared with Engineering and Technology faculty, cause thats what they are.

Whether you like it or not, only 3 Chinese universities are ahead of IIT Delhi, Mumbai and Madras in Engineering and Technology, and thats a fact you can't deny. So if IITs are lousy rest of the Chinese universties ranked below IITs are as good as shyte holes. :azn:

And what do you mean by university caters to the size of the population and not size of the economy? How come universities from countries with tiny population like Australia, Canada, Uk, Singapore, Japan do better than world's most populous country China? Research facilities and funding, infrastructure, faculty,all need a robust economy.

And avoid personal attacks. Just so you know I have done my Bachelors, Masters and PhD from universities which are consistently ranked in Top 50 of the world. Going by your retarded logic am quite sure you are a product of some shitty Chinese university which no has probably even heard of.

You are taking the best of India, the IITs to compare with comprehensive chinese university that aren't specialized in engineering. Yet 3 of our institutions are ranked ahead of your best in engineering department :omghaha:
And if you take into account university ranking, not department only, dozens of chinese university are ahead of indians'. That's how crap your institutions are. No wonder, they said indians don't like facts :laughcry:

Of course university caters to population, it is the people that are attend university. If you have 1 billion people, you simply need more universities than a country like Singapore. Are you going to argue Singapore has more universities than India?
The size of economy is just but one factor in determining the quality of institution. There are many crap institutions in the US, UK and especially Australia. Many chinese universities beat the crap out of most of the aussies's, yet Australia income per capita is so much higher than us, LOL. Small wonder you're now in Australia. :coffee:
Götterdämmerung;4761772 said:
But you can't compare a university that has 20 or more faculties with a college with just on or two faculties. It's like comparing an apple and a banana, which both are fruits and nothing else in common.

Besides that, a functional economy and society needs more than a few faculties that are doing well. It's easier to prop up a few faculties than to run a university successfully with dozens of faculties.

All India has are those few faculties for 1.2 billon people, while other countries have a dozens of university provinding a diverse education stretching from fine arts to astrophysics.

Which is why am not. Am comparing IITs to Engineering and Technology faculties of these universities.

Only three Chinese universities are ranked ahead of IIT Delhi (52), Mumbai(56), and Madras(66) in Engineering and Technology, thats not bad at all, far from "lousy".

Not disputing anything else here, India has a long way to go, both in quality and quantity.
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