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But China is still on road construction. And a bigger project. Does India want to stop it again?
one two three, we will stop just like we did last time, where are you located? and you means yourself and not Yu.
this is classic joke from Rush hour movie man :lol::lol::lol:
is this your warning :lol::lol: we heard enough. now its time to do something, i encourage you to build this mosque there, come on get out of your bedroom and go to Mount Kailash, and you will learn lot. I should not see you onlin on pdf for next two months.
ohh wait, every time i take these numbers i remember your cheerleader friend @Two , when i say not onling two month i actually meant number 2 and no this guy @Two :lol::lol::lol:

one two three, dont worry if you are not sleeping already then you can answer.
Don't worry, China has plenty of electricity, which is different from India. Go on, my baby, don't make me think you stopped responding because of the power failure.

one two three, we will stop just like we did last time, where are you located? and you means yourself and not Yu.
this is classic joke from Rush hour movie man :lol::lol::lol:
True, but it seems Indians are more like jokes... International jokes.
We will build when ever we like :lol: and we don't need to warn India anything since it's in our territory as how we did with water data sharing, we don't give a jack about India's concern.

ohh you will, and read this again .. ohh you will give a damn to our concerns. this is not old India anymore. Read global times of yesterday and it says lot about changed India, you pathetic troll im not here to laugh everything.

keep your hydrological data with you and shove it. we have a constellation of remote sensing satellites.

crying country with one child policy, super power my foot. so many idiots here on odf but local chini people are so nice just like any other Indian to chini person.
no religious slang in this post, you will get dinner from me :enjoy::enjoy:

we are not a superpower yet, we will become one soon if you attack us and we send you packing ( one child policy will not give you daring to attack anyone, right?)

oh, we send you packing...
Don't worry, China has plenty of electricity, which is different from India. Go on, my baby, don't make me think you stopped responding because of the power failure.

True, but it seems Indians are more like jokes... International jokes.
View attachment 422604

read this and go to sleep in your cave


and when you wake up tomorrow morning read global times and how it is talking good about India.

oh, we send you packing...

two months of non stop warning and one morning you people with one child policy run like cowards and then go home to show this? truly loser country man :tdown::tdown::tdown:
ohh you will, and read this again .. ohh you will give a damn to our concerns. this is not old India anymore. Read global times of yesterday and it says lot about changed India, you pathetic troll im not here to laugh everything.

keep your hydrological data with you and shove it. we have a constellation of remote sensing satellites.

crying country with one child policy, super power my foot. so many idiots here on odf but local chini people are so nice just like any other Indian to chini person.

We will care of your concern? :rofl: such irrelevant country that depend on China good will gesture to provide them water and let Hindus to worship their GOD on our soil but offer nothing in return. We might be generous with Old India because we were friends for over thousand years but not with New India.
We will care of your concern? :rofl: such irrelevant country that depend on China good will gesture to provide them water and let Hindus to worship their GOD on our soil but offer nothing in return. We might be generous with Old India because we were friends for over thousand years but not with New India.

back to religion. not good Kiss_of_your_mother_with_that_mouth, you can do better and also kiss you mother with that mouth,

no matter what you say how relevent we are or not, we dont care what you pathetic little troll says here on pdf. you are no one and a nonsense.

but it seems the global times message is actually reaching to low level trolls about new India and how we pushed you back and isolated internationally where your chicken also did not show up and backed you. :lol::lol::lol:

This one can be seen.
View attachment 422606

We really didn't stop the highway construction. Trust me, tell me - is India ready for arms inventory?

how many times is this idiot going to post the same GIF image? one soldier kicking another, nothing new in it. We pulled your pants internationally and everyone is laughing on you.
read some other newspaper than global times you one child policy product.
two months of non stop warning and one morning you people with one child policy run like cowards and then go home to show this? truly loser country man :tdown::tdown::tdown:
Oh, you should thank Chinese is only a warning. Do you think India will win when the war breaks out? :lol:


back to religion. not good Kiss_of_your_mother_with_that_mouth, you can do better and also kiss you mother with that mouth,

no matter what you say how relevent we are or not, we dont care what you pathetic little troll says here on pdf. you are no one and a nonsense.

but it seems the global times message is actually reaching to low level trolls about new India and how we pushed you back and isolated internationally where your chicken also did not show up and backed you. :lol::lol::lol:

how many times is this idiot going to post the same GIF image? one soldier kicking another, nothing new in it. We pulled your pants internationally and everyone is laughing on you.
read some other newspaper than global times you one child policy product.
Baby, but when I think of the power of India, I laughed.

You don't even know your soldiers? :lol:
Oh, you should thank Chinese is only a warning. Do you think India will win when the war breaks out? :lol:

on ground you couldn't achieve a thing
just behaving like kids of fake power
Oh, you should thank Chinese is only a warning. Do you think India will win when the war breaks out? :lol:


one @Two three, you must be given nobel award if there is a search for an idiot.

NO ONE STOPPED YOU TO ATTACK US FOR 70 DAYS. Why you one child policy idiots attacked us? we were waiting to make all the parents childless but you took all the fun away and ran back.
come onm dont show these photos here and fire some missiles on us. ok one two three?
yeah you know everything
your generals are updating you every second right.
Not too bad. It's different from the 2.5 line war"..
It seems that the generals in India do not know India's arms stocks.

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