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Dude @kurup is not a Christian guy and he was not talking against you!! :)

Who ever told you these kind of truth should be slapped when ever you get a chance, because most of the "truth" you are saying here has no "truth" in it :lol:

And as for patriotism, I or any one here do not have to prove our patriotism to any one here especially you.. You are trying to malign us with your bigotness and so far it is not working. So try harder..

I only have to expose your bigotry ...... you will be maligned by your own actions and words.

You on the other hand have to bad mouth me to malign me, make multiple posts to others talking bad about me, put words in my mouth to malign me..........that is the difference between us. :lol:
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LOL.....so you DID say 'someone with like me cannot EVEN enter the premises of US embassy" :lol: ........our course the implied meaning is that entering the USA is a far greater privilege than entering their premises. :toast_sign:

Are you trying to play dumb or born like this??
Dude @kurup is not a Christian guy and he was not talking against you!! :)

Who ever told you these kind of truth should be slapped when ever you get a chance, because most of the "truth" you are saying here has no "truth" in it :lol:

And as for patriotism, I or any one here do not have to prove our patriotism to any one here especially you.. You are trying to malign us with your bigotness and so far it is not working. So try harder..

Don't talk sense with him . Not going to help .

Allow him to live in his la-la land .
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Neither do I want to join whatever brigade you are part of .

And certainly don't need a certificate from you for my patriotism , least from a internet warrior who does not even have a clue what he is talking about .... :wave:

:lol: .......can you read ? ..........I said I fight my battle alone. There is no 'brigade' here .......nor is anybody inviting you to join them.

How desperate can you be to sound 'secular' .......... stooping to strawman arguments ?

I have no intentions of issuing certificates to anyone ....... that is left to the 'secular' brigade. They are the one issuing certificates. :angel:

People who 'invoke' we are fighting for the country.....or 'we are patiorts' too are the one you should be looking at. I have made neither claims :disagree:
I only have to expose your bigotry ...... you will be maligned by your own actions and words.

You on the other hand have to bad mouth me to malign me, make multiple posts to others talking bad about me, put words in my mouth to malign me..........that is the difference between us. :lol:

Oh please do.. Please expose my bigotry rather than claiming that I am playing victim card.. I am putting words in your mouth??

Big words from someone who spells India with a small 'i'. You do not fight for India .....you fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else you would be the first to jump ships.

I have more respect for India haters in this forum who are honest about their feelings than bigots who hide behind the burqa of secularism and stab Indians in the back.

This is the quote you said to another Indian.. With these kind of posts, I do not need to malign you.. You are doing a good job by yourself..
Are you trying to play dumb or born like this??

.............. Looks like critical thinking and Logical reasoning is beyond you.

No wonder you sound dumb whenever you make a post .....expect more thrashings from me. :smokin:
Don't talk sense with him . Not going to help .

Allow him to live in his la-la land .

Are you the one who proposed peace between us :omghaha:

.............. Looks like critical thinking and Logical reasoning is beyond you.

No wonder you sound dumb whenever you make a post .....expect more thrashings from me. :smokin:

Okay, if you think what you have done is critical thinking and logical reasoning, then I will be much better with out it!!

As I said, you are most welcome to show my bigotry in me and expose me.. I think that is rather interesting than your usual rant about playing victim card and we are opportunists.. Please post some thing worth..
Oh please do.. Please expose my bigotry rather than claiming that I am playing victim card.. I am putting words in your mouth??

This is the quote you said to another Indian.. With these kind of posts, I do not need to malign you.. You are doing a good job by yourself..

:lol: I am exposing an 'Indian' who is calling other 'Indians' blind. I am exposing him for the bigot he is ....and his bigot supporters. Guess who that is ?

An Indian means 'One' Indian......

Only one used to 'playing the victim' and with bigotry in his mind will twist the words to mean 'An Indian' means 'Whole of Indian christians' or even 'whole of kerala christians'

Unless you or that other bigot are official spokesperson for the christian community in India :lol:
:lol: I am exposing an 'Indian' who is calling other 'Indians' blind. I am exposing him for the bigot he is ....and his bigot supporters. Guess who that is ?
An Indian means 'One' Indian......
Only one used to 'playing the victim' and with bigotry in his mind will twist the words to mean 'An Indian' means 'Whole of Indian christians' or even 'whole of kerala christians'
Unless you or that other bigot are official spokesperson for the christian community in India :lol:

I am having migraine talking to you!! That post shows your contempt for other religions. I am showing the mirror to you and you are taking it to another level which is suitable to satisfy your purposes.. As I said, please proove that I am bigot rather than making wild claims.. There are plenty of posts of you directly and indirectly accusing Christians here..
Okay, if you think what you have done is critical thinking and logical reasoning, then I will be much better with out it!!

As I said, you are most welcome to show my bigotry in me and expose me.. I think that is rather interesting than your usual rant about playing victim card and we are opportunists.. Please post some thing worth..

I do plan to expose bigots .....whether you welcome me or not.

I have provided ample evidence of your bigotry, your consistent need to play the victim, your use of strawman arguments to support your absurd claims, your tactical supports for other christian bigots in this forum.

Those who wants to see the truth will see it. Those who are afraid the face the truth as it upsets their 'secular' view of things will continue to hide behind the burqa of secularism.
I am having migraine talking to you!! That post shows your contempt for other religions. I am showing the mirror to you and you are taking it to another level which is suitable to satisfy your purposes.. As I said, please proove that I am bigot rather than making wild claims.. There are plenty of posts of you directly and indirectly accusing Christians here..

Headache is usual for people not used to making rational and logical debates. The need to exercise simple logic can be taxing for some .....so better to pick fights you can win.

:lol: Back to making strawman arguments and putting words in others mouths ........same old ...same old.

As to your claims ...... show ONE post of mind directly accusing the Christian community in India. :azn: ...........I will be waiting.
:lol: .......can you read ? ..........I said I fight my battle alone. There is no 'brigade' here .......nor is anybody inviting you to join them.

How desperate can you be to sound 'secular' .......... stooping to strawman arguments ?

I never claimed to be secular . I am a proud Hindu .

But unlike you , I don't have to show my hindu-ness by attacking others .

I have no intentions of issuing certificates to anyone ....... that is left to the 'secular' brigade. They are the one issuing certificates. :angel:

People who 'invoke' we are fighting for the country.....or 'we are patiorts' too are the one you should be looking at. I have made neither claims :disagree:

It is good that you are not issuing certificates because you are none to judge .
I do plan to expose bigots .....whether you welcome me or not.

I have provided ample evidence of your bigotry, your consistent need to play the victim, your use of strawman arguments to support your absurd claims, your tactical supports for other christian bigots in this forum.

Those who wants to see the truth will see it. Those who are afraid the face the truth as it upsets their 'secular' view of things will continue to hide behind the burqa of secularism.

Where did you expose by bigotry?? My tactical support to other Christian bigots? Who are they? You were blaming us christians for each and every thing and when people oppose it they become bigots.. According to you Hindu members who oppose it were trying to prove secular credentials..What strawmen argument are you talking about and what truth did you revealed till now rather than accusing others of playing victim card or trying to prove secular credentials? You just wanted every one to agree to what ever nonsense you are saying and it is not going to happen.. You can cry out loud about us playing victim card as much as you want but you nonsense will be countered and will be responded.. Now go and cry about me playing victim card again..
Isnt it same with every human gods with India?? They will get lot of money from unconfirmed sources.. Why bashing only Christians only then? See the below thread!!


Huh!! When out of words, resort to the old attack of playing victim card!! You will start some nonsense and will get countered by members here and you will have no other words to say.. So you can easily blame it on us playing victim card!! COme back with come other credible stories mate..

The difference being Hindu's don't use that money to convert christian. That money is used to make the lives of others better.

Christian evangelist us that foreign funds to directly fund conversion activities.

Very disingenuous of you to equate the two. BUT .....along expected lines. No surprise in you attempts to play equal equal.

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