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Concerned about China's rise, Southeast Asian nations build up militaries

Yes there is. Canada and the U.S are too much alike to disagree on anything that would lead to war.

Listen buddy take yourself over to the Army.ca forums, there's a pretty lengthy thread on what a Canadian Identity means and you'll find that one of the ways we define ourselves is an identity of unAmericaniness. So don't presume to tell us our business.
I could be wrong about Australia

You are wrong.

but you're the wrong advocate for Australian tolerance

No i am not. I live in Australia and i am well aware of what goes on.

The thread you linked to clearly shows you misunderstand my whole point and took it out of context and went on some delusional rant about me being some how racist.

It was amazing.

PS what do you get when you when put loads of criminals on an island for 200 years?

A crappy joke that doesn't make sense? :rofl:
Listen buddy take yourself over to the Army.ca forums, there's a pretty lengthy thread on what a Canadian Identity means and you'll find that one of the ways we define ourselves is an identity of unAmericaniness. So don't presume to tell us our business.

I am not? Some people on this forum are amazing. They get what you say, take it out of context and then act like you are being hostile towards them.

Calm down.
Listen buddy take yourself over to the Army.ca forums, there's a pretty lengthy thread on what a Canadian Identity means and you'll find that one of the ways we define ourselves is an identity of unAmericaniness. So don't presume to tell us our business.

You really should see "Canadian Bacon"

"U.S. President: I want to say to Prime Minister MacDonald: Surrender her pronto, or we'll level Toronto. ":rofl::rofl::rofl:
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You really should see "Canadian Bacon"

What Canadian hasn't?

I am not? Some people on this forum are amazing. They get what you say, take it out of context and then act like you are being hostile towards them.

Calm down.

No one asked you to butt in, but if you do, you can't be surprised if we call you an idiot.
It's a fake comedy movie.

There you go again, telling us our business.

We know it's a fake movie but we still like it. It was funny when my 7th grade teachers showed it in class and it's funny now.
There you go again, telling us our business.

We know it's a fake movie but we still like it. It was funny when my 7th grade teachers showed it in class and it's funny now.

It is still fun to watch it even though it is 15 years old movie.

RCMP Officer at Headquarters: Welcome to Canada.
Boomer: Hold it right there, Canuck!
RCMP Officer at Headquarters: Who are you?
Boomer: I'm your worst nightmare. I'm a citizen with a constitutional right to bear arms!

U.S. President: You sold control of American missiles to a foreign country?
R.J. Hacker, President of Hacker Dynamics: If you can call Canada foreign.
Smiley: Or a country.

Boomer: The capital Toronto.
RCMP Officer at Headquarters: No, the capital of Canada is Ottawa.
Boomer: Yeah, right. Do we look that stupid? Ottawa!
Roy Boy: Nice try, Dudley.

Redneck Protester #2: It's time we put the "America" back in North America! GOD BLESS BUD BOOMER!

What Canadian hasn't?

No one asked you to butt in, but if you do, you can't be surprised if we call you an idiot.

Me butt in? If you actually look at the other pages, i replied to the original poster and then someone asked me something and some other people replied to my post and then you joined in on what we were talking about, with some absurd, false statements about my country.

Anyway, this is an open discussion. Anyone can reply.

Lol moron.
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Ain't it a bleeding shame that HuaRen has reason to fear each other and that they have to seek safety in the arms of people like the US. But ultimately it is very understandable.

Lol put some Chinese from different provinces in the same house and you might sometimes end up with brawl.

Reason why Singapore prefers to have US in the region more complicated then I thought, anyway here is a short article which sheds more light.


It is in Singapore and its people's interest and I keep getting the feeling that Singapore is run like a business with CEO Lee and it's very much his baby.

Without a doubt mate, the salaries of the senior ministers are decided after taking into account the average pay of CEO's in major companies (this prevent corruption apparently :)). But in all fairness so long as the lights stays on and food comes on the table most citizens are content. And the PAP has done a good job considering the odds so I believe people will continue to vote them in power I would too actually :D
Lol put some Chinese from different provinces in the same house and you might sometimes end up with brawl.

Strangely enough I'd disagree. With the myriad of different Han cultures in different provinces, there's relatively little animosity of one region for another(can you think of any famous provincial rivalries?). I think blood ties have something to do with this and there's a unity in China that is hard to find in other societies.

Reason why Singapore prefers to have US in the region more complicated then I thought, anyway here is a short article which sheds more light.


Yes these are changes may suggest some larger ambition for Singapore in SE asia, but I don't think we can be sure.


Without a doubt mate, the salaries of the senior ministers are decided after taking into account the average pay of CEO's in major companies (this prevent corruption apparently :)). But in all fairness so long as the lights stays on and food comes on the table most citizens are content. And the PAP has done a good job considering the odds so I believe people will continue to vote them in power I would too actually :D

Expensive good governance wins over cheap mismanagement any day. What is a few hundred thousand in the face of the potential good and potential bad these leaders are capable of doing.

(I also think it's so cool that Lee Kwan Yew can just make up government positions for himself. Mentor Minister? He is just taking the piss isn't he? lol he's like gee, what kind of position can I make up that will let me keep my fingers in everything.... I know Mentor Minister....)
Won't stop some aussies being racists. Money won't buy good will from Australia, despite some far-sighted politicians who want to draw Asia inclusive of Australia, the general populace are still more or less unwilling to give up their European identity and become multi-cultural (it's their choice to make of course).

Let's just say I am glad I am Canadian and not Australian


Btw mike, what is Emperor Lee's stance on the US. I hear that he is as much afraid of Chinese dominance as the other SE asian countries.

You are just too naive if you believe the Canadian regards Asian people differently from the Aussies'.

If Canada is geographically an Asia-Pacific country, then the level of xenophobia against Asian people won't be that much differently from the Aussies. Most western countries are racially conservative!
You are just too naive if you believe the Canadian regards Asian people differently from the Aussies'.

If Canada is geographically an Asia-Pacific country, then the level of xenophobia against Asian people won't be that much differently from the Aussies. Most western countries are racially conservative!

You make yourself an outcast not the other way around.
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