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Headache is usual for people not used to making rational and logical debates. The need to exercise simple logic can be taxing for some .....so better to pick fights you can win.

Dude, the bolded part is the things which lack in the posts of yours...

:lol: Back to making strawman arguments and putting words in others mouths ........same old ...same old.

Seems like you are again out of words

As to your claims ...... show ONE post of mind directly accusing the Christian community in India. :azn: ...........I will be waiting.

With pleasure :D

You do not fight for India .....you fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else you would be the first to jump ships.

You accusing whole Indian Americans, Neo Converts and Indian who born abroad..

and that is also the reason we should NOT trust Indian Americans, neo converts or ABCD's.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...early-two-thirds-u-s-h-1bs.html#ixzz2dEpr75CG
Now dont say I am making strawmen arguments :laughcry:
I never claimed to be secular . I am a proud Hindu .

But unlike you , I don't have to show my hindu-ness by attacking others .

Only someone with a twisted mind will think I need to show my Hinduness by attacking others.

I don't even care if you consider or do not consider me a malayalee .....what makes you think I am bothered if you do not consider me a Hindu either. :lol:

It is good that you are not issuing certificates because you are none to judge .

You do realize that your are passing 'judgement' by making that comment :lol: .......sometimes I wonder about the IQ of Indians posting in pdf. :angel:
The difference being Hindu's don't use that money to convert christian. That money is used to make the lives of others better.

Ohh Please!!! Dont tell me, you believe that!!

Christian evangelist us that foreign funds to directly fund conversion activities.

Agree to an extend but there are lot of money from that fund used for personal purposes also!!

Very disingenuous of you to equate the two. BUT .....along expected lines. No surprise in you attempts to play equal equal.

No, my point is, every religion has this kind of idiots, and if you are trying tell the truth as you claimed to be, then you should tell it irrespective of the religion they belong..

My bad . I proposed peace and he attacks me .

No wonder , we live in a weird world ..... :disagree:

May be he didnt get the quote you posted... :D

You accusing whole Indian Americans, Neo Converts and Indian who born abroad..

Now dont say I am making strawmen arguments :laughcry:

:lol: ............so my statement "You do not fight for India .....you fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else you would be the first to jump ships."

is translated as

"Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts do not fight for India .....Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts would be the first to jump ships."

I think more than 'logical reasoning and critical thinking' you need classes in English grammar.......... but then again I do not think ignorance of English grammar is the real problem. The real problem seems to be the compulsion to play the victim :devil:

I was not aware that YOU represented such a large community :rofl:

As to Indian who born abroad, I expect them to have loyalty to their country first and THEN to India. Unless of course you think otherwise. :azn:
Only someone with a twisted mind will think I need to show my Hinduness by attacking others.

I don't even care if you consider or do not consider me a malayalee .....what makes you think I am bothered if you do not consider me a Hindu either. :lol:

You are not bothered and I don't give a $hit . So leave it at is .

You do realize that your are passing 'judgement' by making that comment :lol: .......sometimes I wonder about the IQ of Indians posting in pdf. :angel:

Ya , the IQ of Indians in pdf got a dip after you joined the forum ..... :D
:lol: ............so my statement "You do not fight for India .....you fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else you would be the first to jump ships."

is translated as

"Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts do not fight for India .....Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts fight to protect your narrow self interest and special privileges. If those self interests are severed better anywhere else Indian Christians, Indian Americans, Neo Converts would be the first to jump ships."

I think more than 'logical reasoning and critical thinking' you need classes in English grammar.......... but then again I do not think ignorance of English grammar is the real problem. The real problem seems to be the compulsion to play the victim :devil:

I was not aware that YOU represented such a large community :rofl:

As to Indian who born abroad, I expect them to have loyalty to their country first and THEN to India. Unless of course you think otherwise. :azn:

Now my dear, this is the true example of Strawmen argument!! :taz:

I guess we can meet in some other turf in which you will spank me all around and expose my bigotry.. :yay:
Ohh Please!!! Dont tell me, you believe that!!

Agree to an extend but there are lot of money from that fund used for personal purposes also!!

No, my point is, every religion has this kind of idiots, and if you are trying tell the truth as you claimed to be, then you should tell it irrespective of the religion they belong..

May be he didnt get the quote you posted... :D

So you agree that Hindu's DO NOT USE the money to convert Christians but Christians DO USE foreign funds to convert Hindus. :devil:

Which was exactly my point,......yet you persist in playing equal equal. Reminds me of pakistani's desperate attempt to play equal equal with India.

Now my dear, this is the true example of Strawmen argument!! :taz:

I guess we can meet in some other turf in which you will spank me all around and expose my bigotry.. :yay:

:lol: How is this straw man ? Stawman is something that does not exist .......its a made up quote. I explain the quote YOU posted :lol: ...how stupid are you ? :disagree:
So you agree that Hindu's DO NOT USE the money to convert Christians but Christians DO USE foreign funds to convert Hindus. :devil:

Now thats were you get wrong, you are accusing whole Chrtianity for the action of some.. Do you see me or any other person here accusing all Hindus for the actions done by VHP or RSS or Bajrangdal?? Traditional Christians do not venture much into conversion.. We are happy with our own population.. You should know that many of the Christianity here in India have head quarters here in India itself. Neo Avenglist groups have no relation with us.. Their way of conversion is a threat to us also.. There are lot of people who converted to them from traditional churches also.. For them our way of praying is wrong and for us their way of praying is wrong.. Anyway, we do not mind each other's business much..You claim that those human gods are giving money for the welfare of the people.. If you really think like that, then the conversion wont happen in the first place.. Most of the tribals convert not because of believes but because of hunger and poverty..

Which was exactly my point,......yet you persist in playing equal equal. Reminds me of pakistani's desperate attempt to play equal equal with India.

Playing it equal means, you have to distinguish between bad and good irrespective of the religion. You claim that you fight with the truth, but conveniently, you try to defend all those wrong doings when it comes to your religion.. Why are you afraid of it.. You accuse all Indian Americans, people from other religions etc etc but you tend to forget that they too have contributed for this nation in some way or other..
Anyway, you deserve it you seculllarrrr, Christian agent who hide in the burqa of Hinduism :pissed:

How dare you accuse me of a secular and christian ??? I am a Hindu Nationalist ....... :D

Ya we can all see that :angel:

Now thats were you get wrong, you are accusing whole Chrtianity for the action of some.. Do you see me or any other person here accusing all Hindus for the actions done by VHP or RSS or Bajrangdal?? Traditional Christians do not venture much into conversion.. We are happy with our own population.. You should know that many of the Christianity here in India have head quarters here in India itself. Neo Avenglist groups have no relation with us.. Their way of conversion is a threat to us also.. There are lot of people who converted to them from traditional churches also.. For them our way of praying is wrong and for us their way of praying is wrong.. Anyway, we do not mind each other's business much..You claim that those human gods are giving money for the welfare of the people.. If you really think like that, then the conversion wont happen in the first place.. Most of the tribals convert not because of believes but because of hunger and poverty..

There you go again creating strawmen and putting words in people's mouth...............some things never change. It is getting boring to repeatedly point out your mentality. One would think that by now you would have realized the logical fallacy but clearly I expect too much.

If people who do conversion are christians what is wrong in pointing that out ? .......I do not see any mainstream christian group protesting against it. The only people protesting against this seems to be Hindus. :azn: .......it is not hard to sense a tacit approval. Even in cases when your fellow christian called hindus blind in pdf, you instead of protesting against his statement, choose to tell the non christian how that is not 'the real message of christ' :lol:

Your absurd defense of conversion is that people convert due to hunger and poverty. You are dead wrong, people convert when their hunger and poverty are taken advantage of and used to manipulate them and brainwash them. They convert when they are taught to hate their earlier religion and despise the people who practice them.

Playing it equal means, you have to distinguish between bad and good irrespective of the religion. You claim that you fight with the truth, but conveniently, you try to defend all those wrong doings when it comes to your religion.. Why are you afraid of it.. You accuse all Indian Americans, people from other religions etc etc but you tend to forget that they too have contributed for this nation in some way or other..

This discussion is not about 'good and bad' of any religion but about the 'bad practices' practiced by people of one particular religion and the tacit support by the 'silent minority' and 'secular majority'.

Again the classic strawman argument and putting words in others mouth....I am ignoring this pattern, you can fight this strawman and claim further victory.

This discussing is also not about which community have contribute to what in this nation. If you want to discuss that better start a new thread. In any case providing blanket immunity to any community after considering their 'contribution to the nation' is best left to 'secularist'.
There you go again creating strawmen and putting words in people's mouth...............some things never change. It is getting boring to repeatedly point out your mentality. One would think that by now you would have realized the logical fallacy but clearly I expect too much.
What strawman argument are you talking about?? Here is one the pearl from you

A Hindu can never put his religion before his nation. For him its the same thing (at least for Indian hindus). :lol:
However a Muslim and a christian can. Therein lies the difference.

Now do not say that you were talking about a particular person.. You were talking about Muslims and Christians as a whole..

If people who do conversion are christians what is wrong in pointing that out ? .......I do not see any mainstream christian group protesting against it. The only people protesting against this seems to be Hindus. :azn: .......it is not hard to sense a tacit approval. Even in cases when your fellow christian called hindus blind in pdf, you instead of protesting against his statement, choose to tell the non christian how that is not 'the real message of christ' :lol:

As I said, people are converting from our churches too.. But what is the use of protesting? You tell me honestly? Its their personal choice.. If they find better life or comfort in that community so be it.. And please tell me where you find him calling all Hindus as blind.. You are just blinded with the hatred against other religions..

Your absurd defense of conversion is that people convert due to hunger and poverty. You are dead wrong, people convert when their hunger and poverty are taken advantage of and used to manipulate them and brainwash them. They convert when they are taught to hate their earlier religion and despise the people who practice them.

What made you think that I am defending them?? Just ignore my religion for once and read that post again.. I said most of the conversions are happened because people are hungry and wanted food.. If those people are well off in the first place, there wont be any conversions at this extend..There is no brainwash or manipulation.. Its just pure food..

This discussion is not about 'good and bad' of any religion but about the 'bad practices' practiced by people of one particular religion and the tacit support by the 'silent minority' and 'secular majority'.

Thats what I am saying too.. Talk about all the bad practices irrespective of the religion.. Why it has to be pointed on one religion only.. Talk about it with facts and sense.. Not the bickering like Christians are this, muslims are that!!
Again the classic strawman argument and putting words in others mouth....I am ignoring this pattern, you can fight this strawman and claim further victory.

This discussing is also not about which community have contribute to what in this nation. If you want to discuss that better start a new thread. In any case providing blanket immunity to any community after considering their 'contribution to the nation' is best left to 'secularist'

Dude where do you find me starting a dick measuring contest here.. You just plainly stated that we cannot trust neo converts, ABCDs and Indian American.. I said, they too have contributed to the Indian society one way or other.. Its not a dick measuring contest, just an advice not to put every one in same category..

And please, if you have only arguments like "classic strawmen argument" and " playing victim card" then dont bother to reply.. Its getting boring with your repetitiveness.
Somebody should remind the Hindu internet warrior here that his scripture dictates that "Austerity of speech consists in speaking words that are truthful, pleasing, beneficial and not agitating to others"

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